Free Update Meta-Wishlist

I have a few ideas to submit but I will start with my biggest wish: getting all the pieces that are in the staff facilities (keeper hut, vet clinic, research lab, etc.) as individual scenery pieces. This is seriously my biggest wish for the game right now. It isn't mentioned by a lot of people but seriouly go take a look in your staff facilities. Look at all the amazing pieces hidden in there - the chairs, the tables, the posters, the books and folders, the microscope, the fridge, the knives, the bins, the gloves box... and imagine how amazing our backstage areas could look if we could have all those pieces. Also, I guess it should not be too much work for Frontier since those pieces are already in the game. Just give them to us. It's such a shame they are there and look so good but we can't really use them. This would be a dream come true for me, really 🙏

My other wishes:

  • More realistic herbivore feeders (I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about)
  • Fire extinguisher. One small scenery piece to add but so essential to build realistic zoo buildings !
  • Hay bales and dumpsters to put in storage/backstage areas
  • Resizing the giant tortoises (they are too small) and fixing the malayan tapir
  • Antlers and horns variations (if possible)
  • New behavior for the hippo (traditional posture when they are in the water with just the top of their head poking out)
  • Being able to choose the genes and color of the animals in the sandbox market (or, if not possible, at least being able to refresh the page without having to buy the animals we're not interested in)
  • Null exhibit walls (same system as for the WE) and possibility to put the poison frogs together in the same exhibit. (More exhibit sizes and shapes would also be nice but are not essential to me)
  • Make the base game wall sets that are not flexicolor (especially the indian stone set, the white ice set and the vertical wooden plank set)
  • Make the hydrangea flexicolor !
  • Give us the path texture of the elevated natural path as a new standard path. Or even better, give us a new path that would look like the asphalt path but would be flexicolor. Also, this is probably not possible but it would be great if we could use every path fence with every path. And if we could put the patch fence on only one side of the path ! And if we could delete the kerb on the elevated path please 🙏 A glass elevated path or null elevated path would also be great of course. And a null staff path.
  • More food and drink shops/counters. I'm thinking of maybe sushi, salad bar or other vegan option, pasta, popcorn...
  • More small billboard sizes and maybe a round billboard as well (if possible)
  • Add 1 basic white silhouette sign (the ones from the base game) for every animal and, if possible, also 1 sign for every animal in the modern style we got in the most recent DLCs and 1 statue for every animal (preferably in the classic bronze style or like the wooden reward statues)
  • Finally, I would really love to get some education/museum scenery pieces like antlers, horns, some skulls and skeletons (not for every animal in the game but some of them), some footprints, etc.

There you go. I know that's a lot of things but if Frontier could add at least some of them, it would be super awesome. And if all of them could be added, the game would be pretty much perfect. As always, thank you to the amazing devs for listening to us and implement what is possible 🥰
Thanks for the the suggestions everyone, I'll work my way through the 100 plus features within not even a day and categorise each suggestion so we can see the summary of every feature and hopefully the top 10 requested features (I will increase that if demand for it). Right now, an exhibit overhaul is the most popular.
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  • Fix the Malayan Tapir.
  • A traversable tag for all foliage in the game, I recently filled a porcupine habitat with bushes that blocked their pathing, if a tag could be added so that the hitbox could be turned off that would be good.
  • More naturalistic feeders, I always feel like I need to hide the current feeders because they are too ugly.
  • Fix the custom signs lighting issue.
  • Signs for every animal in the same style.
  • Let the crocodilians sit at the bottom of water bodies.
  • Let the hippos have more more realistic water behaviours.
  • Make the tortoises larger.
I'll think of more later.
Let me just get out the list . . .
  • Feeding stations - both at ground level and elevated.
  • New shops like the ones used in Planet Coaster. Seriously, the Oceania Pack was the perfect time to add Tikichiki to the game.
  • Give educators the ability to hold the sloths. I’ve seen it happen at zoos!
  • Allow the sloths to have juvenile versions that can mature! With how slowly they move, they’d be the easiest WE animal to do that for.
  • Fix/speed up the clouded leopard’s jump.
  • Allow primates and other arboreal animals to use the hammock enrichment rather than just the sun bear and clouded leopard. Maybe add a small hammock for the smaller arboreal animals and have the larger animals use the regular one. . . . Actually . . . now that I think about it, why not just have hammocks as a Climbing Frame Piece!?
  • Allow more animals to use the foraging wall feeding enrichment rather than just the sun bear.
  • Playgrounds and splash pads.
  • Private safari tour! There are a couple of zoos that I know of where you can book a private safari during which you ride out in a truck to the middle of their large Savannah/Serengeti habitat. They then let you feed the giraffes and other ungulates.
I’ll let you know if I can think of more.
Alright I just realised I can't list the animal reworks without at least some sort of description so can anyone tell me what is wrong (like in a sentence) with the following animals so far provided, I know some but another voice will be handy:

  • Malaysian Tapir
  • Bornean Orangutan
  • Brown bear(s)
  • Timber wolf
  • Gharial
  • Clouded leopard
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Alright I just realised I can't list the animal reworks without at least some sort of description so can anyone tell me what is wrong (like in a sentence) with the following animals so far provided, I know some but another voice will be handy:

  • Malaysian Tapir
  • Bornean Orangutan
  • Brown bear(s)
  • Timber wolf
  • Gharial
  • Clouded leopard
Some off the top of my head:
  • More customization with maps and map skirts. This is honestly my biggest request at this point, especially because we aren't able to use terrain paints from different biomes. While I'd love to see more unique skirts (low lying coastal/beach map when?), I'd really like the option to just have a relatively flat, "neutral" skirt for each biome, somewhat similar to the OG temperate skirt. I'd really love to have a tropical map without mountains looming in the background.
  • Exhibits need an overhaul at this point. Null exhibits would be great, and if that was all we got I'd be okay, but having a few different sizes/shapes to work with would really breathe life back into building with them, imo.
  • Null elevated paths. It's very difficult to work with the bulky undersides when building custom bridges, etc.
  • Null staff paths.
  • Ability to choose different curbs for different paths.
  • More feeder variations! Realistic herbivore feeders for one, though I'm not sure how realistic that would be if Frontier had to create new animations for it.
  • On a similar note, allow the prairie dog to use something other than the arboreal feeder. It's massive compared to their size and also makes 0 sense.
  • Hay bales please! It's very surprising to me that there aren't any in-game already, considering how common they are in zoos.
  • More education items, similar to the soundboard and height comparison ones. Ideally these would be less themed than our existing ones to allow for customization.
  • Ability to add more than one habitat gate to a habitat.
  • Ability for keepers to walk through scenery items inside a habitat, similar to how they do outside of one. Trying to make fun backstage areas for small animals is always difficult when you have to have an opening that the keeper can fit through as well.
  • Another neutral font, and smaller versions of our existing fonts.
That's all I can think of for now, though I'm sure something will pop into my head later. Of course I always nurse my pipe dream of fully aquatic habitats, but I'm sure that's well known by Frontier and also I'm not sure if this is the thread to bring that up, haha. Maybe one day...
Alright I just realised I can't list the animal reworks without at least some sort of description so can anyone tell me what is wrong (like in a sentence) with the following animals so far provided, I know some but another voice will be handy:

  • Malaysian Tapir
  • Bornean Orangutan
  • Brown bear(s)
  • Timber wolf
  • Gharial
  • Clouded leopard

Tapir: Longer trunk, more defined back hump, remove Baird's Tapir facial markings

Tapir Ulan JDL.jpg

Orangutan: Needs shaggier fur, also I've heard it needs walking updated, tbh I've never seen one walk so can't comment too much on that


Bear: Less fat and fluff, more defined shoulder hump, "lift" the body a bit


Wolf: Face is too angular, cheek fur should be more in line with neck fur, face and eyes need a bit of touch up, more fur on chest and neck


I don't know what's up with Gharial and Leopard, I'm not familiar too much with those two in real life and rarely use them in my zoos


I would add Mandrill and Giant Anteater to the gang

Mandrill needs fluffier neck and head, it needs go around whole face. And face should be more rectangular than triangular coming from the eyes to jaws. I would also update colors to show more contrast rather than the "greenish" hue one in the game has


Anteater needs little rework, mostly fur, shaggier fur, especially on tail, but also on front legs, mane on the back that connects with tail, and maybe more pronounced ears and darker snout, but the last point can easily be color variation



Also Lion
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Of course I always nurse my pipe dream of fully aquatic habitats, but I'm sure that's well known by Frontier and also I'm not sure if this is the thread to bring that
I'll allow any major habitat requests as this could be classed as an entire update feature. The only off-limits on this thread is discussing or arguing over animal additions.
1. Selectable biome textures - I am fine if you have to keep categories like "sand", "Dirt", "Short Grass", "Long Grass" and so on, I just want an option to switch for example temperate dirt on the EU map to the mulch dirt from the Tropical map.

2. Smaller exhibits - I think exhibits are too big for some animals and would love to see different shapes and sizes of the exhibits. I would also like a smaller non-walkable exhibit for animals like Sloths and Bats, since creating anything realisticaly sized is impossible now.

3. Playgrounds - I think this is self-explanatory. You do not have to separe kids from the adults, just make the adults sit on benches while the kids play, this way, they can stay as a group.

4. Plantpedia - I could really use some information on plants and in what regions they grow/are able to survive.

5. Emu should be walkthrough animal, there is no reason it should not as it is a very common practice in real life zoos.

6. Fix for the Clouded Leopard slowmode-jumping.Not sure if this count as a feature, so ignore this one if needed.
I would like a new enrichment object for crocodilians, especially salties, gators, and caimans, where it's a pole with some food tied on a rope and the croc jumps out of the water(or does that cool tail thrust) and takes the food.
Would be so cool to kinda represent croc shows
Another one: The ability to select the different components of a path independently. For example, I like the washed-out wood texture, but hate the curb and railing on it. However, I like the curb and railing on the tree bark path. Being able to add the latter onto the former would be awesome.
Ok, I'd like to add to this. Have each path be in segments. Basically, there are times I want to replace a certain portion of path, but the pathing is wonky and sometimes it changes parts I don't want, so it makes my pathing look stupid (am I explaining myself right?)
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