Frontier Store won't allow ARX purchase using PayPal!!!!!!

Consider the chances of the waking up tomorrow to find that the US Dollar has ceased to exist. People opening their wallets to find nothing, going to their banks to find nothing. Then consider that that has happened to more than one cryptocurrency.
It's called looking after your client's interests.
if you want to compare fiat to crypto and start with dollar, then you should really follow up with btc. comparing usd/btc to poopcoins is apples and pears. and while its not overnight, its not like usd isnt 'disappearing'... usd ofc wont ever cease to exist for reasons, but unless countries shut down internet borders btc probably wont disappear either.
until then we can pay with paypal to steam and purchase arx there :)
Average life of a cryptocurrency is 15 months.
During 2023 the following cryptocurrencies ceased to exist;
  • BonqDAO
  • OIN Finance
  • windvane
  • Yeti Finance
  • AQUA
  • DIGITAL Biomes
  • Dot Finance
  • PolkaWorld
  • Many Exchanges
  • cabital
  • MinervaMINE
  • MetaPoint
  • SappChatAPP
  • bastion
  • Themis
  • The Parallel
  • Ankex
  • Tomb Chain
  • Txbit
  • seismo
  • Magneto
  • Bytom
  • quotal
  • BKEX
  • bittrex
  • DeZy
  • gomu
  • CNHC Group
  • HYPO
  • GRO Protocol
  • linen
  • xToken
  • Stelo
  • AnimalGo
  • return
  • synthesize
  • versum
  • Async Art
  • SkyLaunch
  • housecat
  • LBRY
  • Superdao
  • xeenon
  • ascenders
  • Grim Finance
  • Boring Protocol
  • Nitro Network
  • Yield Protocol
  • Slashauth
  • Fuji Finance
  • cardinal
  • multichain
  • clockwork
  • Outlet Finance
  • Voice
  • Glass Protocol
  • Naetion
  • Interable Protocol
  • RioDeFi
  • Arenum
  • Agility
  • 1Left
  • BlueBenx
  • BNPL Share
  • Kaco Finance
  • TaleCraft
  • Starbots
  • hotbit
  • Warp Finance
  • Prime Trust
  • Hundred Finance
  • Saddle Finance
  • autofarm
  • Nifty's
  • DeHorizon
  • CoinLoan
  • HashLand
  • Kannagi Finance
  • SolChicks
  • Zircon Finance
  • ARX
  • Phezzan Protocol
  • Enchanter Finance
  • EZ Finance
  • Geist Finance
  • Algofi
  • tonic
  • Pillow
  • Wyre
  • paprMEME
  • nomics
  • UPFI Network
  • Earnity
  • Pizza
  • Hopex
  • LocalBitcoins
  • Lazerpay
  • metroverse
  • genki
  • Numio
  • formfunction
  • Vovo Finance
  • TradeBlock
  • Rally
  • friction
  • everland
  • Galois Capital
  • coincloud
  • EtherOrcs
  • paxfull
Microsoft? They're quite a big company I've heard...
It's accepted only on Windows Store, which is a very small part of a the big company - and when Bitcoin was "volatile" as people euphemistically say, or "totally effed" as I like to say, it's worth nothing that they even paused that. Doesn't sound quite so committed now huh?
I've paid for Arx easily enough using my debit card. In fact many times when a vendor has asked for a credit card, I've been able to pay by entering my debit card details.

Is it uncommon for banks to issue Visa debit cards outside of the UK? I don't understand the need to involve third-party chancers like PayPal.
i don't know any major company that takes a risk with that rubbish.

Both company's are registered in the USA 😉

It's accepted only on Windows Store, which is a very small part of a the big company - and when Bitcoin was "volatile" as people euphemistically say, or "totally effed" as I like to say, it's worth nothing that they even paused that. Doesn't sound quite so committed now huh?
Right, so major company, not registered in the USA, accepts it for all services not some, has done continually. Anything else we want to add the list?
theres nothing btc can do that cash cant in terms of illegal use.
That's not entirely true: almost all ransomware gangs will only accept crypto payments, not cash.

The problem with cryptocurrencies is not their moderate superiority over cash for illegal use (and I agree that none of the crimes they enable are novel), but their massive inferiority compared with cash (including electronic transfer, not just the paper notes) for legal use.

Probably nearer to a Truck currency seeing as you can only spend them in the company store.
One thing that both real currencies and pseudo-currencies like book tokens, gift vouchers, postage stamps, company dollars, etc. usually have which ARX doesn't is the ability for the holder to transfer them to someone else, who can then redeem them separately. That gives the pseudo-currencies some value (often close to or at their face value in their base real currency) that ARX doesn't have.

If anything, ARX is probably best viewed as just another in-game asset like credits or materials or exobiology discoveries. That you can increase your amount of ARX by giving Frontier cash directly doesn't make it any sort of currency itself. (Obviously ARX and Credits - but not materials or exobiology discoveries - use a currency-like metaphor inside the game for convenience of player understanding, but that doesn't make them currencies from an out-of-game perspective)
So, on topic - PayPal has opted out of key voluntary customer-facing regulation in the UK and FDev are therefore unwilling to use it. If you have a beef with that you need to take it up with either PayPal or the financial authorities in the UK.
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