Suburbanguerilla, all this time and I only just realized that you're Hashishin! Crazy close fights today man! So many came down to just that ONE. LAST. KILL! lol, so much fun. GGs.
Indeed , much fun , i love it when those players that stretch my capabilities are on server . You are right up there . When yourself and a few others are in game its like heaven and hell all rolled into one . Who would have thought all those hours spent in my bedroom as a teenager , glued to my 14 inch crt tv would have brought me so much fun and excitement today . Some really good players about to progress . And just progressed . Looking forward to those games with 7 players to fear at the maximum .
While i am on , did you notice the crazy speed changes in game last night , what was that all about . The map with the small station was crazy , had never been sure if it was just in my head before but last night it changed speed more than significantly . I did get to thinking they were tweeking variables on the fly . Then i got to wondering if it was an observational tool. See how the players reacted .
Curtis , know that i am giving you big rep m8 , this forum thinks i have to spread it around more thats why i can't , the gas giant idea is lush too .