News Horizons and 1.5 launch - Servers offline

Finished download at midnight. The whole Steam-Horizons situation was..meh. Anyway... Now I cant do anything, ship is in space and wont jump. Then connection error everytime after 2 mins. Please fix everything fdev, grab more bandwidth at the grocery store, whatever...!! I'm dying to play T_T
I'm having a few issues here.
Downloaded horizons (2.0) and on recommendation also updated the 32bit ED(1.5).
Tried playing horizons(2.0): Crashed on the second shader screen 3 times.
Played 64bit ED (1.5) and it played perfectly. Planetary approach suite etc all in situ.
Why can I not play 2.0? Is there a known issue.
Advice appreciated.
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So managed to get it downloaded after 5 hrs , after the compute shader finished it worked ,got from space station and then down to the closest planet. landed great, SRV deployed and driven.

Greater news Horizons runs on a Lappy i7 3632QM 2.2GHz with Geforce GTX 640M 8GB RAM. I do play solo and settings are on medium.

What sucks is my ISP went down in my area after about 2 hrs of play, I guess my luck ran out on the game running on my lappy to have any luck left to keep my internet connection going :D. ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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in my account in parterner Keys i only got the Elite Dangerous key not horizon anyone lese?
here is a Google link of the screenshots I took during my Steam upgrade Elite Dangerous: Horizons process (the 1st photo is where you would request your Elite Dangerous: Horizons key if you have already bought it)
and the adventure I took lol...
My game was updating from 18:00 to around 21:00. The last third of the update downloaded at like 0.4 mb/s due to the server overload.
I have now been playing for 4 hours in a row and man, it is really interesting! Heard a lot of complains about POI system from Beta players, but personally I like it. Yes, it can be tweaked here and there, but overall I think they did a solid job. The variation of POI seems solid aswell. I might be wrong, but it seems to me like they added some new types, or just balanced them. In the videos I watched from beta, it was almost always some wrecked ship. But I got several interesting types: small base with cargo and droids, one pirate base, some extraction sites... Pretty satisfied with that. Also the rendering system of planets seems okey to me. The ability to land on landports is very cool, I have now found really big one, almost the size of the one at Mercury. So all in all, very good expansion from my point of view. Lot of new content, more stuff to do and enjoy. The game now has a totally different sense of scale, when you are able to look at your ship from distance and see planets up close. Also the whole bunch of new mission types is very cool.

Looking forward what will come next, nice work Frontier, thank you for some really cool time-spender ;D

TOTALLY AGREE. Wonderful stuff.
So all I have been getting since downloading the new launcher is grief from my computer.

I've not even got horizons at the moment just 1.5

I updated the launcher when prompted and when I opened the new one the play button had been replaced by install. Since about 4pm yesterday I have been unable to install ED.

it is syncing files at 0.06MB/s but each time it only gets so far then I receive an error message stating:

"Exception downloading file, possible network failure.

Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the host"

can anyone explain this to me? Have I done something horribly wrong?
So all I have been getting since downloading the new launcher is grief from my computer.

I've not even got horizons at the moment just 1.5

I updated the launcher when prompted and when I opened the new one the play button had been replaced by install. Since about 4pm yesterday I have been unable to install ED.

it is syncing files at 0.06MB/s but each time it only gets so far then I receive an error message stating:

"Exception downloading file, possible network failure.

Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the host"

can anyone explain this to me? Have I done something horribly wrong?
Err, I don't know why you posted this in a news thread ;), wrong section so probably won't get an official answer here.
I assume your internet is otherwise ok?
From the bug forum section here :-
Bug Reporting Guidelines and Template
Hi everyone
This forum is the place to report bugs that occur in the game client. Problems running/installing the game and issues with your game account should be directed at customer support through the ticketing system.

Hope you get it sorted quickly :)
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Have renamed my beta folder as the live one - hopefully it'll work... can't wait to try the new "seamless" travel the launch email talks about :rolleyes:
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