Frontier Store won't allow ARX purchase using PayPal!!!!!!

I'm no fan of PayPal, but I do see it as a necessary evil, and PayPal does offer me one thing that's virtually unique in the market: one safe place to keep my card number. When you pay by card, you're effectively giving a company the ability to take your money whatever amount they want, whenever they want, and the onus is on you to prove you didn't authorise it. Why do you think hotels will take a credit card as security deposit, but not PayPal? But that's not the main benefit - most companies are trustworthy, but not all are competent. If they lose my card number, anyone can take my money, not just them.

A very long time ago, I used to be a PCI auditor. That's the guy that signs off on a company processing payment cards that testifies that it's all being done in a safe way. You'd be surprised. Some tiny shops would be compliant, whereas household names would have egregiously bad practices, probably because they figured their bank wouldn't breach them since they had such high transaction volumes. (And they were right).

We had a bad run where our card number was getting stolen every few months. We adopted a policy of PayPal or nothing. Our card hasn't been stolen since. Eventually we backed off a bit, and I did pay for ARX without PayPal, but I am still pretty cautious of any shop that doesn't accept PayPal.

The whole "PayPal is not regulated" argument really isn't an issue here in Australia. If PayPal doesn't protect you, you can still do a charge back through your bank. PayPal will close your account if you do, but if that ever happened I would probably stop using PayPal voluntarily anyway. But it's a moot point. For the rare circumstance that I've had a dispute, PayPal has always ruled in my favour.
I'm no fan of PayPal, but I do see it as a necessary evil, and PayPal does offer me one thing that's virtually unique in the market: one safe place to keep my card number. When you pay by card, you're effectively giving a company the ability to take your money whatever amount they want, whenever they want, and the onus is on you to prove you didn't authorise it. Why do you think hotels will take a credit card as security deposit, but not PayPal? But that's not the main benefit - most companies are trustworthy, but not all are competent. If they lose my card number, anyone can take my money, not just them.

A very long time ago, I used to be a PCI auditor. That's the guy that signs off on a company processing payment cards that testifies that it's all being done in a safe way. You'd be surprised. Some tiny shops would be compliant, whereas household names would have egregiously bad practices, probably because they figured their bank wouldn't breach them since they had such high transaction volumes. (And they were right).

We had a bad run where our card number was getting stolen every few months. We adopted a policy of PayPal or nothing. Our card hasn't been stolen since. Eventually we backed off a bit, and I did pay for ARX without PayPal, but I am still pretty cautious of any shop that doesn't accept PayPal.

The whole "PayPal is not regulated" argument really isn't an issue here in Australia. If PayPal doesn't protect you, you can still do a charge back through your bank. PayPal will close your account if you do, but if that ever happened I would probably stop using PayPal voluntarily anyway. But it's a moot point. For the rare circumstance that I've had a dispute, PayPal has always ruled in my favour.
PayPal charges my credit card, so there is already the same level of protection as a credit card, and if any unauthorised use occurs I can stop the CC company charging me.
Dear Frontier,

Please offer PayPal as a payment service for Arx. Credit cards are expensive and not more secure than anything else.

Why use credit cards? Use your debit card, which is (or should be!) free.

Just checked (because haven't used FD's store in a while. The usual options exist: Visa, Mastercard, Amex.

I have mastercard and amex debit cards tied to a multicurrency account. Hmm... wonder if its cheaper to buy in pounds, euros, or dollars? Anyone done the maths?

Meh, i'll do it:

I'll convert into lari, my local currency:

5000 ARX pack

4 dollars = 10.6
3 pounds = 10
3.5 euro = 10

So buying in dollars is a bit more expensive (i'll ignore the small loss on conversion in general since i'll have to convert if i only have lari anyway, but i sometimes get all those currencies on my account, so no need to convert if i already have).

Let's take a look at the biggest pack, 85000 arx

60 dollars = 159
45 pounds = 150
55 euro = 156

Overall, looks like its best to buy in pounds if you can.

Suppose it makes sense, since FD then don't have to convert into their currency.

Be interested in seeing what people get in their own currencies if their country doesn't use one of the 3 offered.
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Why use credit cards? Use your debit card, which is (or should be!) free.

Just checked (because haven't used FD's store in a while. The usual options exist: Visa, Mastercard, Amex.

I have mastercard and amex debit cards tied to a multicurrency account. Hmm... wonder if its cheaper to buy in pounds, euros, or dollars? Anyone done the maths?
Are debit cards a thing outside Europe?
Credit cards (and debit supported on the same systems) are more secure than anything else and furthermore if the worst happens you are fully supported as a customer by 60+ years of case law. Frontier will also be supported by a clear and well tested contract with their merchant bank.

None of that is true for PayPal.

Credit cards are free at the point of use. Credit cards also have the global experience of literally thousands of banks operating them for electronic payment for at least 30 years (arguably a lot longer, depending what you say can be compared to the modern Internet.) They also operate under banking law developed over hundreds of years. Most of all, if you are a victim of fraud with a credit card the law is on your side as the consumer BY DEFAULT in a huge majority of companies.

PayPal don't care about any of that and they spend most of their time arguing that they should not be regulated by any of the above and give even more latitude to abuse fees and sit on cashflow. Now that legislators are finally catching up with the situation they have been thrown out of several countries completely.

Because of that if there's a problem with PayPal, neither the financier nor the supplier care - if a supplier uses PayPal, well, that's a choice, but it's a choice they'll have to live with so there's no compensation for anyone in fraud.

FDev have obviously chosen not to live with that risk. Quite right too. It's utterly baffling to me why anyone would choose to use PayPal who do what they like 90% of the time when you could use a credit card with 60 years of legislation support "the customer is always right."

Imma bump this bc opinions about what credit/bank service you wonna use is subjective. This... all this, is pure facts

Why use credit cards? Use your debit card, which is (or should be!) free.
Debit card is nearly as good now, but in some jurisdictions (UK included) there are slightly more protections for credit cards than there are for debit cards. Those are the facts in law. It's wrong and stupid but it is what it is.

CC also has the advantage that if your credit card is cleaned out by a fraudster, the worst that happens is you have a debt on paper that can just sit there until you get it sorted out with the issuer, and it won't cost you anything. If a baddie cleans out your current account with your debit card and it so happens to be the day before your rent/mortgage/car goes out of your account, you got PROBLEMS.

wonder if its cheaper to buy in pounds, euros, or dollars?
Very much depends on the Ts and Cs of the card you're using as well as which one you currency you nominate with FDev. There are some cards which have astonishingly good ex rates in return for a small monthly fee. There are also cards (especially pre-pay debit) which will absolutely turn you over on exchange rates because that is the business model.
Debit card is nearly as good now, but in some jurisdictions (UK included) there are slightly more protections for credit cards than there are for debit cards. Those are the facts in law. It's wrong and stupid but it is what it is.

My (possibly mistaken) understanding is that this is because the money on the credit card is not technically your money, but rather the bank's. Hence why the bank is more protective of credit cards, it's their money and they have a more direct interest in keeping it that way.
While I understand the frustration if that's the only way you can or at least want to pay for things online 😯😀🤘 ...

However, it annoys me more that (at least through the livery section on PS4), that they don't allow you to buy individual ship kit components, say this wing, that rudder, this bumper etc, which would hopefully be a couple of hundred Arx each...

Instead as far as I can see, if you want part X, you can only get it as part of a say, 15 piece pack, which costs around 13,000 ARX each...
(While you can't see all the other parts in the pack, which you likely don't care about anyway 😯😂.)

Now personally I never really want to pay real money for such transactions (though I'd be more inclined if I could select individual parts), but I do have a far amount of free ARX, "burning" a hole in my space wallet, though not enough for a full pack (over 7,000, which isn't nothing! 😯) - which I would pay Frontier with, IF I could select individual parts!

Also it's very annoying and awkward that you can only see and select any kits and paint schemes that you might be interested in, in the tight outfitting bay, below landing pads!...

With some ships, like the Anaconda, it puts the camera in an ok, but still not great position, but with others like the Python and Corvette, I can hardly see a thing or any possible new details on the kits and paint jobs - further discouraging me from buying any cosmetics for them!

Which is probably why I've only bought a paint job for my Anaconda and none of the other ships!

(Thankfully you can select and buy individual paint jobs and they're not only part of a particular multi pack only! 😯😂.)

So all in then, let us use PayPal (I guess, I can't see why not - they're a legitimate company!), let us select and buy individual kit components and let us properly SEE our ships in the livery screen! 😯😂😀🤘🤞 .
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I totally understand your frustration with the limited payment options for purchasing ARX. It's essential for companies to offer a variety of secure payment methods that cater to their customers' preferences. Have you considered reaching out to Frontier directly to express your concerns? Sometimes, customer feedback can prompt changes and improvements.
Unless it's an issue with the transaction fees which PayPal charge and it's a costs based business decision.

In which case the best you'll get is some reply about delivering synergistic efficiencies for the overall benefit of high performing blah, blah, blah.
Seriously the store does not accept Paypal?
So they make changes to prices and now sell ships, which angers some players as they fear pay2win.
And on top of that they do not accept Paypal.

So to throw my money at them i have to jump through multiple hoops?
Thats multilevel stupid.

Just tried my Giro Card, claims invalid number.
No way i would get another payment method because FD is unable to provide a quite common service.
I am not surprised they might have money issues.

/double facepalm
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