GEC - The Galactic Exploration Catalog

oh wow, I was kinda sad with things lately in exploration, but this is great news! Glad my favorite activity in the game is, in fact, not dead or dying any time soon.
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I've continued to make a bunch of improvements to the website over the last few days. The new POIs aren't yet integrated into the EDAstro interactive map, but that will come. I definitely encourage folks to sign up and start rating the existing POIs even if you don't have any to submit yet. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you submit as well!
The really nice thing about GEC - is that everyone can 'vote' (5-star rating) on ANY POI - so the really special ones "rise to the top" - as opposed to being buried somewhere in the 500+ pages of the GMP / lumped in together with everything else on EDSM GalMap....

(there is also a place to file a POI on behalf of someone else [because it's THAT good!] - and later 'transfer' maintenance control to said person / another Cmdr as well....I think that's going to be the main strength: the Cmdr submitting the POI has ongoing control and can maintain / update etc as time goes on - as opposed to "piling onto the GMP workload"...)

Greetings everyone!

I was so happy to hear about this project. ED has allways been about exploration for me - and specifically the group and community aspect of it. I flew with and made maps for the First Great Expedition back in the days when the game was launched. Later I joined the Galactic Mapping Project and various community expeditions.

It is excellent timing that the Galactic Exploration Catalog launches just as the GMP enters maintenance mode and no longer accepts new POIs. It is not that I see one as a direct continuation of the other - but rather that I believe it is a good thing in itself to have an active community project that currently active players can help build and contribute to. The GEC offers a new approach to community POI sharing - the combination of community voting, team curation and individual POI "maintenance" looks like a very solid foundation to build upon.

I wish us all best of luck with this endeavour and kudos to Orvidius and the team for setting this into motion.
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I tried to submit a recent discovery (I'd personally rate it about 3 stars) and it seems like it didn't work when I tried to submit it and had no error message.

then sorry if I flooded the website, only use the 1st entry as that is the one, I meant to submit.
I tried to submit a recent discovery (I'd personally rate it about 3 stars) and it seems like it didn't work when I tried to submit it and had no error message.

then sorry if I flooded the website, only use the 1st entry as that is the one, I meant to submit.

Huh, I don't see one under your account (I'm assuming you're using the same username there). It must not have gone through for some reason. It's possible there were network issues at the time or something. I've also made some corrections to how form submission works, so it might have just been bad timing. Can you try again?
As a general update, I've been adding features and stamping out bugs continuously. There's now a change-log on the website. The numbers of daily line-items in the last several days are pretty comparable to how it's been for the last (almost) three weeks. Every time I think I can stop to take a breath, we find more things to fix or add. But isn't that always the case with a new application? ;)

Change log:
Huh, I don't see one under your account (I'm assuming you're using the same username there). It must not have gone through for some reason. It's possible there were network issues at the time or something. I've also made some corrections to how form submission works, so it might have just been bad timing. Can you try again?
Okay i'll try again and update the post if something happens
Over the last few days I've made some important improvements to the GEC site. The comment/reply system has been reworked, and should be much more reliable and handle unicode characters properly now. The search system is now paginated, and also supports multiple search criteria simultaneously (such as a text search string, a reference system to base distances on, and choosing category and region to search within).

I think we're getting a better handle on how to run the project too, between policy and procedural decisions. I think we're off to a great start!
POIs are now syncing into the interactive map. Some of the categories are merged into existing category layers in the map, and some other POIs are ending up in the general "POI and Nav markers" layer. The map is using a merged list from both the GMP and the GEC, with precedence given to higher-rated POIs if more than one are in a star system. For the GEC map POIs, there's a minimum explorer-rating score of "3" required to be included. This excludes POIs with an average of fewer than two stars per vote (for established POIs with many votes) or fewer than 3 stars on average for new POIs. This is necessary to keep the map from being cluttered with large numbers of low-quality POIs, and to help incentivize making good submissions. ;)
Hi Cmdrs,

This is an excellent initiative which has already been relayed to the French-speaking explorer community. We will not fail to participate as soon as an interesting POI deserves to be shared with everyone.
We will follow the development of the site closely and wish the project all the best.

See you in the black.
Hey everyone! We've decided to officially move the GEC project from BETA into full release. Of course, you might still find some bugs, or have suggestions for features or improvements, but we feel that the system now has the core features and is pretty stable, and most of the policy decisions have been worked out too. So, keep those submissions coming, and most of all, have fun!
Hi, could you please type out the Discord invitation link below? For some reason it tell me to reinstall the app (android 12). Sorry for the trouble
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