Frontier Store won't allow ARX purchase using PayPal!!!!!!

FDev obviously does not want our cash (must be flush!). Going to buy ARX now just forces you into using a credit card via 'WorldPay' (A VERY insecure holder of personal credit card details which I no longer use having had my card cloned following use)

Come on FRONTIER reinstate PayPal option in your ARX store if you want to continue having my money!!! :mad:
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Paypal is secure?
I've never had a problem with it since it's inception...just saying.
I used World Pay and had my card cloned but...BUT the (? low IQ) scumbag that first used my cloned card used it to pay his Netflix and Community Charge! The latter supplying the miscreant's full home address details.... Credit Card company refunded my loss, gave me a new account/card and the London Metropolitan Police went round to the criminal's home in Lambeth London and arrested him! 👮‍♂️(y)


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Credit cards (and debit supported on the same systems) are more secure than anything else and furthermore if the worst happens you are fully supported as a customer by 60+ years of case law. Frontier will also be supported by a clear and well tested contract with their merchant bank.

None of that is true for PayPal.

Credit cards are free at the point of use. Credit cards also have the global experience of literally thousands of banks operating them for electronic payment for at least 30 years (arguably a lot longer, depending what you say can be compared to the modern Internet.) They also operate under banking law developed over hundreds of years. Most of all, if you are a victim of fraud with a credit card the law is on your side as the consumer BY DEFAULT in a huge majority of companies.

PayPal don't care about any of that and they spend most of their time arguing that they should not be regulated by any of the above and give even more latitude to abuse fees and sit on cashflow. Now that legislators are finally catching up with the situation they have been thrown out of several countries completely.

Because of that if there's a problem with PayPal, neither the financier nor the supplier care - if a supplier uses PayPal, well, that's a choice, but it's a choice they'll have to live with so there's no compensation for anyone in fraud.

FDev have obviously chosen not to live with that risk. Quite right too. It's utterly baffling to me why anyone would choose to use PayPal who do what they like 90% of the time when you could use a credit card with 60 years of legislation support "the customer is always right."
An unregulated digital currency used for laundering money, i seriously doubt it, i don't know any major company that takes a risk with that rubbish.

Microsoft? They're quite a big company I've heard...
...and Richard Branson will take your bitcoin in return for a trip to space. :LOL:
Rather off on a tangent but the principal issue with an unregulated financial market is that it's open to every scam going. General advice from AAT/CIMA etc. is to treat every transaction as potentially fraudulent and don't invest anything you aren't prepared to lose.
Rather off on a tangent but the principal issue with an unregulated financial market is that it's open to every scam going. General advice from AAT/CIMA etc. is to treat every transaction as potentially fraudulent and don't invest anything you aren't prepared to lose.
Ah, the sound of accounting bodies giving up.
Auditors next!
Consider the chances of the waking up tomorrow to find that the US Dollar has ceased to exist. People opening their wallets to find nothing, going to their banks to find nothing. Then consider that that has happened to more than one cryptocurrency.
It's called looking after your client's interests.
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