Fleet Carriers aren't for everyone. And I think that's OK

Deleted member 110222

Why are fleet carriers not meant for me? I paid for the base game. I paid for Horizons. Why should I therefore not get something I have already paid for them to develop?
That is not how progression works in online multiplayer games.

This is a link to the details of an achievement in Elder Scrolls Online.

It is not joking when it says "Very few guilds". I do see the mount reward often... But I log in everyday and it's always the same 10-14 players on the mount. I take screenshots just to keep track, as I am very active in that game's social community.

By your logic, I should be allowed the mount because I "paid for the game", as you put it.

But I don't. I have to earn it. And it is hard. It is a sub-1% reward.

99% of players will never complete this achievement.

This is actually very common in online open-world games.

Remember, you do not own any content in this game. You have a license to use the software, according to the rules outlined by Frontier. A quick read of the ToS will show you this. These terms include what Frontier says you must do to earn rewards. Just like every other online game in existence.

This is why buffs happen without player approval. This is why nerfs are allowed to happen without player approval. This is why the exploration system was completely replaced without the approval of a fair few players.

We as players don't actually have any right to a say whatsoever.
The Fleet Carriers are for everyone. Everyone has the ability to make 5 billion credits in the game. It will only take time (and I, playing since Alpha, don't have 5 billion either), but that's the only factor.

:D S
The only new substantial content drop in a year is for 3% of the players. That's kind of weird.

That's really the sucky thing about all of this. The first major content in two years is for a very small subset of the players.

Seems like an odd development direction to me. I wish they had designed a variety of FC sizes to allow much more of the playerbase to own them, even if they only owned the smallest FC available.

Oh well. Hopefully the New Era has more content for the majority to enjoy.
Why are fleet carriers not meant for me? I paid for the base game. I paid for Horizons. Why should I therefore not get something I have already paid for them to develop?
You say this as if someone's position in the table of earnings is fixed. I'll let you into a secret; it is possible to earn more credits than you have today.

3% is the new 2.8%.
The FC update is likely to arrive in 90 days or less - if we assume 80 to be 'about right' then starting from zero credits we have a target of 85 million credits each day to be earned (I'd suggest 120 mill for add-ons) - which according to the mining moguls would be less than an hour a day mining LTD's at Borann, about an hour of wing massacre missions, or an hour doing the Robigo run each day... Ot a couple of hours with stacked missions from allied factions...

Just saying - as I have no intention to do any of this, but I don't mind waiting rather than buying a FC on launch day.
And thusly it should have remained a Squad mechanism. Anyone who wanted the ACTUAL FC functionality rather than the randomly imagined/demanded functionality would have been fine, it would all been perfectly reasonable. But no, they have pandered to the uninformed, the entitled, the unimaginative and the downright selfish and now nobody will be happy with the compromise.

Costs a lot. Outrage
Maintenance. Outrage
Can't pilot it. Outrage.
Takes effort to move. Outrage
No shipyard. Outrage
Can't ram it into a slot. Outrage
Can't be destroyed. Outrage
Can't destroy my enemy. Outrage
Can't be engineered. Outrage
Can't wake me in the morning with a croissant. Outrage
Doesn't do everything I imagined in the last 2 years. Outrage

Deleted member 110222

It has never been advertised as an achievement.

So null point there i am afraid.

You stated it is not meant for me. Why?

Because i dont want to mine for hours on end?

Because i dont want to play goldrush credit bonanza?

Because i am a fool?

As i say, i am invested in this game, so why do i not deserve a fleet carrier as you suggest in you original post?
I play ESO 12 hours a day at the moment.

Everyday ever since I stopped going outside due to a certain IRL crisis.

I haven't left my home for almost five weeks now.

This does not make me "deserving" of the top rewards.

In online gaming, money does not = Get everything on demand. Especially the "best" rewards.

Clue is in the name. They are a reward.

Yes, yes. I know. "Frontier didn't explicitly describe them as a reward."

But they certainly meet the criteria of rewards in online games. A powerful tool that requires a huge amount of work to get, and more to use.

Let me put it like this. Best DPS set in ESO. Oh it's good. But it's not a simple case of wearing the armour. You have to work to actually get it to work. And there, it's not just grinding. It's real skill. If you don't have the skill, you can easily end up doing worse with the top rewards.

Elite Dangerous needs an endgame. Right now there is not one.

I have only just got started in endgame in ESO. And it is hard.

Like, really hard. And this is pure PvE stuff I'm talking about.

But it is also what keeps my passion for the game alive.

Elite Dangerous needs this content. It is not for casuals. It is not for weekend players. It is for the hardcore community.

Like it or not, the hardcore community is a very important part of keeping a game alive. Especially online games. These are the players that get the Twitch views, the YouTube sub' counts, and the big Discord communities.

And yes, these are important to have in online games. No. Not everyone will "make it". But that does not mean you can't play. Far from it.

There is a reason I signed the Open Letter by community leaders. Because they are leaders.

My time away from Elite and in the world of more traditional fantasy-setting MMOs has taught me this very well. If we break it down to the fact that we are talking about simple games, both ESO and Elite need the same things.

The difference is, ESO actually has what it needs for endgame gaming.

Deleted member 110222

For the same reason you don't get a full suit of ebony armor and a collection of daedric weapons when you start a brand new Skyrim playthrough, even though "you paid for the base game".
Such is my heavy reference to ESO tonight, a game even more applicable due to the fact it is also an online game.
Why are fleet carriers not meant for me? I paid for the base game. I paid for Horizons. Why should I therefore not get something I have already paid for them to develop?
Becuz you did not git gud in earning creds.

Git gud cmdr.!
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