Frontier Expo ED Speculation

To be honest at this point i do not expect FD to make something good/fun. 2.x updates were so bad that at this point i do not care about what they will say/advertise.
In another words my current expectations are similar to what i expected from 2.4 - "as bad as it can get, but if it accidentally turns out to be good i will be happy".
I think you will get a flavour of how v2.4 will unfold and a glimpse of what's coming for v3.0.

I hope they unlock the type-10 and its something interesting, something desirable with lots of potential.
They don't expect me to pay for season 3 do they? Cause that's just unethical and they make enough £ from the micro transactions. I picked this game up a few months ago in the steam sale for £20 for ED+EDH and considering the hot mess it is, it's not worth the full price of £40 and a "DLC" that lifts this game out of beta is not additional content.

MT is there to cover server costs, because it is online game, even when you play solo.

What exactly hot mess it is? I played it just few days ago and enjoyed every bit of it. There are some issues now and then, but please show me large complex online games without them.

Also please show me existing game within price range with same range of features and quality.


I've heard a rumour that there will be Unicorns but... it's just a rumour at the moment.

Probably end up being a jack russell with a loo roll insert strapped to its head...cant be either of my two cos I had their tails docked when they were pups so that would just look silly ^
I really hope they show a lot of impressive stuff for us to look forward to, but they shouldn't make the mistake of attaching a date to any big stuff. Just... show us what you're working on. There's no need for any big promises.
Eh, game is not perfect but I'm enjoying it. All I really wanted was updated 84 Elite, got that in spades. Anything else is a bonus.

I've heard a rumour that there will be Unicorns but... it's just a rumour at the moment.

Are you suggesting virgins will be in attendance? :D
I'm new enough to the game to still be enjoying the novelty of landing on a planet no one's ever seen before, and finding the wreckage of a space ship slowly mouldering in the ice/dust/whatever.

That being said, if they increased the amount of interesting stuff to see on planets (not necessarily increasing the percentage of finding it, just the number of different things you might find when you touch down - perhaps even something quite incidental like a bit of flavour text from scanning the wreckage in the above example, detailing the crews' last minutes or fleshing out their world a little more), that would make me a very happy space bunny.
Honestly, I'm expecting nothing, maybe a big speech but nothing concrete and obviously no timelines. Anyone expecting anything ground breaking or mouth wettingly awesome, in regards to ED, are probably setting themselves up for disappointment.

I was easily hyped until 2.3 which was more of thud than a bang. Of course I'll happily eat crow, but I doubt it, it's been close to two years since Horizons launched and so far there has been nothing, from a player point of view, that has justified the extra year that it's taken thus far.

As others have pointed out, ED is not the main focus at frontier anymore, JP: Evolution and Planet Coaster is, so I am more excited to see stuff added to those things. They may say that ED is, but actions speak louder than words.
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Hi all,

I don't expect anything, but I have dreams :)

I hope they'll cure the beige plaque and introduce atmospheric landings (on hmc planets and rocky worlds). Also I would love to see atmospheric features on planets (stroms, lightnings, volcanos), also on gas giants. Black holes should be very dangerous etc.

We hope for the same things! But i doubt they are capable of doing it.
The breathtaking Horizons Update is the last big memory I had! I hope they got something big to be revealed, I mean it's 3.0!

It's time for Atmospheric Landing, at least another step to this direction...
We'll see what is shown at the Expo. I'm patient - and if there's not enough to keep me interested, I go on a break and play other games for a while. Simple as that.
What I want to see are detailed improvements to the "core game."

1. PowerPlay is out, Tier 2 and 3 NPCs and factions are fully integrated into the BGS!

Why would you want to PP out? Make it more integral, balanced and appealing to casual players. That's actually very low hanging fruit for them. +1 for rest of sentence.

2. Fleshed out Military Careers, with benefits to ranks as well as special military missions!

Seconded, all elements are there for them to do it. We also have actual war coming up.

4. Come hell or high water, we're going to fix wings/instancing/multicrew so that we can finally implement...
5. Co-Op missions and gameplay!

No magic pixies gonna solve all of networking issues, but better networking is always welcome. +1.

Better and more detailed CZ - sign me up!

7. All those Megaships and Mega Structures/CQC Assets are given purpose in the game for missions and wars. Fierce, entertaining dogfights around all of them!


8. NPC crews, giving a reason for 3 spots in the crew lounge, with co-pilots who can do orbital approaches and dock to an engineer who can fix systems like an AFSU to a science officer who can scan wakes and planets, as well as operate various limpets.
8a. Why not make the NPC's visible in the ship using Holo Mes?
8b. While we're dreaming, let's enable all of these positions for multicrew.

Again, +1


New management. The current management have proven beyond doubt, that they are incapable of releasing a consumer ready product. At no stage do I blame the developers. Sure there have been bugs etc, but the most outstanding thing for me is that release after release, we see disjointed additions, and new fixes, which invariably give us more bugs.

2.3 was a disaster network wise. It took 2 months to get back to a stable working system. Additionally, MultiCrew has been a failure, not sue to players, but players being unable to leverage the promised functionality. It is also disjointed. Has no Explorer bonus and nothing for miners. Engineers was a fiasco, not least by the knowledge that FD knew about the cheat modules, their ability to create them, and did nothing to stop it, until, it became common knowledge.

2.4 one would expect to be a glowing success as lessons would have been learnt. It was and is continuing to be a disaster in relation to the overall mission system. In relation to the Thargoids, we are led to believe, that A. they just suddenly showed up, B. They adapt to weapons, but we decrease the weapon effects and C. They are at war with us. Really? All alone in a USS? What clever designer decided that reducing a weapons effects would be better to achieve more damage?

Bottom line is we need a new management team, with proven knowledge in testing, quality and release production. Only after this can we look forward to what else is possible. What is not possible is to expect the userbase to accept shoddy amateur releases.
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