My game was updating from 18:00 to around 21:00. The last third of the update downloaded at like 0.4 mb/s due to the server overload.
I have now been playing for 4 hours in a row and man, it is really interesting! Heard a lot of complains about POI system from Beta players, but personally I like it. Yes, it can be tweaked here and there, but overall I think they did a solid job. The variation of POI seems solid aswell. I might be wrong, but it seems to me like they added some new types, or just balanced them. In the videos I watched from beta, it was almost always some wrecked ship. But I got several interesting types: small base with cargo and droids, one pirate base, some extraction sites... Pretty satisfied with that. Also the rendering system of planets seems okey to me. The ability to land on landports is very cool, I have now found really big one, almost the size of the one at Mercury. So all in all, very good expansion from my point of view. Lot of new content, more stuff to do and enjoy. The game now has a totally different sense of scale, when you are able to look at your ship from distance and see planets up close. Also the whole bunch of new mission types is very cool.
Looking forward what will come next, nice work Frontier, thank you for some really cool time-spender ;D