Fleet Carriers - Patch 3 - Known Issues

Limited Purchasing on Fleet Carriers
Fleet Carrier purchase orders are now limited to a maximum order of 2bn Credits. This was omitted from the patch notes and we apologise for any confusion this has caused.

So does this mean you have reduced down the price of the carriers to 2bn instead of 5bn when most have paid for 5bn for a carrier? If this is right do you not think this is a little unfair to those that have paid full price for one.
Well thanks for saying all of this keeping us informed and making clear some point about your plan for the game. Dear CM/ FD , i'm really glad you did communicate on this one.

Hope bug are fixed soon and value of mining return to what you expect. (Hope you noticed some bug with combat, some object dissapear when to far, some can explain this better tan me).

Have a great day , and thanks for this , again.

o7 , Virv.

One of the most noted points of feedback we've seen so far is that the rarity of Tritium has been negatively impacted. We'd like to make it clear that any negative impact on locating and mining Tritium is unintentional and the intention is for Tritium to remain as accessible as it was prior to Patch 3.

"the rarity of Tritium has been negatively impacted"? Are you kidding me? Negatively impacted would be a slight reduction, let's say from 30% to 20%.
I find almost no, null, nada, nichts, rien Tritium in a Tritium hotspot. A Tritium hotspot!

Please stop insulting your players.
Greetings Commanders,

... We're currently looking at data from the live game to determine the actual impact that it is having and will review this based on our projections. If the data does not meet our expectations we will be making changes accordingly.

o7 Commanders.

Just re-read this and it piqued my spidey-senses (of which I have none, so feel free to salt it appropriately). Does this mean that your expectatios could have been "Yep, this is what we wanted and it is, therefore, working as intended".

I have to ask that, if this is indeed the case, what is the logic behind that thought? I must admit, I can't find any reason for it except for a nerf just to stop players accumulating credits so readily. Whether that's a good thing or a bad one, I'm open to suggestions.
"We're currently looking at data from the live game to determine the actual impact that it is having and will review this based on our projections. "

Let me tell you my projections (last nights run):

Type-9 single LTDs hotspot laser mining: 320 limpets shot, 2 rocks found with LTDs
Type-9 tripple LTDs hotspot laser mining: 320 limpets shot, 0 rocks found with LTDs
Asp Explorer tripple hotspot LTDs laser mining: 32 limpets shot, 0 rocks found with LTDs

I will test case a different commodity tomorrow.
Limited Purchasing on Fleet Carriers
Fleet Carrier purchase orders are now limited to a maximum order of 2bn Credits. This was omitted from the patch notes and we apologise for any confusion this has caused.

So does this mean you have reduced down the price of the carriers to 2bn instead of 5bn when most have paid for 5bn for a carrier? If this is right do you not think this is a little unfair to those that have paid full price for one.

No, not the purchase of a carrier itself.

Purchase orders of goods from the Goods screen. Like can't have more than 2bn in a purchase order for LTDs.
The lower left panel in the front UI has NEVER shown surface or subsurface contents. It shows laserable contents and the presence, or otherwise, of a core. You've always had to check your contacts panel to reveal what (S)SDs are present.

Thanks for that, I only mine to know how it works and I did not know that part. Does seem like wrong though.

Whilst I am here I just want to say about the places selling tritium at low prices...if you want them to produce = amount or more each time, increase the profit the destination(FC) gives for the purchase from the cargo hauler.
Try not to sell to fc at a loss, this damages the local market and reduces the output of stations. this is form 1 of negative trade is and always has been a major component of trade.
After you sell to fc it does not matter to the local economy what you do with the price.

Here's an update to the Abrasion blaster bug and a prove that it not also happens with LTD cores but also with Alexandrite. Right now I also see it with Grandidierite, so from here it looks like a pretty global issue that affects all SDs of core material.

I had it with a void opal asteroid.
The Abrasion blaster does work for me on surface deposits.
No I'm really worried about Odyssey if this, as a patch, is anything to go by. I'm at least getting my exploration fun out of it, but nothing else. I'm starting to think of telling my friends to drop this game as I will if this kind of thing keeps up.
Why to drop if already paid? >: Just don't buy new things.
No I'm really worried about Odyssey if this, as a patch, is anything to go by. I'm at least getting my exploration fun out of it, but nothing else. I'm starting to think of telling my friends to drop this game as I will if this kind of thing keeps up.

I wouldn’t pay much mind to it, some of the previous patches have gone horribly wrong. I mean they’ve all gone wrong, as this one did but this one was not horribly wrong. Just wrong. It’s part of the charm of the game.
Have to admit this leaves me wondering how you can introduce a patch "intended to bring down the effects of multiple overlapping hotspots" and say " any negative impact on locating and mining Tritium is unintentional and the intention is for Tritium to remain as accessible as it was prior to Patch 3" at the same time.

Seems a bit obvious to me that lowering the impact of overlapping Tritium hotspots would at least give some reduction if the patch had worked as expected, as even if Tritium is not considered one of the " rarer commodities" that nerf qualified that while it was especially them, it was all hotspots.

As soon as we get statements like that that contradict themselves it does leave me wondering if they know how the game the works or whether this is just PR.

But at least we would have the economic price impact of a rare commodity supply dropping to less than 10% of what it was right? Rather than the price dropping by half at the same time;)
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