Patch Notes Update Gamma update 2.05 incoming

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Well, let's see here. I go to Start. And then I hover over 'Open Play' and I get a yellow box. I hover over 'Solo Play' and I get a yellow box. I hover over 'Private Group' and I get a red box.

When I click 'Open Play', I'm greeted by a spinning ship. When I click 'Solo Play', I'm greeted by a spinning ship. When I click 'Private Group', nothing happens.

Pretty sure I know how menus work. If there is something I need to enable or setup before 'Private Group' will work, it sure would be fantastic for the menu system to let me know. But since there is no such helpful feature, I made an assumption that by not having any in-game friends added, or belonging to any in-game groups, this option wouldn't make much sense for me, so the developers intentionally made it unavailable.

Glad to know I could count on you for explaining how you are able to create a private group without having any in-game friends. Oh great space wizard, please bless us with thine knowledge!

Try Friends and Group Management menu option perhaps? That is where you manage (and create) private groups. Quite intuitive actually.

Mine is here

C:\Program Files (x86)\Frontier\EDLaunch\Products\FORC-FDEV-D-1002

game just update for me and i have the spinning cobra OK i'm not that computer minded where is the file frontier / ed launcher that you think might fix it with the download
Well, let's see here. I go to Start. And then I hover over 'Open Play' and I get a yellow box. I hover over 'Solo Play' and I get a yellow box. I hover over 'Private Group' and I get a red box.

When I click 'Open Play', I'm greeted by a spinning ship. When I click 'Solo Play', I'm greeted by a spinning ship. When I click 'Private Group', nothing happens.

Pretty sure I know how menus work. If there is something I need to enable or setup before 'Private Group' will work, it sure would be fantastic for the menu system to let me know. But since there is no such helpful feature, I made an assumption that by not having any in-game friends added, or belonging to any in-game groups, this option wouldn't make much sense for me, so the developers intentionally made it unavailable.

Glad to know I could count on you for explaining how you are able to create a private group without having any in-game friends. Oh great space wizard, please bless us with thine knowledge!

I wish I could tell you but I forgot :)
Did it for the first time just to evade this bug. It must be very intuitive because I could do it without a problem ;)
I tried running the updated .EXE posted a few pages back, but it wouldn't let me -- when I ran the .EXE directly at first, it just said "to make sure you have the latest version, please use the launcher" and immediately exited. So I hit "play" from the launcher, but I noticed that it made new .EXE.part and .EXE.progress files, as if it were re-syncing the official version. Sure enough, after it finished that, I compared the .EXE to my backup of the official 2.05 and they were identical, so the "custom" .EXE I installed had been replaced and overwritten.
nightspirit said:
Having issue in finding my original elitedangerous32.exe even serching pc does not bring it up - i know it is a lame question anyone got any pointers ?

Don't worry, it's not lame at all. Proper answer is upthread and I'm on phone, but it's something like [username]/appdata/local/frontier_developments/products/forc-fdev-d-1002
Appdata is a hidden file, so you need to opt to show those
Hi all,

We have a potential fix for this "spinning sidewinder" issue.
If you could confirm for me that this new executable fixes the problem for you that would be great!

Download from;

and replace your EliteDangerous32.exe wherever the game is installed for you and try again.


Nope still getting spinning ship.
btw the client took much longer to load the game as well i thought that was going to crash at first.
Hmm, if that's the case then it hasn't been advertised at all. Maybe it was changed in the last launcher update a few days ago, problem is to find out would require a total uninstall/reinstall which is something I haven't done in ages. Might do it on Tuesday for 1.0.

I joined around Beta 3.03, and every since then the game has installed with the launcher.
Perhaps if you started later it doesn't?
Hi all,

We have a potential fix for this "spinning sidewinder" issue.
If you could confirm for me that this new executable fixes the problem for you that would be great!

Download from;

and replace your EliteDangerous32.exe wherever the game is installed for you and try again.


Thanks guys! This did work for me.

EDIT 1) After reading some people who said the launcher overwrote the fixed exe - I think mine didn't overwrite cause my launcher was still open, so for me it worked, and you may need to recopy the fixed exe each time you start the launcher anew...

EDIT 2) Even though I can log in now, I get thrown out of the game via "connection error" within a few minutes of being in... just enough to undock, jump to another system and dock again if I don't tarry. So, I'd say its good for about 5 minutes of playing err testing ;-)

EDIT 3) Getting the Bulletin Board to come up is failing. Its not kicking me out of the game, but I certainly can't refresh missions... "Failed to connect with the server"
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Cannot play. Either 1) Spinning ship or 2) server unconnected. Tried for over 20 mins to actually get into game :) Too many faults too close to launch date.

Edit: Forgot to say that no point in saying download this or that replace file with this or that. I have no clue whatsoever on the workings of computers.
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Same as Doempy - never had any connection issues in Gamma till 2.05. Now getting "Cannot connect to matchmaker" during play and spinning ship of doom when trying to reconnect.
Try Friends and Group Management menu option perhaps? That is where you manage (and create) private groups. Quite intuitive actually.


Thank you glorious master space wizard!

Too bad creating a private group, doesn't get me in game. 1.5 hours wasted. Thanks FD!
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