HELP! I'm stuck in Adelman Station!

cue scene of me sitting at a bar in Adelman Station, drunkenly and longly staring through the window as spaceships fly in and out

Zoom into my sitting in the table and freeze

"Yup that's me, in a station where all my ships are parked (well almost all) and no access to a single one. How did I get here? Well that's kind of a long story..."

I took on a restore mission, straight forward. I hop on my Chieftain and park about 800m offsite and drive my SRV in. 5 scavengers? No problem, my merc loadout does the job nicely. I power up the settlement and go to hop back into my SRV.

Black screen.

I'm still in the world, I can move, hear footsteps, see the radar move (HUD still active), but I can't interact with anything and it's all black. Esc doesn't work either.

Force Close. Relog.

I'm back in the settlement, it's no longer powered (whatever). I hop in to my SRV, black screen again. "Screw this" and I rage quit by force closing. It was getting late anyways and I have better things to do.

Come back to the game today. Log-in. I'm back at the settlement; no SRV, no ship. No problem, I'll just pull up this handy menu and.... oh... I can't recall my ship because it doesn't exist? Maybe it ended up back at the station?

Call Apex, check galaxy map while riding back to station. Oh there's my ship, on the planet I just left, but it's not parked anywhere? Maybe it's stuck 500m above the surface somewhere?

Land at Adelman station, head to Inner Astra. No ship options, only option to take a pilot training course.... huh? Where's my ships? Go to turbo lifts. NO ACCESSABLE SHIPS DOCKED . Relog, try Astra again. Nothing. Guess I'll just be sitting here f**king myself.


I can't remember the last time I've been this p***ed at a developer of a game, I think last time I was this annoyed was Sim City before EA put a bullet into the back of Maxis' skull.

This is a full release DLC, and I spend more time loading and force closing the game than actually playing the game.

jUsT rEpOrT bUgS sO wE cAn AdDrEsS tHeSe IsSuEs.

NO. I didn't participate in the alpha because I don't have the time to test games. I purchase games with my hard earned cash because my gaming time is limited and precious. I am not paying full price to BETA TEST a game for you. You want me to report bugs? I can probably make a goddamn encyclopedia of bugs I encounter with just 2 hours of playtime. Nobody got time for that. Maybe when I was 10 years younger I would have gladly signed up for a closed Beta for a DISCOUNT ON THE GAME, there are probably a lot of people here who would have gladly signed up and helped out.

But now you've p***ed off a good percentage of those people, so you better make some sort of showing of good faith and you better do it soon. If you're not going to go through any perceived length to please your fans, why should we return any favors?

1. Offer a partial refund to everyone who has purchased this DLC.

2. Create a separate website dedicated to only submitting bugs and screen captures (You can even farm this out to third parties to manage the data for you so you can focus solely on development). "Top 5 bug reports receive an RTX 3090" and watch the bug reports come rolling in.

3. BE MORE TRANSPARENT. "Many improvement and fixes" I really want to meet the person who thought posting this was a good idea. An obvious and redundant point repeated multiple times; a little on the nose don't you think? Why don't you also write "issue patches for download" as one of the goals while you're at it.
One of the youtuber on Yamick stream today mentioned a similar issue. Contact support, that's your only hope (unless you find Obi Wan Kenobi).
If you're still stuck, head back to Astra. Take the pilot training course. You don't have to complete the whole thing, just start it, then cancel back out, if you like. You should then be able to talk to Astra about your ships.

I share your frustration, regarding the bugs.
So I logged back in, attempted to start the flight training. Guy in Astra just went "yep", then nothing.... something supposed to happen? No? Cool, looks like I'll just uninstall this garbage. I'll come back later when Frontier gets their together.
So I tried to get this working again, loaded horizons to see if this would force me into one of my ships.

Failed to load data from servers.

Awesome.... literally unplayable.
Have had a similar and likely connected problem where i have lost a ship, I can see it in gal map, but it doesnt appear on ship list. Mine vanished when i swapped to another ship while it was being transferred by inter astra. Now its stopping me log into horizons. Am hoping its a bug fd will fix in due course rather than a problem they have to sort out for everyone individually.. can you use apex to fly to another station where youve either got a ship or can buy one?
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I had a similar problem.
After coming back to the planet where my ship supposedly was, i disembarked from apex, moved 500m away from the confines of the settlement and could recall my ship in Odyssey. At least as long as you could still login to Odyssey.

Else you really should contact support, they will help.
I'm the same boat as OP. This truly sucks - it seems this is a common problem. Hopefully FDev gets around to fixing this soon. I'm ready to put up with a lot a minor bugs and even CTDs, but this is literally a game breaker for me.
Aye, same here. Put in a ticket last Friday but there hasn't been any response so far.

This would be somehow bearable if I could even play Horizons, but since this issue, I haven't been able to log in (problem retrieving commander data error ☹️).
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