Patch Notes Update Gamma update 2.05 incoming

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Then we shall force it! :)

Will be a small update in about 10 minutes..

Not working for me either, win 8.1.
Neither online, group or solo.
Would be nice to have a debugging window or text dialog that runs through what happens.
So we can see where it hangs.
Just a spinning ship without knowing where it fails is just irritating and frustrating because we can only say "hangs on spinning ship" while there is maybe a lot going on behind the screens.
A cancel button would be nice 2.
Same as Doempy - never had any connection issues in Gamma till 2.05. Now getting "Cannot connect to matchmaker" during play and spinning ship of doom when trying to reconnect.

Same here, has to be server issue. (overloaded?)
2 days before release, this is going to be a disaster....
I keep getting hit by every game-breaking bug lately. First it crashes, then it freezes, then it just sits and spins. Most frustrating beta I've ever been a part of. Usually I'm grinding through the game to find bugs, not grinding through endless loading screens.
Confirmed. The new exe works for me too. Just before I got the spinning ship problem I got booted out with the "unable to connect to matchmaking server" error.
Replaced with new that devs provided and same problem:

{14:19:04} EnterLocation: response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
{14:19:04} EnterLocation: Using UDP server address from webserver
{14:19:05} Connected: x 10 EDServer#317
{14:19:05} Established MTU=1500
{14:19:05} IJoinSession:Server (unspecified): 0x000004d58eb9a465: x 38 ( Name Unknown
{14:19:05} JoinSession:Server (unspecified): 0x000004d58eb9a465: x 10 EDServer#317
{14:19:05} New Primary Server:
{14:19:05} IJoinSession:Island: 0x000004d58eb9a475: x 42 ( Name Unknown
{14:19:05} IJoinSession:Wake: 0x000004d58eb9a476: x 43 ( Name Unknown
{14:19:05} ModularStationAttachComponent: object kinematic Ind_StorageTanks_0x0000000100000026 is not ready
{14:19:06} ModularStationAttachComponent: object kinematic Ind_StorageTanks_0x0000000100000026 is not ready
{14:19:06} ModularStationAttachComponent: object kinematic Ind_StorageTanks_0x0000000100000026 is not ready
Managed to get in once on open mode, but subsequently could not login to either open or solo mode. Just tried with the linked elitedangerous32.exe posted above and still cannot log in to solo mode. (Just gonna try open again!).
May not seem like much to anyone I have changed my UPNP to 0 downloaded the new exe and still got same issue.
I thought to hell with it ill do some training again to see if that loads
got in to training save and exited to main menu now im into open play
saved and exited to main menu again and straight into solo and private groups wihtout issue.

hope this helps others
Amazon Web Services.... either FD isn't paying them enough, or it's not overloaded. It's almost like saying "google is too busy". B.S. ;)

its also possible the server side CODE isnt scaling as well as amazon gives it freedom. so can still be overloaded.

but unless they tell us whats happening we can only guess and most likely be wrong.
I cant play also -> endless spinning ship at loading screen.
Wanted to start for real tonight because of vacation start. And now this connection Problem =(


May not seem like much to anyone I have changed my UPNP to 0 downloaded the new exe and still got same issue.
I thought to hell with it ill do some training again to see if that loads
got in to training save and exited to main menu now im into open play
saved and exited to main menu again and straight into solo and private groups wihtout issue.

hope this helps others

The update is here hope for the best. thank you FD
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