I stop reading anyone's post when I get the "Deserved nerf" part. How could ANYONE think a NERF is "Deserved"?
Because not everyone thinks that profits should always be going up that much, but there is another way to fix things without nerfing payments but the suggested buff would upset as many or more.

Bring the costs of ships and larger/higher grade modules up in line with the peak pay outs from mining, maybe FCs as well.
Because not everyone thinks that profits should always be going up that much, but there is another way to fix things without nerfing payments but the suggested buff would upset as many or more.

Bring the costs of ships and larger/higher grade modules up in line with the peak pay outs from mining, maybe FCs as well.
I guess my final question, before I go back into ED and shot something, is... why does anyone care? What were wrong with "prices" in the first place? Who's complaining? I know who is complaining ... the guy that already used ALL the exploits himself, got rich, has every ship and ENG, $50B in the bank, and now thinks that HE should be the one to say that "THIS IS PAYING TOO MUCH! GOOD THING FDEV NERFED THAT!" Pff!
I guess my final question, before I go back into ED and shot something, is... why does anyone care? What were wrong with "prices" in the first place? Who's complaining? I know who is complaining ... the guy that already used ALL the exploits himself, got rich, has every ship and ENG, $50B in the bank, and now thinks that HE should be the one to say that "THIS IS PAYING TOO MUCH! GOOD THING FDEV NERFED THAT!" Pff!
Well whoever that is it isn't me, I have ignored some exploits or not exploited them even if playing there, and while I do have most ships couldn't afford an FC even if I sold everything.

However I do think some things have been paying far too much for too long.

The occasional gold rush that lasts a couple of days is not the same thing.
Mr Redhouse - "I think Elite Dangerous is an experiment in just how much crap players can take and keep on playing. I really do"

Your still here :) it looks like we 'can' take alot.
Mr Redhouse - "I think Elite Dangerous is an experiment in just how much crap players can take and keep on playing. I really do"

Your still here :) it looks like we 'can' take alot.
Yeah, but he have a good point tho, cause we all are here yet.
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CMDR Shuuichi Muraii
I done that it's a pain but it was only 333k.

Don't wait for them - use your FSS after honking and look for the different coloured mission target circle amongst the unidentified signal sources.
Mine are blue but I have modded the colours on my HUD so it may be different for you.

On another note the fighting isn't very gripping but the material drops are very good if you have limpets with you.
That's the balance part (less grinding)
Oh I definitely do that, no worries there. I'm talking about the weapon fire SS. Always threat lvl 1 and what's up with the degraded emissions at lvl 2 or 3 but never any actual threats? I'll brave an expert tonight and see how it goes. My rebuy is only 6m and I've got plenty to spare.

I really haven't been but considering I was really just planning to do some engineering and stopped for the CG cause it was on the way. Probably should huh? Not enough slots on my FDL 😭😭
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It's an unusual or different coloured unidentified signal source that only shows up in Parutis when you take the massacre crimson pirates missions in LHS 54 (see below).

There are a couple of other systems to get them but LHS 54 is guaranteed.

Different coloured Uss -

after zoom -

You hand in the bounties at Schweikart (Parutis) and hand the missions back in where you got them in LHS 54
Hope this helps.

Apologies should be in CG forum. but hey ho.
I've been following and a bit participating in the debate. There is one thing I fail to understand. When I got wind of ED I read you can pick any role you want: the bane of the galaxy notorious pirate, the hero of the Empire, make Columbus feel like a toddler with toy boats. So I want to be a disgusting filthy rich Scrooge. Why is that bad for the game? I'm not bothering anyone with that, am I? Having sick loads of credits is not very useful anyway: there are not so much things to buy with them. Is the "hatred" because of rushing the ship tiers? Again: so what? I'm fairly new (started in june) and I already have 12.5B I'm pretty sure I can by now buy all the ships with all the state of the art hardware on them. And yet again: so what? Who am I bothering with that? Or why is that a bad thing for the game? With my experience in ED I'm finding it often hard to see the difference between making things a bit tough and plain trolling players. And the nerfing of the mining is such an issue for me. Could someone help me see the point?
It's an unusual or different coloured unidentified signal source that only shows up in Parutis when you take the massacre crimson pirates missions in LHS 54 (see below).
View attachment 197546
There are a couple of other systems to get them but LHS 54 is guaranteed.

Different coloured Uss -
View attachment 197547

after zoom -
View attachment 197548

You hand in the bounties at Schweikart (Parutis) and hand the missions back in where you got them in LHS 54
Hope this helps.

Apologies should be in CG forum. but hey ho.
No I get that I've been doing that. I was just saying that the weapons fire USS are the fecal matter of bulls.
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I stop reading anyone's post when I get the "Deserved nerf" part. How could ANYONE think a NERF is "Deserved"?
My bad, the proper wording is "needed nerf".

Mining was paying way too much in comparison to any other activity, and making everything else pay more just devalued the credits in game.
Once credits aren't worth anything, any new player can easily fly an Anaconda within a few hour of getting out of the starting system.
Couple of missions, get mining gear, mine a few tons of LTD or painite, gear up to something bigger, now you got limpets flying, credits roll even faster, now you got a python, and let the good times roll.

So yes, I do believe this nerf was needed in order to keep some kind of game progress in place.

You wouldn't be able to do that with any other activity in game.
Trading - no way!
Exploration - You wouldn't make it out to undiscovered space before a miner hits the anaconda.
Combat - NopeMcNope
AX combat - Nope.
Ok. At least one and I think two or three have posted about the color/brightness/shape of rocks in a tritium Hotspot.

I have concluded that the color/brightness/shape are meaningless for tritium.
A selection of rocks. I have not yet found a CORE tritium but I have not seen anything that says they even exist.

That said, I am not sure why the F___ C(Ommoners) owners have their panties in a wad about the availability of Tritium. All but one rock of any color/brightness/shape I have prospected had recoverable amounts of Tritium.

I am off to look at Alexandrite.
You know, I am sitting here, doing these Robigo to S.A. and back runs for the 40,000th time, for G5 MAT grinding, and thinking... the development team is more concerned with thinning out making money, nerfing mining and other stuff, yet not once, out of 40,000 times I have made this run has the security forces stopped me and my illegal passenger! Huh? Not once, and that's game play. That's core simple scripted routine code. Then I am thinking ... why is my module storage capped at 120, and why can't I create "storage bins" for my different modules and ship needs? Why can't I click on a module and see a beautifully rendered version of it, and it can be spun around and examined, as in many other games from years back!? Then I am thinking ... really, all I have is a Name edit button for bookmarks? Really, I can't have a folder hierarchy for different bookmark needs? Priorities people, priorities. Functionality, innovation, supply a need with a modern function! Or, I guess, go NERF something that benefits no one, suits no real need for actual game play mechanics and brining this game into the modern world of AAA games. And I can say, pretty confidently, that Odyssey is not going to be the answer. It's odd to me that there are people that would defend nerfing stuff, yet pay no attention to basic game play mechanics that are not in place... like, not being scanned with illegal passengers, not once, in 40,000 trips with them.
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Welcome to the game. You haven't even begin to discover how slow the game is (and that's great by the way). I bet you were influenced by drivers to make you meta, competitive rewards, get rich quick guides, etc. Ignore them. Credits does not advance the game. Most of these people posting saying 'nerf nerf' have a long history of using these metas and sit on billions. It's easy to preach philanthropy when you've already got rich using the techniques - but a lot of the time their 'nerf this nerf that' leave them sitting pretty and actually impact people who try to play the game non meta. There is so much to do and discover in this game here are my recommends:

Buy each ship in turn. Dont buy the next until you kit it and try a new playstyle. Smuggling for instance sucks reward wise, but I had fun learning how to do it in my Diamondback Scout. Ive learned so much by properly using every ship to the best of its limited ability, and it takes a long time believe me. Im not in game but I expect Ive probably earned plenty to maybe even knock on the door of a getting towards fleet carrier - but instead I have a depot full of role equipped ships that is a museum of my journey. And Im not done yet - nearly, not quite. About 4 ships left IIRC.

Dont use spansh or other get rich quick route tools. Exception would be trade - you dont have the tools in game to do trade well and so you have to use market information in 3rd party tools.

Go for credits when you need credits. Forget them when you have other goals. What goals? Mine shift all the time. I am some way through Canonn Science codex of in game discoveries - finding them all in the order they were discovered. It's wonderful. I'm halfway through unlocking all the engineers. I'm halfway through filling up on mats. I did the Ram Tah discovery missions. I've only got a few permits left. I wanted to self discover 500 systems (not quite there yet). You have the CG goals, you have Fed/Imp/All ranking. Listen to the amount of people preaching nerf having been in game for ages who are sitting on the ranks where you get Corvette and Cutter because there's no 'reward' for the other ranks - that tells you not to listen to the preaching. I have SO much to do there is never enough time, and often when I try to achieve a goal I realise I need to do other things, either first or as a result of the goal I am on.

See the sights! Forget exploration credits. Take part in the Canonn challenge. Take part in the Turning the Wheel initiative. take part in the CG's - form an opinion. Be pro - or anti Thargoid. Are they the menace? Or did we start it? You decide. Read the lore, research if you like. Fight pirates. Be a pirate. Leverage how to guides and resources when you need to achieve something, not like gamefaqs. People who rush always feel disenfranchised - and sometimes they push that disenfranchisement on to making sure other players remain have-nots.

Welcome to the game. It's a wonderful universe. I hope to see you in the black. o7
Well said cmdr. Well said. I play the same way. I disagree on the trade point. I dont use inara or eddb. I use the gal map after flying to systems and docking at least once within 25 ly of my target system. Gal map rarely if ever fails me and i have all the trade data from those systems that i docked at. One thing i do is when i pledge to a power is during the 4 week explore all the systems around the capital system. It gives me trade data for future endeavors in the area. At the same time im gathering mats, getting exploration data, riding on planets and just having a ball of a time. I have over 77 weeks in game time and triple elite. I own all the ships and have most upgraded and im extremely proud i did it without using meta mining. Once i stopped racing to try and tick off boxes.....thw game became much more enjoyable and not a grind at all.
You know, I am sitting here, doing these Robigo to S.A. and back runs for the 40,000th time, for G5 MAT grinding, and thinking... the development team is more concerned with thinning out making money, nerfing mining and other stuff, yet not once, out of 40,000 times I have made this run has the security forces stopped me and my illegal passenger! Huh? Not once, and that's game play. That's core simple scripted routine code. Then I am thinking ... why is my module storage capped at 120, and why can't I create "storage bins" for my different modules and ship needs? Why can't I click on a module and see a beautifully rendered version of it, and it can be spun around and examined, as in many other games from years back!? Then I am thinking ... really, all I have is a Name edit button for bookmarks? Really, I can't have a folder hierarchy for different bookmark needs? Priorities people, priorities. Functionality, innovation, supply a need with a modern function! Or, I guess, go NERF something that benefits no one, suits no real need for actual game play mechanics and brining this game into the modern world of AAA games. And I can say, pretty confidently, that Odyssey is not going to be the answer. It's odd to me that there are people that would defend nerfing stuff, yet pay no attention to basic game play mechanics that are not in place... like, not being scanned with illegal passengers, not once, in 40,000 trips with them.
I think the simple answers to your questions are to do with funding. ED’s funding is outdated as the game interface. I haven’t played a MMO in the last 5 years that has a funding stream like ED and I have played a few. In game micro purchases seems to be the way most are going. Eve seems to have succeeded with its subscription based model as has Star Citizen, although for how much longer, who knows, as a lot of the funding seems to be going on designing new ships to sell to raise the next lot of cash. The sole outlier is No Man’s Sky. Not sure how they continue to make major improvements to the game with the way it is funded. Either they made such a stack of cash from the initial funding to keep going or ongoing sales are so healthy as to fund the development.
Either in game micro purchases or subscription give the developers both the incentive to fix and improve things and the cash to do it, cos in both cases players stop paying if they are not happy. Nothing new about subs, the original MUD wasn’t free to play. Not a big fan of in game purchases, tends to lead to pay to win.
I have always dreamed of a game where you are rewarded with a really stunning treasure after an extremely hard fight. And not just money/gold/credits, but stuff that is really useful for your further progress in the game. I have finally found it: A single player game, the PC conversion of an old hardcore Pen & Paper RPG (who would have thought it 😁). And now think for yourself why something like that is hardly possible in a sandbox MMO, or MMOs in general. The answer to it could possibly also be the answer to your question and also why ED is the polar opposite of such a game...
Well don’t keep us in suspense! What is this wonderful game?
I think the simple answers to your questions are to do with funding. ED’s funding is outdated as the game interface. I haven’t played a MMO in the last 5 years that has a funding stream like ED and I have played a few. In game micro purchases seems to be the way most are going. Eve seems to have succeeded with its subscription based model as has Star Citizen, although for how much longer, who knows, as a lot of the funding seems to be going on designing new ships to sell to raise the next lot of cash. The sole outlier is No Man’s Sky. Not sure how they continue to make major improvements to the game with the way it is funded. Either they made such a stack of cash from the initial funding to keep going or ongoing sales are so healthy as to fund the development.
Either in game micro purchases or subscription give the developers both the incentive to fix and improve things and the cash to do it, cos in both cases players stop paying if they are not happy. Nothing new about subs, the original MUD wasn’t free to play. Not a big fan of in game purchases, tends to lead to pay to win.
I would be fine if they just sold credits. Just sell them as they sell ship kits. Who cares. $1B for $25 real US bucks! I am fine with that. I think, nearly, everyone could afford what they thought they needed to get and what they want. The REAL game here should be the BGS and MMO, not how to buy your first Anaconda, and trust me, you'd be happier with the Krait MKII anyway. Let people get into the real deal of the game, the simulation, the Wings, the exploration and the engineering. Who cares about the paltry pick of ships and modules in this game, that should be the least of the concerns. Give everyone the keys to the Ferrari and let's see what they can do with it!
As such, we will begin with mining, bring the top range down to a point we see as fair and look at which aspects of mining should offer the greatest rewards based on the skill required. ... To recognise and reward the extra effort and skill needed for core mining

@Bruce Garrido @Stephen Benedetti Do you guys remember when because of the "Egg" the drop rate of sub-surface mining chunks was nerfed? Just now I did some sub-surface mining and 3 line wide deposit dropped 1 fragment, a 2 line wide deposit dropped 1 fragment and a 1 line wide deposit also dropped only 1 fragment. Now that you have adjusted other parts of the mining mechanics maybe sub-surface and core mining drop rates should be adjusted a little bit, according to "recognise and reward the extra effort and skill needed for core mining".
You know, I am sitting here, doing these Robigo to S.A. and back runs for the 40,000th time, for G5 MAT grinding

The Robigo passenger missions is another one aspect of this game that I have mentioned earlier that is long overdue for nerfing. The pay out should be at least halved for these risk-free short missions.
I would be fine if they just sold credits. Just sell them as they sell ship kits. Who cares. $1B for $25 real US bucks! I am fine with that. I think, nearly, everyone could afford what they thought they needed to get and what they want. The REAL game here should be the BGS and MMO, not how to buy your first Anaconda, and trust me, you'd be happier with the Krait MKII anyway. Let people get into the real deal of the game, the simulation, the Wings, the exploration and the engineering. Who cares about the paltry pick of ships and modules in this game, that should be the least of the concerns. Give everyone the keys to the Ferrari and let's see what they can do with it!
That would make the game feel even thinner than it already is. Credits make you explore many aspects of the game. If credits were purchasable, those players that bought a couple billion would have no need to go bounty hunting. No need to go mining. No need to go and do some missions. No need to make a good exploration ship, as they have a fleet carrier that can do that for them.

Regarding what you said in your previous comment, This process of balancing is something the community has been crying out for, for years, and you are complaining about the big Nerf to mining. Developers must be thick skinned at fdev, as I would just give up trying to do anything useful to the community because there are still a group (probably Yamiks worshippers) that still crap on the game because they haven't implemented what they want in the game. I have a lot of sympathy for the devs as I have never been part of a community that consistently berate everything they do. Keep up the good work Fdev and good luck, you're gonna need it!
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