Thank you monkey, I appreciate the info! I definitely want yaw control, in fact it's one of the key factors making me consider HOTAS over DS4. Flying with two sticks messes with me (I've tried it on OOLite) because my muscle memory is too attached to FPS walk-n-look. If the yaw axis locks, does this means HOTUS supports foot pedals? I'll likely stick with twisting for yaw, but I am curious.
I know you've not played ED with this HOTAS (the supported Thrustmaster), but how do you like the feel of it? Do you feel like you're getting your money's worth?
Firstly, there is a 'paddle' on the back of the throttle. It supports values 0-255, so it's the same kind of sensor as the yaw on the stick. If you disabled the twisting of the stick, you could use this for yaw. You should be able to see it here. There is a port on the HOTAS 4 for these foot pedals which you could use. I'm on the couch, so this is not an option for me but as you play at a desk with a monitor this could work for you. Now whether these would be supported in game I am not 100% sure but I seem to think that they are an addition to the stick, as they plug into the HOTAS, not another USB port. I know you're not keen on speculation but I don't think we have any definitives here!
I do like the feel of it. One thing is that when you hold the DS4 in your hands, you have your right thumb on the stick, and then your finger on either the four buttons on top of the pad, or on the shoulder trigger buttons. Unless you are Apollo Robbins then I don't think you can use the top four buttons and the shoulder/trigger at the same time. However on the stick you have four axis on the stick, plus yaw and then your thumb has access to two buttons on the top of the stick and the hat switch (eight directions) and then you can access the button on the top side of the stick with your first finger and the trigger with your second finger. I've always preferred using my second finger as a trigger finger. That alone to me suggests you have a lot more 'twitch' options on a stick as opposed to the DS4. The same is true to a certain extent on the throttle.
The reason I got the HOTAS is that I would much prefer to try with the HOTAS from day one and then reject it rather than get used to a DS4 and then try and switch to a HOTAS.
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