Game FPS

Strange. That's not even struggling.

Just for the record (as you may have guessed) I can't see anything like that. Playing in Open, in VR (HP reverb), and currently have SteamVRs monitoring gadget running. Still running green (90 FPS+) most of the time, bright blue (CPU throttling, reprojection active) on jumps or when entering an instance, dark blue (GPU throttling, reprojection active) in stations or on planets as usual. All within the usual fluctuations, comparing last evening with two weeks ago.
Here's what I am used to. I know this is not the most demanding example. but as you can see, getting well over 200fps. I've seen the game hit 400fps in some areas, but around the Bubble and stations, combat and Thargoid fights, etc., I usually see about a steady 100fps.

This may sound stupid, but has the game enadbled ingame vsync or FPS limit on its own?
I recall something like that happening years ago with some updates, haven't encountered that recently though.
I'd be a bit more worried if I were seeing processor speeds of 0.71ghz while ED is running. There is something up there and it's probably not ED causing it.
This is PERF MON and Task Manager with game running in background. Nothing taxing the system :unsure:

View attachment 196836

View attachment 196837

Was the game ever in focus during the time the CPU/GPU usage was graphed?

Uncapped (no fps limit, vsync disabled), the game should essentially always be completely GPU limited at reasonably high settings. CPU utilization should be higher and less consistent, while GPU utilization should be essentially pegged at or near 100%.

Also, 242 processes is a lot (at least eight of them Razer!). Not necessarily indicative of any problem, but it's about 100 more than I would expect for a Windows 10 setup that wasn't running gobs of crap in the background, and will certainly make it more difficult to diagnose things if something shouldn't be running.

I'd be a bit more worried if I were seeing processor speeds of 0.71ghz while ED is running. There is something up there and it's probably not ED causing it.

CPU is in a low power state, might actually be stuck in one, which could explain the performance issues.
I had exactly the same problem a few days ago, but it was after a Windows update.
The culprit was "Windows Game Mode". Once I disabled it everything was back to normal.
Worth checking Windows Settings/Gaming/Game Mode.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I have checked all of them, with the exception of disabling a bunch of BG apps. I know, I have a lot running but never been an issue and nearly all are essential background apps. There's no CPU Throttling, MS Game Mode has always been OFF. Power is set to MAX Performance. Also, this is a Desktop, no power supply (with the exception of my CyberPower UPS). Nothing has changed, nothing has updated and no settings have been changed. The in-game settings have no fps cap enabled, v-sync is disabled as always, didn't accidentally turn on SS 2.0 or something, all graphics settings are as they were, maxed with the exception of SS set to default of 1.0. It's odd, but changing the graphic options in game have NO effect of framerate or laggy stuttering, it's as through the game doesn't even see that I've changed the settings, except I can SEE in the game that the settings have been changed, like LOW looks horrible, so I know they are working. I have yet to go into game today, maybe it's back to normal but... we'll see. Thanks again!
I am also having some issues. In the menu screen (where you click CONTINUE) my GPU (980ti) is maxed to 100%. Just flat lines. My guess is that is has to do with some recent windows updates. I have updated drivers and trying to work through the suggestions in this thread. But not hopeful....
Look again at your screenshots your cpu is throttling itself down to. 7ghz with the game running, that ain't right.

Might be time to give it a good dust and/or renew the thermal paste on the cpu.
I am going to say you're onto something there. I just checked my CPU temps (cores) and found them all very high! Right now, I am downloading a Windows 10 ISO and doing a backup to a USB drive, that's it. MY CPU usage should be a little high, but the temps should not be anywhere near pushing their MAX. Might be time to blow out system and get a new cooler. I use a Corsair Hydro cooler and have had it for many years now. Maybe the coolant is gunked up, not flushing through as it should be, whatever the case, might be time for a new heatsink. Not sure how else, or what else, could be causing this INSANE stuttering and low fps in game, or why it happened over night, but I have a place to start... air compressor, then order a new cooler. I've looked at everything else. Thanks!

Yeah, gotta be CPU throttling. The ONLY thing my computer is currently doing is a Second Copy backup to an external USB drive, even shows low usage, yet, CPU temps are insanely high. Odd, my computer's fans are not in jet mode, sounds as normal as ever, but these core temps below tell a different story. No way they should be that high. I am surprised my computer has not crashed or started smoking. Just ordered new cooler and paste. We'll see, gotta be the issue of heat and throttling, no other answer I can think of. GPU temp is a cool 32c


Hmm, OK, I am going to see if anyone knows a bit more about this than me... So, I am in the game right now and taking temp readings. They are all very high, but I am not sure HOW high they should be? The load doesn't show 100% though. I go into Windows PERF MON and my CPU is actually running at or below 1 GHz. So, the heat here MUST be throttling the CPU, correct? I mean, what else could cause the CPU to throttle down to BELOW 1 GHz, if not heat? However, look at the CPU Utilization, it's at 15%. I am assuming, because of the heat, it can't utilize anymore of the PROC? And yes, I do understand, I have a lot of processes running but all are normal and super low, all of them together don't even put a dent in RAM or PROC.


Yep, looks like the CPU is thermal throttling. Something would appear to be wrong with your cooler. If it's a heatsink, the fan may have failed. If it's a liquid cooler, you may have problems with your pump, or there could be a blockage/build somewhere in the loop. It's also possible that the mounting hardware has failed and the cooler is no longer attached with sufficient mounting pressure.

I'd check fan/pump speeds then shut the system down and inspect whatever you have cooling your CPU.
Yep, looks like the CPU is thermal throttling. Something would appear to be wrong with your cooler. If it's a heatsink, the fan may have failed. If it's a liquid cooler, you may have problems with your pump, or there could be a blockage/build somewhere in the loop. It's also possible that the mounting hardware has failed and the cooler is no longer attached with sufficient mounting pressure.

I'd check fan/pump speeds then shut the system down and inspect whatever you have cooling your CPU.
Thanks. It's a Hydro (water) Series H100i. I've had it since about 2015, so, probably just has come unseated or not circulating fully, thermal paste is all but gone or a dried cracked mess under the sink, probably. I just ordered a new Hydro cooler, plus paste. I am hoping this will resolve my issue and my PROC is not fried beyond repair. I mean, the computer is up and running, seems fine, other than ED but have not tried any other games. Think I will let it be until the new cooler is installed, before I push it. Thanks!
Yep, looks like the CPU is thermal throttling. Something would appear to be wrong with your cooler. If it's a heatsink, the fan may have failed. If it's a liquid cooler, you may have problems with your pump, or there could be a blockage/build somewhere in the loop. It's also possible that the mounting hardware has failed and the cooler is no longer attached with sufficient mounting pressure.

I'd check fan/pump speeds then shut the system down and inspect whatever you have cooling your CPU.
BY the way... here are the temps per core with nothing running, no games or backup, just, my, normal background stuff and this temp reader program. You can see the computer is not throttling and the temp(s) are much better, but still, I don't think, at idle, the temps should be even this high, they should only be this high in the game, maybe a little higher but around these temps, I would assume.

11-25-2020 4-22-53 PM.png
CLC coolers like that usually have a useful life span of about five years.

Thermal paste probably isn't the issue. For such a rapid degradation in performance, chances are that either the pump has failed, you have radiator mounted in an orientation that has allowed the pump to ingest air as coolant levels have fallen, or it's lost so much coolant that it can no longer properly function in any orientation.

Air flow through the radiator itself could also be the problem, but unless both fans failed simultaneously I'd doubt it. Still, it would be wise to see if they still spin at full speed and that the radiator fins aren't clogged with dust.

How exactly do you have radiator mounted? A picture might be useful.

The difference between load and idle temps is typically much greater, as idle power consumption (and thus heat production) is negligible.
CLC coolers like that usually have a useful life span of about five years.

Thermal paste probably isn't the issue. For such a rapid degradation in performance, chances are that either the pump has failed, you have radiator mounted in an orientation that has allowed the pump to ingest air as coolant levels have fallen, or it's lost so much coolant that it can no longer properly function in any orientation.

Air flow through the radiator itself could also be the problem, but unless both fans failed simultaneously I'd doubt it. Still, it would be wise to see if they still spin at full speed and that the radiator fins aren't clogged with dust.

How exactly do you have radiator mounted? A picture might be useful.

The difference between load and idle temps is typically much greater, as idle power consumption (and thus heat production) is negligible.
Taking a picture would be kind of hard, would have to pull all cables to pull out computer. I am sure it's dusty, even though I air compress it out every 6 months or so. I did notice, about 2 weeks ago, on POST, my computer hard stopped at Over Temp error. Temp stop point was like 84c. I disabled that in the BOIS, so I could get into Windows, check temps and found them fine. Thought it was a fluke or some weird Windows Update causing the Over Temp sensor to malfunction, but then, it was during POST and not even in Windows yet... so, looks like I should have heeded that Over Temp warning, it's there for a reason right? Ha! Duh! However, been playing game just fine since that, but maybe, it's just been sitting there and frying the whole time. I've had no shutdowns or crashes at all though, and reading the temps have been in normal range. I guess, it finally caught up with my PROC. Just hope it's not beyond a new cooler, at this point, or it will be time for a new computer. Which is fine, just a bunch of building setup work and installing everything. I bought the cooler back in 2013, according to Amazon, so yeah, well beyond life expectancy I would assume. I should just buy my parts for a new build, but was waiting for 3090 Ti Super next year to come out before I did that... but now, if the new cooler doesn't work, I'll be placing a LOT of parts orders ;) Thanks!
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A couple of things, you don't need everything on Ultra to experience the game in its full glory, some settings make so little difference, they are not worth turning up to ultra. I have a similar setup to yours, regularly seeing 200fps and that's with supersampling set to 2.0. Have a look at this link, i do suggest you watch the whole thing, as it really makes sense and explains all you ever wanted to know about graphics settings in game

A couple of things, you don't need everything on Ultra to experience the game in its full glory, some settings make so little difference, they are not worth turning up to ultra. I have a similar setup to yours, regularly seeing 200fps and that's with supersampling set to 2.0. Have a look at this link, i do suggest you watch the whole thing, as it really makes sense and explains all you ever wanted to know about graphics settings in game

Thanks. I have watched that. Exigeous and I, you'll see in the comments about two months back, had a disagreement on me getting over 200fps. He said there was no way I could be, even with SS set to 1.0. I placed a link to the video of me getting between 200 and nearly 400fps on the post but he said that he was not a true test, as the scene was not taxing enough. He said to try that with a bunch of CMDRs and Packhounds, and I did and still, was getting, over 100fps. Hell, even with my PROC only running at 1GHz in game currently, I am still hitting 80fps, but seems to stick around the 50fps mark, which is unacceptable! But thanks! I've always ran everything maxed out, as I do with nearly every game. RD2 I had to cut a few corners but still, most stuff maxed and still getting a solid 40 to 80fps. I just need my new cooler to get here and all should be fine ;) Thanks! OH, and I've tried SS 2.0, which seems to do almost nothing, except put my fps where it is currently. I see almost NO visual difference between 1.0 and 2.0, with the slight exception of some shimmery lines here and there, especially in stations and looking at the railings. Other than that, all SS 2.0 does is take my 100+fps and tank it to about 30 to 40fps :(
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