GEC - The Galactic Exploration Catalog

Introducing the GEC, the Galactic Exploration Catalog! This is a new POI (Point of Interest) sharing system, hosted on, designed to be a relatively open and free-form platform to share interesting locations, beautiful scenery, new discoveries, historical locations, and more. Each commander that submits POIs will remain responsible for future edits of that POI, and can add detail whenever they wish. A moderation staff will be on the lookout for entries that violate the terms of service, and are there to aid you in creating the best POI entries that you can, without being heavy handed gatekeepers. A scoring system allows every member to rate POI entries posted by other commanders, and can search through the lists of available POIs based on names, locations, and minimum rating scores. A set of API tools are also available to integrate into other third party tools and websites.

POIs are also syncing into the interactive map. Some of the categories are merged into existing category layers in the map, and some other POIs are ending up in the general "POI and Nav markers" layer. The map is using a merged list from both the GMP and the GEC, with precedence given to higher-rated POIs if more than one are in a star system. For the GEC map POIs, there's a minimum explorer-rating score of "3" required to be included. This excludes POIs with an average of fewer than two stars per vote (for established POIs with many votes) or fewer than 3 stars on average for new POIs. This is necessary to keep the map from being cluttered with large numbers of low-quality POIs, and to help incentivize making good submissions. ;)

Come and join us in this exciting new era of exploration, and help us to keep the dream alive. Feel free to post any questions and concerns here in this forum thread, or you may join our discord to communicate with us there. We look forward to seeing you, commander! o7

This web service is located here:

Twitter daily POI:
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Hmm, something really strange going on with EDSM, I have just submitted Via Gravitatis to the GEC and while I was doing so I visited the entry on EDSM to check some details, and curiously despite me knowing that the system, the star and all the planets orginally recorded on EDSM and in game with my name as the first visitor some other CMDRS name now comes up as the first visitor on EDSM. I know it used to say my name because I always check when doing surveys of unvisited systems to make sure it's recorded properly. I trust this won't affect me being able to put myself down as the discoverer.
To all visitors, welcome! I thought I should add that @Orvidius has done a heroic effort putting the site together. Personally, I look forward to see what finds players will share now: although we've only just begun, I've already seen interesting places that I haven't heard about before - and I've been playing Elite since its first day. So, go ahead, and share your finds in as much detail as you can!
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Hmm, something really strange going on with EDSM, I have just submitted Via Gravitatis to the GEC and while I was doing so I visited the entry on EDSM to check some details, and curiously despite me knowing that the system, the star and all the planets orginally recorded on EDSM and in game with my name as the first visitor some other CMDRS name now comes up as the first visitor on EDSM. I know it used to say my name because I always check when doing surveys of unvisited systems to make sure it's recorded properly. I trust this won't affect me being able to put myself down as the discoverer.
You should post this to EDSM instead: the GEC site doesn't send anything to it, so the error would be on their end. Although it might not be an error though: it could be that another player later uploaded logs which were made before yours, and as far as I know, in this case the site updates the first uploader as well.

In any case, we generally trust players to be truthful, but in case someone else puts in a report that they are in error (the first discoverer is someone else, or they said they have permission to use someone else's entry but they actually don't, and so on), we'll follow up on and investigate every report.
Apologies if this is obvious and I've just missed it (site looks terrific after a quick look around by the way) - is there a clear way to mark planetary POI's as either Horizons or Odyssey and to filter search results to find only one or the other?
You should post this to EDSM instead: the GEC site doesn't send anything to it, so the error would be on their end. Although it might not be an error though: it could be that another player later uploaded logs which were made before yours, and as far as I know, in this case the site updates the first uploader as well.

Ok yeah someone could have been through it months before me and their logs were uploaded after mine but have an earlier date mark, but it seems strange then that all the bodies still have my name listed, oh well not to worried really, just wanted to make sure it wouldn't affect my submission.
Apologies if this is obvious and I've just missed it (site looks terrific after a quick look around by the way) - is there a clear way to mark planetary POI's as either Horizons or Odyssey and to filter search results to find only one or the other?
We're still clearing up categories, detailed guidelines on them are to come soon. We added a Horizons category just now, please use that one for anything that's no longer present in Odyssey.
The really nice thing about GEC - is that everyone can 'vote' (5-star rating) on ANY POI - so the really special ones "rise to the top" - as opposed to being buried somewhere in the 500+ pages of the GMP / lumped in together with everything else on EDSM GalMap....

(there is also a place to file a POI on behalf of someone else [because it's THAT good!] - and later 'transfer' maintenance control to said person / another Cmdr as well....I think that's going to be the main strength: the Cmdr submitting the POI has ongoing control and can maintain / update etc as time goes on - as opposed to "piling onto the GMP workload"...)
Awesome to see this being shared here! It was great to see this yesterday as well. Looking forward to seeing where this goes!

And now I am curious how OA will appreciate this new thing in one of his next videos. After all, it's no longer quite doom-compatible (wording? doomable?).
I would at least expect something in the lines of "The Beginning of a New Era". 😁

Thanks for the "clickbait" title suggestion. It was pretty close to the one I already had in mind when discussing this with the team before the project was announced here.

Please continue to provide more tips for clickbait and doom-baiting. Looks like you have a great talent for spotting it! :eek:
Apologies if this is obvious and I've just missed it (site looks terrific after a quick look around by the way) - is there a clear way to mark planetary POI's as either Horizons or Odyssey and to filter search results to find only one or the other?

Originally we were going to require that any POIs specifically referring to surface features be for Odyssey only. We've revised that to include a category specifically for Horizons (legacy?) content.
Awesome to see this being shared here! It was great to see this yesterday as well. Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
And now I am curious how OA will appreciate this new thing in one of his next videos. After all, it's no longer quite doom-compatible (wording? doomable?).
I would at least expect something in the lines of "The Beginning of a New Era". 😁
Thanks for the "clickbait" title suggestion. It was pretty close to the one I already had in mind when discussing this with the team before the project was announced here.

Please continue to provide more tips for clickbait and doom-baiting. Looks like you have a great talent for spotting it! :eek:
And now I am curious how OA will appreciate this new thing in one of his next videos. After all, it's no longer quite doom-compatible (wording? doomable?).
I would at least expect something in the lines of "The Beginning of a New Era". 😁
OA has expressed a positive opinion and even joined the discord. We are excited to work with all the community to keep Exploration going on for many more years. After all, isn't this what everyone wants?
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