ANNOUNCEMENT Fleet Carriers Update - Patch 3

I've been rambling almost constantly that the majority of workforce is on the new paid DLC, and a skeleton crew who drew the shortest straw is in charge of the live game right now. I can only hope that the Delayed Era includes much needed rewrites which will then hopefully trickle down (who am I kidding).

@KolramiRegressionTests welcome to the forum :) Username checks out with the post ;-) IDK how long you are in game, but if your forum age is of any indication, I think you will be terrified of the level of QA in Elite ;-))) And not in a good way :p

;) Well I have been playing about a year now, but today I had to post on the official forum, such were my feelings about this calamitous own goal by Frontier.

As for resourcing decisions within Frontier, diverting the more experienced resources to paid DLC has some logic behind it - but those hockey stick profit graphs they are looking to generate with Delayed Era are going to be undermined by punching the existing user-base in the balls. And to be honest, it is still not an excuse because clearly the experienced staff are not even brought in to smoke test patches, or even review code. Four failed attempts to fix mining means clearly there are coding errors and design hacks taking place, and none of this should get out the door if you call yourself a serious games company. Therefore right now, Frontier are not a serious games company, and word is getting around.

A bad reputation DOES reduce sales. Look at what happened to EA. On principle people think twice before giving them money, because often what they do with it seems inexcusable. If Frontier simply ignore what is just cause and effect, they will fail. The games industry is too competitive to allow neglectful principles to be sustainable for any company.
Can we get some honest straight talking answers from Frontier on the following please.
1. What is the root cause for continual failure to update the code without breaking other functionality?
2. When was the last time your team conducted a design review?
3. What degree of testing was carried out for the FC patches?
4. As a testing principle, what extent of regression testing is carried out?

Nobody from FDev would in their right mind provide straight answers to those questions because it would be career limiting.

And in any case, given you have access to play the live game, you can extrapolate the answers to 3 and 4 with some reasonable degree of accuracy.
reading between the lines, I'm beginning to think most of the devs who actually understand how the backend works have left and we now have the junior developers who've suddenly become the lead developers running the show, hacking the code and not understanding how the butterfly flapping it's wings in China causes LTD prices to double on a public holiday.

This is highly palusible. And dont forget, none of it is documented ;-)
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I think this game is fantastic and doesn't have a single thing wrong with it, in fact it is nothing short of perfect, the best thing since sliced bread and the team that work on/run it are the best in their fields.......Am I allowed to say that
Has anyone considered that something went haywire unintended with this patch?

I still remember a long time ago we asked Fdev to make NPCs more of a challenge, they did, they turned into super engineered killing machines.
Something went haywire there too, but they fixed it.

I'm definitely not sharing the vision Fdev has for this game anymore but saying that they're breaking stuff deliberately or because they hate us is absurd.
Give them some time to respond.

There are other things in the game then mining, although lately it seems there's not.
when can we start using the fleet carriers again ? many are dead in the water atm without tritium and without the possibilaty to mine tritium ?
as is mine atm i cant jump any further and am stuck somewhere out there without the option to mine tritium the only thing i can do is go back and transport my ships to a station again.
Come on devs patch this crap !
when can we start using the fleet carriers again ? many are dead in the water atm without tritium and without the possibilaty to mine tritium ?
as is mine atm i cant jump any further and am stuck somewhere out there without the option to mine tritium the only thing i can do is go back and transport my ships to a station again.
Come on devs patch this crap !
Tritium is more less the same or even more as it was 2 days ago. Use laser + ssd on single trit spot, or even try ltd/vo/anything spots.
Tritium is more less the same or even more as it was 2 days ago. Use laser + ssd on single trit spot, or even try ltd/vo/anything spots.

No, it's not. The Pumpkin Patch near The Callisto (3 Tritium hotspots overlapping) has been suddenly void of any and all Tritium. The Mercy of Angel was to use that as a refuel point to return the Aphelion Expedition to the bubble.

They are preparing something:
Let's see what happens.

Better be Very soon.
Has anyone considered that something went haywire unintended with this patch?

I still remember a long time ago we asked Fdev to make NPCs more of a challenge, they did, they turned into super engineered killing machines.
Something went haywire there too, but they fixed it.

I'm definitely not sharing the vision Fdev has for this game anymore but saying that they're breaking stuff deliberately or because they hate us is absurd.
Give them some time to respond.

There are other things in the game then mining, although lately it seems there's not.
Well ofcourse this was not intentional but its always the same with fdev the implement something and brake other stuff, they patch something and brake something else.
And What do you think ? something else then mining ? how about buying tritium we can only get 2 tons thats not a nerf thats a kill and fleet carriers are dead in the water atm.
Then mining pffff we cant mine anymore and i was refering to tritium.
And how about the 5 billion we payed for the cariers can we please enjoy them ? And how about the upkeep cost from 5 to 15 million p week can we please use this fricking ship so we can make some credits back ?

Is there going to be a compensation for the upkeepcost now we can use them ?

To much mess to much crap to much promises to much problems etc etc etc
We bring out the most expensive object ever (Fleet Carrier)
We not only ask for the purchase price but also maintenance for this thing.
And now we take away the opportunity to refuel it and generate the money for maintenance.
40 drones in a hot spot to find a single asteroid with 7% diamonds.
Nicely done.

And now get to the keyboards and move on with the next patch or a reset to the previous version
We bring out the most expensive object ever (Fleet Carrier)
We not only ask for the purchase price but also maintenance for this thing.
And now we take away the opportunity to refuel it and generate the money for maintenance.
40 drones in a hot spot to find a single asteroid with 7% diamonds.
Nicely done.

And now get to the keyboards and move on with the next patch or a reset to the previous version
IMHO now LTDs are rare as it should be. Lately those diamonds were pretty too common to be as valuable.
when can we start using the fleet carriers again ? many are dead in the water atm without tritium and without the possibilaty to mine tritium ?
as is mine atm i cant jump any further and am stuck somewhere out there without the option to mine tritium the only thing i can do is go back and transport my ships to a station again.
Come on devs patch this crap !
You could go exploring in your volume and rack up loads of credits while they sort this out
I also don't want to be forced to work 4-5 days a week in ED so that I can pay the maintenance for the carrier.

Stop it , stop it, stop it. 30m a week is 1 hrs work a week tops ffrom loads of activities, including mining still. 5m a week, for a basic FC, is charity amount as far as i'm concerned.

If you cant make 5m to 30m in 1 week, quit or decommsiion your Fleet Carrier. It's not for you.
The LTD price cap seems to be a botched job.
Instead of simply doing the LTD (or other high profit commodity) mining a way harder, they design a specific market rule to completely remove all its interest.
Will this market rule be applied to all commodities? No.
Will this rule be applied also to the market offer? No.
Will the demand be adjusted during the day? No.
Having a reasonable demand for each player in a station brings the players a fair opportunity to do some trading or mining business no matter their time zone or playing availability. This new behavior will reward players which are playing just after the tick and will punish all other players, so the only way to sell LTDs in a profitable way is playing and selling in the morning.
What they should have fixed is the offer/demand being reseted on instance exit which allows players to sell a full carrier cargo in a single station and a single day.

Frontier's recipe to success:
  1. Design and write some rules in a virtual commodity market for your spaceports, updating prices, offer and demand daily for all the players.
  2. Introduce a way for your players to mine and sell commodities at highly varying prices following your previously designed rules.
  3. Ignore the unbalanced rewards problem which leads your players to get credits too much faster by mining rather than by any other activity.
  4. Design a way your players could create their own small markets with their own small spaceport allowing them to get some income by buying and selling commodities using their own credits.
  5. Fix the price cap which allows some of your users to get a huge advantage by being in the right place instead of competing with other players using prices and demand. Let the users compete with prices using the trending commodity for some weeks in order to get their stock highly enough.
  6. Design a specific market rule for the trending commodity in order to update its single demand in real time for all the players, which will lead 1.000 players to compete for a single trading opportunity, punishing the players which are using their carriers market the way is designed to be used.
  7. Get a bag of popcorns and enjoy.
Well ofcourse this was not intentional but its always the same with fdev the implement something and brake other stuff, they patch something and brake something else.
And What do you think ? something else then mining ? how about buying tritium we can only get 2 tons thats not a nerf thats a kill and fleet carriers are dead in the water atm.
Then mining pffff we cant mine anymore and i was refering to tritium.
And how about the 5 billion we payed for the cariers can we please enjoy them ? And how about the upkeep cost from 5 to 15 million p week can we please use this fricking ship so we can make some credits back ?

Is there going to be a compensation for the upkeepcost now we can use them ?

To much mess to much crap to much promises to much problems etc etc etc

I get your frustration but they already said there will be news today about the Tritium debacle.

I don't want to say that the system previously generated too much money.
But I want to play a game and not a second job.
I go to work 6 days a week.
I also don't want to be forced to work 4-5 days a week in ED so that I can pay the maintenance for the carrier.

Then don't buy an FC.
At least that's what being said to me when I stated that upkeep is a no go for me.
FCs are not for everyone, I realise that now and that's fine.
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