Houston Zoo

Natural Encounters - Entrance & Rainforest habitat

With the exterior of the natural encounters mostly complete, the inside of the building can finally see some habitats. Intial fears of the building interior being too small was thankfully not true as it turns out the building size increase was more than enough to build working habitats for the rainforest animals. The otter habitat (the next stage) may run into a few issues but I'll tackle that challenge when it comes around.

The natural encounters building sees 3 animal areas built inside the building so far - a static tropical themed fish tank, the mixed species rainforest canopy habitat and a brazilian porcupine habitat.

Starting with the entrance room first, the modern entrance to the building is expanded with a double set of doors using the gift shop doors.
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We enter the entrance room which has a large skylight above us and a good sized fish tank with banded archerfish and a red tailed catfish. Both fish models are sourced from workshop blueprints. Faux trees paired with underwater plants and various items from my interior air conditioning pack decorate the entrance room. The overall theme is a tropical theme as the rainforest canopy is the most dominant in the first parts of the natural encounters.
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Passing through the entrance room then brings us to the main animal area through the building. The faux rocks disappear on the left side to bring the rainforest canopy into view. A faux tree paired with bundles of green leaves (using wisteria filler plants and lady ferns) decorate the roof edges along the rainforest habitats.
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Where the leaves don't cover is where the interior air conditioning system is found, large metal pipes and AC vents cover the roof giving it a very realistic look compared to a normal flat roof with no details. In lower light levels, the AC system does blend in with the dark grey roof making it less obvious to passing guests.
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The main highlight of this update to the natural encounters building is the mixed species rainforest habitat. This habitat (when modded) features a mix of white faced saki monkeys, golden lion headed tamarins, red footed tortoise and linnaeus's two toed sloth. The unmodded mix currently has capuchin monkeys and aldabra tortoises. As mentioned on the real zoo overview post, the wooden bridge inside the habitat and the large skylight provides a unique indoor habitat for these animals which can travel across the bridges or travel above in the vines.
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Animals in the mixed species rainforest habitat also have access to the outdoor cage I built earlier in the development of the natural encounters building. Animals have a water tap outside to encourage them to travel to and from the indoor habitat regulary allowing zoo guests a good change to see animals both inside and outside.
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The last part of the rainforest area is a small brazilian porcupine habitat which barely function since the porcupines (which use the binturong rig) only have 80m2 to move around sadly. The animals do still move around however so these animals are not just stuck in one position like similar smaller habitats. The unmodded version has no porcupines inside and will likely include a static porcupine model eventually.
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Natural Encounters - Otters, armadillos and a bunch of fish

The encounters building is now complete with the addition of 2 indoor habitats and a lots of static fish tanks, this was definitely a challening build with lots of small spaces to build in but a valuable lesson as areas around the zoo such as the galapagos islands will be even more difficult. So the encounters building now contains an asian small clawed otter habitat, an armadillo habitat and 7 static fish tanks including a jellyfish tank.

First up is the otter habitat, this decent sized habitat fills in the gaps on the opposite side of the rainforest habitat where the large skylight is placed which we saw on the exterior building post. The otter habitat is usable by the otters but because of how the barrier mechanics work, they rarely ever swim in the water. The small size of the pool doesn't help but at least they walk around the rocky area above the water and interact with enrichment.

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To the left of the otter habitat, there are 2 fish tanks for south american freshwater fish. These are probably the 2 most well known river fish - the red bellied piranha and the black pacu.
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Looking at the interior away, after the rainforest and SA river displays we find the encounter building narrows. On the left the desert habitat can be found with armadillos inside. On the right, more freshwater fish tanks with a wooden pier theme. The complex air conditioning pipes still travel along the roof filling in any empty gaps.
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The desert habitat is probably my favourite indoor habitat I have built so far, the small hitboxes on the armadillos allow them to travel across the entire habitat even with plenty of faux rocks, broken logs and foliage. A simple blue sky background and modern lighting inside brings out the north american desert theme.
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The river pier tanks are small open tanks with freshwater river stingray, electric eel (this one is covered for obvious reasons 😂 ) and some banded archerfish. While banded archerfish are not displayed in this area in the building in real life and I have yet to start my freshwater fish blueprints, they will remain here for now.
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Passing both of the desert and river pier areas, we finally reach the last part of the encounter building. This is the coral reef area with 2 tanks - a coral reef fish tank with regal tang and clownfish, and a moon jellyfish tank. Purple lighting is used to create the typical aquarium lighting which is especially seen in moon jellyfish tanks. The moon jellyfish is made by me using the small bird eggs and the small half circle block.

The coral reef is a mix n' match of coral pieces from the workshop, naturally due to the shape and complexity of the coral pieces, these kind of fish tanks are very piece heavy but they do look really nice.
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Real Zoo Overview - Galapagos Islands

Let's go for another round of the real zoo overview for the houston zoo! This time it's the actual entrance area considering the galapagos islands is the most visible animal sight upon entering the zoo, the Galapagos Islands is a one of it's kind facility in a galapagos islands themed area. With conservation in mind, the only animal that is found from the galapagos islands are the giant tortoises which were sourced from existing AZA collections while other animals are animal ambassadors for the wild animals that live in the islands.

Thankfully I don't need to make a map as the zoo plan for the islands area is easy to read:


Going in a clockwise rotation starting from the bottom right:
  1. Stroller rental shop - At the bottom right corner we will find the old aquarium building which now contains a stroller rental shop. Remember this large circular building was connected to the entrance so we are in the entrance plaza currently
  2. Sea Lion Viewing - Above sea lion viewing into the sea lion habitat. There is a large area to view the sea lions from above with an amphitheatre to accomodate large crowds wanting to watch the sea lions, I imagine the sea lion keeper talk is also held here.
  3. Galapagos Entry - The entrance to the galapagos islands area, crowds are encourgaed to enter here instead of the exit at the stroller rental shop to help the traffic flow. The entrance here features animal statues of notable galapagos species and lots of tropical or volcanic rocks.
  4. Tortoises - With a pool next to the guest viewing, volcanic rock barriers and a naturalistic grassy habitat, these galapagos giant tortoises have a great habitat to explore. Directly opposite the tortoise habitat is a small rocky habitat for Grand Cayman blue iguanas.
  5. Sea Cave - Guests now enter a rocky cave leading to the second viewing for sea lions, this sea lion viewing has both above and underwater viewing thanks to a glass barrier and lots of rough water creates a wild environment. There are also some crabs in an exhibit here aswell.
  6. Sea Lion Viewing Tunnel - An underwater tunnel brings guests close to the action! The large tunnel provides plenty of viewing into the underwater environment in the sea lion habitat.
  7. One Ocean Gallery - First we encounter a wall tank with some pacific sea nettle (jellyfish) and then visit planet aquarium! A large deep ocean tank features sharks, sea turtles, stingrays and all kinds of tropical fish. After the ocean tank, there is another wall tank with some seahorses and various small aquarium animals.
  8. Penguins - Travel through a lava tunnel which brings us back to ground level and see an indoor humboldt penguin habitat and various galleries on conservation in the galapagos.
The animal species list is as follows:
  • Galapagos Giant Tortoise
  • Grand Cayman Blue Iguana - static model
  • California Sea Lion
  • Sally Lightfoot Crab, Nimble Spray Crab - static models
  • Pacific Sea Nettle - Static models
  • Green Sea Turtle, bonnethead shark, blacktip reef shark, Cownose ray, Various species of angelfish, surgeonfish, unicornfish, and butterflyfish. All species will either be modded for select species or the unmodded zoo will feature every species as a static model
  • Sea star, Seahorse, sea urchin - static models
  • Humboldt Penguin
So we can expect 3 fully working habitats, one aquarium tank habitat depending on the version you are playing and the rest is static exhibits

And of course lets take a look at some of the pictures of the area:

A rough overview of the galapagos islands building, picture taken under construction. Gives a view into the expansive backstage area, and large building holding the aquarium.

Above view of the sea lion habitat with it's large amount of faux rocks. The arch in the middle is the sea cave and the underwater tunnel can be seen to the right.

Below the water, guests get a great view from the underwater tunnel.

Galapagos giant tortoises have plenty of space to roam in this volcanic themed habitat.

A rocky iguana habitat with a rocky desert theme. Using an actual modded animal in here won't go well so a static iguana will be built.

If the sea lion habitat wasn't impressive enough, view many ocean species in this large ocean tank. Practise with coral reef building in the encounters building is going to come very handy for this.

And lastly, the indoor penguin habitat which is roomy enough for the penguins ingame.

As we can expect this area is going to be DIFFICULT!! The amount of planning and work needed to make all these come together nicely will take quite some time. It is definitely my most ambitious project yet, if not one of the most ambitious projects ever in planet zoo. If I can pull this off as great as the real zoo, then no zoo will ever pose a challenge again.
As we can expect this area is going to be DIFFICULT!! The amount of planning and work needed to make all these come together nicely will take quite some time. It is definitely my most ambitious project yet, if not one of the most ambitious projects ever in planet zoo. If I can pull this off as great as the real zoo, then no zoo will ever pose a challenge again.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry
Houston zoo is in my bucketlist of zoos i would love to visit in the US. All the areas i see of them are so awesome. Galapagos looks tricky because of all the underwater tunnels. e.
Houston is definitely on my bucklist as well, I'm spoiling all these zoo visits by learning so much about the zoo without ever going there lol. The galapagos underwater tunnel is going to be the most difficult part of the entire zoo, working with the buggy terrain and water and having a realistic entrance on both sides without terrain poking out at werid angles is going to be challenging. I did a brief attempt at how it might work a few weeks ago and it was just pure pain. It's not like I can just do a fake tunnel without any path since I need an unobstructed path going through the sea lion pool.

On the otherhand, everyone will get to see my struggles and get an up to date tunnel tutorial aswell when that video finally comes around.
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Jack's Cafe Construction

While this isn't exactly the most exciting post to do lol, the old sea lion habitat is in the process of being replaced by a new modern cafe for the entrance. Jack's Cafe is planned to open somepoint in 2025 which hopefully will be long after I finish the zoo itself so the area that is for the cafe currently is a construction site until it opens. There are a couple renders of what the cafe is going to look like but I'll wait until the pictures on zoochat appear to get it right.

Planned vision of the Jack's Cafe, a large modern building with a fast food cafe with outdoor seating. The building will also feature a private event space on the upper interior space.

Ingame, I have a nicely sized construction site where the cafe is being built. Various containers and constrction equipment including 2 road rollers and 2 bobcats.
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Ground level view of the construction site with the zoo entrance in the background.
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Birds eye view of the zoo so far. The jack's cafe will take up the central entrance space while the galapagos islands will be on the right. Early work has started on the galapagos with the exterior sea lion viewing in progress, we can expect the reptile habitats, tortoises and iguana, to be the first development post of the galapagos later this week.
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Galapagos Islands - Giant Tortoises & Iguana habitats

We start the modern Galapagos Islands area with a very large giant tortoise habitat and a static habitat for a grand cayman blue iguana, lots of rockwork, static statues and "native" galapagos island foliage spread throughout the area as zoo guests travel to the only galapagos islands themed area in any zoo.

To make things a little easier, let's start with a birds eye view of the completed portion of the galapagos islands so far. The main centerpiece is the 2600m2 Galapagos giant tortoise habitat with plenty of outdoor and indoor viewing areas to hopefully see the tortoises at any point of the habitat. We start the tour in the upper left where the entrance is located and go in a clockwise direction into the building.
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The entrance to the galapagos islands is definitely a unique one, a rusty metal signboard features the area name and decorated with statues of animals we could find in the galapagos islands. At the bottom are iguana statues, and above ontop of the rocks is a magnificent frigatebird. Custom made galapagos prickly pear cactus (from the workshop) are placed amongst the rocks.
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Surrounded by rocks, large sign boards welcome guests to the galapagos islands and leads us to the outdoor viewing area for the giant tortoise habitat. So tortoise shells are found here where guests can squeeze inside the shell and get a fun photo-op.
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The giant tortoise habitat is really big, there are 10 tortoises living here and even with the high number of tortoises, the numbers are always spread out creating a feel of a wild landscape. Hilly terrain, lots of volcanic rocks and large oak trees are all key features of the habitat. The barriers use the natural method of large logs preventing the tortoises from escaping, the fence we see is really just a path barrier for the guests.
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The second viewing area of the outdoor viewing overlooks the pool of the habitat. Tortoises can often be found travelling through this area from food to water placement. The keeper hut is located out of view to the right around the rocks, we can just see a tiny part of the backstage fence. That's what I call great habitat design, staff buildings in sight = hurts immersion.
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Turning away from the tortoise habitat, we travel to the next section of this area. An indoor building (really the start of the main galapagos building), called "Where reptiles rule" features the indoor viewing for the tortoise habitat and iguana habitat. Another large sign briefly educates guests on the impacts on galapagos wildlife.
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Inside the building, a modern interior features 2 viewing areas on each side. Using the picture postion, we have the tortoise habitat to the right, and blue iguana habitat to the left.
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On the left, a sandy/rocky habitat for iguanas really brings out what #freetheiguana could look like. Get out of the exhibit box and live in a spacious rocky habitat where it might not move much but it feels so much better. Easy to read signage educates guests on the threats invasive species bring to the islands and stating these iguanas are not from the galapagos islands but from grand cayman island in the Caribbean.
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On the other side, we also get a sign telling us that these tortoises are not from the galapagos but from other US zoos and organizations. The view into the habitat looks into the cave shelter where the tortoises can be seen sleeping and a great long view down the middle of the tortoise habitat. We can also see the signs are in both english and spanish, hopefully it is the right translation lol
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And one final picture of the tortoises exploring their habitat.
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Galapagos Islands - Sea Lion Cove

The centerpiece of the Galapagos Islands is the sea lion cove, an impressive sea lion habitat with an underwater tunnel that is surely among the world's greatest sea lion habitats. The large habitat features many viewing areas with plenty of underwater viewing from the amphitheatre seating, the indoor sea cave to the underwater tunnel. The aquatic pack has surely been put to the test with nearly 1000 faux rocks surrounding the habitat creating a natural sea lion environment.

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The birds eye view helps understand just how big the galapagos islands area is, while from the entrance it doesn't look like much, the buildings do take guests quite the distance especially since they end up 5 metres underground touring the underwater tunnel of the sea lion habitat to the aquarium gallery in this huge building to the right. The tortoises are on the left, the sea cave building is attached to that with a large rock arch and we can also find a amphitheatre area in the bottom right which is also for the sea lions.
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Starting near the entrance plaza, the first sight of the sea lion habitat will be the shade structures of the amphitheatre seating. Here we will find a sloped path (custom built - non functioning) leading to the top of the amphitheatre, native galapagos islands foliage, and a pair of sea lion statues.
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Past the rocks with the sea lion statues, the lower entrance to the amphitheatre can be found. This is right next to the main viewing of the sea lion habitat, as seen in the first picture in the post. The amphitheatre is also non functioning (not like I have guests in the park so who cares lol), it is made of those large plaster blocks so it was pretty easy to build. The wooden gate seen in the background is the keeper access to the sea lion habitat, also information screens tell guests about each sea lion in the habitat.
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Picture we just walked through the tortoise habitat again, enter the reptile viewing building and then pass through the second set of doors. Welcome to submerged worlds! This is a large indoor sea cave with a large sea lion habitat window with both above and underwater viewing. The rockwork in this cave was quite difficult to ensure the rocks on the roof didn't poke through the exterior roof.
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Another view of the sea lion viewing window. In the corner we can find a large information panel educating guests about sea lions.
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On the other side, there is a static crab exhibit. Some rough water + water rapids effects made a nice little tidal exhibit with some crabs. The crabs from drac's aquaroium pack were recolored to match the species needed.
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Turn around from the crab exhibit and we are greeted with this dark passageway leading downwards... This is the path that will bring us to the underwater tunnel, the dark blue theming helps guests travel to the underwater world as we descend 5 metres down.
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At the bottom we reach the underwater tunnel, my first and hopefully last tunnel which took some messing around with to get it working right. The plaster flooring is above the actual path level, anyone who has built an underwater tunnel before understands just how awful the path looks with the terrain warping the kerb.
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Looking into the habitat from the tunnel is an impressive view, endless sights of underwater plants and rock pebbles lie among the tall rock walls that the sea lion zoom along. Occasionally a sea lion will swim directly above the tunnel which is a great experience even ingame. There are also various static sea stars and crabs placed in certain locations in the sea lion habitat.
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Galapagos Islands - Aquarium Building Exterior

The aquarium building is that large white building shown in the sea lion pictures, this is where the remaining 2 habitats of the galapagos islands are located. With a large building, comes lots of exterior detailing such as roof vents, air conditioning systems, rooftop access and backstage scenery. All of that has been built, completing the exterior of the galapagos islands area.

An overview of the semi-complete galapagos islands where the large aquarium building fits in quite nicely. All backstage features including the extensive ventilation system at the back of the building are hidden from guests, those trees above the sea lion cove are just more than just simple foliage background for habitat decoration. The only part of the galapagos islands exterior wise to do, is the exit door for the aquarium building. That will come with the penguin habitat in the last galapagos update.
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On the guests side of view in the entrance plaza, the old aquarium building has now been updated to include the stroller rental shop. There is also the staff backstage access gate for the aquarium building here aswell.
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A closer overview of the aquarium building shows us some details of the main rooftop. Small vents, skylights and a rooftop access ladder is placed near the front of the building. The main rooftop is pretty empty but a similar layout of vents and skylights is present.
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Heading into the backstage area now, we can see some golf carts for staff use, generators, transformers and a air conditioning unit for the old aquarium building. Further along a standard staff building can be found.
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At the back of the aquarium building, the major details make up the appeal of the building. An extensive ventilation system with chiller units, air handler units and lots of pipes connecting them can be found on the roof. The shed like buildings are for the water filtration tanks inside but since we can't see them, they are not built. On the ground, backup system can be found with a large metal water tank and a large generator.
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Behind the water tank housing, pipe connections into the aquarium are placed among more rooftop vents. All the required pipework was tedious to build especially all the gutter pipe connectors.
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At the end of the staff area, there is a final air conditioning unit on the rooftop with more pipes. The grey building to the right is the keeper building for the tortoises.
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