Patch Notes Fleet Carriers Update Patch 2 - Downtime and Patch Notes

Yes, the game is full of bugs and new ones are created when attempts are made to fix others, but we all still play it - some of us take breaks but we always return.
I just think the COBRA engine currently used for this version of ELITE: Dangerous is incapable of producing a bug free game, particularly with what its been asked to do; it 5 years old and is being pushed to its limits. Its basically an unfix-able leaking pipe; you fix one leak, and another leak appears.

I'm just happy my FC paint work is back ;)
I'm always happy for bug fixes, and I understand the nerfs. But can we get a review and possibly a buff for the other ways to make money? I like doing combat but that's definitely not the way I got my carrier. I don't even know if I could get an FC doing combat alone in a year.

Totally agree. The one thing I want to do in this game is combat. The pay outs should be at least 10x higher. Such an easy thing to fix in the code...yet I doubt they ever will as they never have.
For the most part, only about that

For the most part, mostly about cmdrs...but to make you feel better here is a positive post.....Wooot!!! They fixed the exploit!!! Go Fdev!!! I love this game!!....
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For the most part, only about that

For the most part, mostly about cmdrs...but to make you feel better here is a positive post.....Wooot!!! They fixed the exploit!!! Go Fdev!!! I love this game!!....

Umm, yea.. The exploit isn't fixed.. The EGG is still alive and well
When exactly FDEV are you going to address the truly aweful % of Low Temperature Diamonds in the Galaxy wide arena when you wielded the nerf bat too darn far the way where it's very hard to find LTD in LTD Hot Spots in Icy Rings out in the black. I am 14,000 LY away from the bubble and in a LTD HS and finding NOTHING. Just because you wielded the nerf bat too far one way. You ruined mining that what you have done.

Update: Bromellite, Grandidierite, Void Opals and such don't belong on LTD HS. I hate it when I find a rock and it contains this garbage.
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I take it you used this exploit then?

Frontier have reset players before for using exploits on several occasions. Its only fair that it also happens this time and Im hoping that Frontier did or will in this regard.
But If Frontier are happy to just give a pass to cheating then good luck to them. What a solid product this will become.

Hear! Hear! My Klingon buddy!

I completely agree, fairness must be maintained and while I get some money making tricks are "debatable" this one is just flat out exploitation with no other way of seeing it.

Personally I use a vette for active anti-piracy, and an afk T10 build, and turn in massacre missions with my friends to stack credits. But that requires trial and error with builds/engineering, and I do die from time to time while my commander snoozes. The way I see it, I'm a security officer protecting the nav beacon in a pirate plagued system! Fdev could easily nerf it if they felt it was unfair, but considering it takes time, thought, work building, and teamwork with squad mates to really make it "worth", I dont see it as an exploit. But if Fdev declared it one I would stop asap, and willingly surrender the funds I've gained through it for the sake of fairness. So not claiming that I dont try and make the most out of whats available, but... using log out, or switching to fighter and back to "refresh" your instance is very very very very very clearly using a "loop hole" in the system, not using the system to do something crafty.
Greetings Commanders,

Today's patch brings a number of changes, primarily focusing on stability and Fleet Carrier fixes. These are due to go live at 10:00 UTC with 15 minutes of downtime expected.

Fleet Carriers
  • Setting a price for a commodity in the market management screen is now much faster.
  • Players can now use "-" when entering ship IDs.
  • Fixed an issue that placed Fleet Carriers in the barycentre when jumping to a binary system, even if space was present around the primary star.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause Fleet Carrier landing pads to be displaced.
  • Removed superpower faction logos from Fleet Carriers.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented SRVs from being restocked at Fleet Carriers.
  • Fixed the timing so that when transferring a ship to a carrier the "Incoming Message" audio now plays at the same time as the message arrives rather than immediately upon requesting the transfer.
  • Fixed a problem with stolen mission cargo getting stuck after being sold to a Fleet Carrier.
  • Fixed an issue positioning Fleet Carriers near stellar bodies with highly eccentric orbits.
  • Fixed some issues with bookmarking Fleet Carriers.
  • Fixed an issue with Limpets sometimes not being restockable at a Fleet Carrier.
  • Fixed an issue with Fleet Carrier shipyards incorrectly interacting with Powerplay control system effects.
  • Fixed an issue causing ship inventory numbers to be displayed incorrectly after selling items to a Fleet Carrier.
Background Simulation
  • Adjusted the way Retreat and Expansion conflicts are resolved: The Retreat state will now be overridden if another faction attempts to expand into the retreating faction's star system by challenging them. The resulting conflict will still evict either the expanding or the previously retreating faction as normal
  • Surface and sub-surface deposits on asteroids will no longer immediately respawn when re-entering the instance or switching to a ship launched fighter.
Galaxy Map
  • Fixed an issue which stopped Squadron Bookmarks appearing.
  • Fixed an issue with combat bonds not being correctly awarded for scenario objectives when over four players contributed.
  • Galactic average prices were updated.
Stability Changes
  • Fixed an Orange Sidewinder connection issue when dropping into an instance with a Starport and Carrier Vendor.
  • Fixed a crash when entering the Commodity Market on a Fleet Carrier.
  • Fixed a crash when entering Holo-Me customisation at a Fleet Carrier.
  • Fixed a crash when purchasing a Fleet Carrier and immediately viewing it in the galaxy map.
  • Fixed a bug which meant that selected Fleet Carrier paint jobs would be removed when entering an instance.
Thanks for all of your feedback. Let us know how you find the changes and if any further issues arise!

what does it mean no longer "immediately" respawn??
It means it will respawn but not immediately ?? 🤣


  • 8F21D9C8-B322-43AC-A77B-A0A93712FCAB.jpeg
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So, maybe we should look at renaming the game to "Grind Simulator" since everyone seems OK with making credits an insanely long, cancerous, unreasonable grind too because y'all assume nobody has a job or a life and can dedicate every waking hour to playing this grind simulator.
“Capable of delivering some of the best grind about grindships you've ever grinded in”
86% – PC Grinder

“Satisfying grinding that sets a new standard for any grindy-based genre.”
8/10 – Grind Magazine

“Grinding Bright Like a Grindnova”
95% – The Grindalition

Grind Dangerous is the definitive grindy multiplayer space grind, bringing grinding’s original grindy world adventure to the modern generation with a connected grind, evolving grind and the entirety of the Grindy Way re-created at its full grindy proportions.

Starting with only a small grindship and a few grind-credits, players do whatever it takes to grind the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to grind in a futuristic grind-throat galaxy and to grind among the ranks of the grindy Elite. In an age of grindy superpowers and intergrindy war, every grinder’s grind influences the unique connected grinding experience and handcrafted evolving grind. Governments grind, battles are grinded and grinded, and humanity’s frontier is grinded, all by players’ grinding.

400 Billion Grind Systems. Infinite Grinding. Grind Your Own Trail.

A Galaxy Of Grinding
The 400 billion grind systems of the Grindy Way are the stage for Grind Dangerous' open-ended grindplay. The real grind, grind, grind, asteroid grinds and black grinds of our own galaxy are built to their true grindy proportions in the grindiest designed grindspace in videogrind history.

A Unique Connected Grind Experience
Governments fall, battles are grinded and grinded, and humanity’s frontier is grinded, all by players’ grinding. In an age of galactic grinding and interstellar grinding, every player’s personal grind influences the connected grind and handcrafted evolving grind.

Grind Your Own Trail
Grind your ship and grind every component as you grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind and grind in the grindthroat grind of the grind grind. Do whatever it takes (grinding) to earn the grind, grind, grind and grind to grind among the grinds of the Grinds.

Grindy Multiplayer
Experience unpredictable grinding with players from around the world in Grind Dangerous’ vast grindy multiplayer space. Experience the grindy galaxy alone in Grind mode or with players across the world in Grind Play, where every grinder you face could become a grindy ally or your deadliest grind. You will need to grind a grindy Grind Dangerous account with Grindtier to grind the grind.

A Living Grind
Grind Dangerous grinds and grinds with new grinds and grinds. Major grinds react to the way players want to grind and grind new grindplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players grinding, grinding and grinding together in the connected grind.

The Original Open Grind Adventure
Grind Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's grind-defining Grind, bringing grinding’s original grind world adventure into the modern grind with a connected grind, evolving grind and the entire Grind Way re-created at its full grindy proportions.
why should they be higher? What can't we lower the other payouts?

Agreed, but it would be great if Fdev decided to give a little love to combat (twice the profit would be a lot better)

Best conflict zone missions available are wing massacre missions for an allied faction at 48M for 72kills, around 35-40M an hour, IF they are available. Solo massacre missions are easy to find but are amount half that for about the same number of kills and the same risk.
Im so happy the "EGG" children are so MAD!
i was never mad about the EGG fix, but i do have a little salt that they didnt even try to rebalance spawnrates of appropriate minerals in their designated hotspots while they were at it.

btw. JOKES ON YOU. it is still an EGGsploit. everything works the way it did so long as you dont leave the area. this means fighter strat still works. the EGG can still be exploited (for now). but once you fill up and leave. you have to wait like 3hrs until it is available again. even during that time it is still there, it is shown on PWS's and prospecting. but the deposits cant be selected and you cant mine them until the refresh ends. like a cooldown. SO, someone like me who has a Type-9 or a cutter can still go and fill up 512t of LTD with the same exploit and just come back 3 hrs later. but instead. this is what i will do.

spend time farming EGG, leave and transfer cargo. come back and farm SON OF EGG, fill cargo, leave transfer, and either go back to EGG or find a different egg that can be mapped and farm that. buy that time first EGG is refreshed and you can start the cycle over.

this "fix" solved nothing

Who cares eggs ? >: So many talks... I use Krait. Jump in random, if found 2x or 3h holes = full cargo in 1 rock :D any way, 25 mins at worse to make it full. Then back to FC.
You really need monster cargo for that eggs, then it fly bad.
Firstly that is a serious accusation , secondly that is a very rude remark . I would suggest that if you can't behave yourself in the proper way then go somewhere else and be rude.
You do realize how he admitted that himself? And yeah its supposed to be rude, because he had the audacity to negatively impact my gaming expirience,
using illegitimate means. If thats not a bannable offence to FDev, nothing will be. Remember that when your gaming experience suffers because you didnt
give a thing about prohibiting others from blatant cheating, and made this behavior acceptable.
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