How to avoid Gankers.

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They should if you dislike seeing your aguments getting adressed one by one I guess.

Then again, this is a forum, and there is the option of engaging someone with arguments.
I know it's a crazy thought, but why don't you just go ahead and try it?
Well the whole thread is just about blocking gankers really. I'm not an anti-ganker you see, I'm just a pro-blocker. Even if in reality I have zero people in my blocklist, I find it handy that people could ignore each others like in facebook. It's a feature, you dont like it but it will still be there as well, it's really practical, people put up guides about that and open only, who was a hard sell, wouldnt have stopped that neither.

i'm not a ganker either, but i like that it exists. it adds ... salt! in a good sense, and of course it has to be kept in proportion.

i get the facebook concept, but not for this kind of game but that's of course subjective. anyway, it's pretty much there, as said there are many options to avoid ganking outside of 'gitting gud'. fine, i guess, but that's not a believable virtual galaxy where the choice of mining here or there, smuggling or trading, fitting a scanner or a plasma accelerator or joining one faction or another really matters. it's ... yeah, a facebook game.
They should put a limit to multiquoting really... You're editing so much, taking one phrase here, one phrase there, at least put some bullet points.

The separation given by the independent quote sections serves the same purpose as bulletpoints; in this case, listing specific items I wished to address. If I've left out vital context somewhere, please point it out so that I may correct it.

Also, I'm not using the multi-quote feature, I'm manually copying and pasting things.
I don't think Elite is the kind of game that would benefit from proper matchmaking. Folks crave that organic PvP Morbad was talking about. I know that's what gets me going more than anything.

Duels and organized tournaments can always happen of course, but if something like BGS, Powerplay, or Squadrons more easily provided worthwhile reasons to fight I suspect you'd see a lot of people, not just PvPers, jump on in.

Look at the recent war AEDC and GARD fought over the Helios system. That's the stuff, right there.

Thanks, and agreed, but let's be clear -- this was essentially consensual PvP (as well as PvE) because we both were up for it. I would agree with the other poster that there isn't necessarily a chokepoint in BGS... unless you - explicitly or tacitly - both decide to make it one.
i'm not a ganker either, but i like that it exists. it adds ... salt! in a good sense, and of course it has to be kept in proportion.

i get the facebook concept, but not for this kind of game but that's of course subjective. anyway, it's pretty much there, as said there are many options to avoid ganking outside of 'gitting gud'. fine, i guess, but that's not a believable virtual galaxy where the choice of mining here or there, smuggling or trading, fitting a scanner or a plasma accelerator or joining one faction or another really matters. it's ... yeah, a facebook game.

Personnaly for me all semblance of realism ED had was just thrown in the bin when I first met a ship with neon glowing lights like it was out of a Tron movie, spewing pink gaz out of the engines, and with a commander face trying to recreate Gene Simons in HoloMe. It is a facebook game, inst it.
Personnaly for me all semblance of realism ED had was just thrown in the bin when I first met a ship with neon glowing lights like it was out of a Tron movie, spewing pink gaz out of the engines, and with a commander face trying to recreate Gene Simons in HoloMe. It is a facebook game, inst it.

So everyone should fly brown ships and look like your irl neighbour and it would be better :D?

Imo, if you look at the world today and what people are doing with their physical bodies and their automobiles, it's MORE IMMERSIVE with the neon lights and green dreadlocks.
So everyone should fly brown ships and look like your irl neighbour and it would be better :D?

Imo, if you look at the world today and what people are doing with their physical bodies and their automobiles, it's MORE IMMERSIVE with the neon lights and green dreadlocks.
Yeah but...
Clowns are scary... they could be the monster from Stephen King's IT :eek:

I see a clown avatar and think....clown :)
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Thanks, and agreed, but let's be clear -- this was essentially consensual PvP (as well as PvE) because we both were up for it. I would agree with the other poster that there isn't necessarily a chokepoint in BGS... unless you - explicitly or tacitly - both decide to make it one.

That's one way to do it for sure. In my experience, whenever conflicts arise, it's great if leadership is in contact more or less acting like referees and coaches guiding the experience for the rest of the groups. Newton's Fusiliers and EXO had a conflict like that back in April/May of last year and it was extraordinary fun.

It's a lot more difficult to do of course when there isn't a prior relationship (like our conflict with Colonial Legionnaires up in Carcosa) but that has it's own special challenges and flavors (we've made nice since then and it's pretty dang neat).
So everyone should fly brown ships and look like your irl neighbour and it would be better :D?

Imo, if you look at the world today and what people are doing with their physical bodies and their automobiles, it's MORE IMMERSIVE with the neon lights and green dreadlocks.

Yeah everyone should be special and have a cool tatoo. Here, have a like.
Almost read all posts. Some heated discussion we have here. Maybe unpopular opinion but the most important thing to avoid being ganked is radar and list of nearby players. The first thing I do when I jump into system is look how many players are in supercruise. You can check it in the tab with squadrons/friends. If there's potential single Corvette/fdl/Anaconda that looks suspicious Im trying to reach my target(station) in position that makes it hard to interdict for a ganker. Making some loop of shame etc. If there's more than one potential ganker like in Wyrd/Deciat systems then I just... leave the system to do other things and go back another day. I fly with potentially threating ships like A. Challenger, Anaconda, FAS and 99% time when Im in supercruise I see Asp Explorers, Type-6 or other easy targets flying in straight line to the station and dont bother about radar and the fact that Im behind them with the possibility to murder them in max 10-15 seconds.

I read one post here from one guy who said its not possible to win against 1v5. Then he added that he was distracted and didnt pay attention. In CG system. Well what a surprise. If you land with your type9 in system where's community goal and there are 3-5 FDL's on radar looking for adventure then you just proved only one thing. You have some holes in your way of avoiding being ganked. Stop playing on autopilot in deadly systems.

I lost 150 opals and rebuy of python, rebuy of type-6. I was interdicted countless times by cmdrs who roleplayed pirates etc and I still play in open. This game is called Elite Dangerous for a reason. It brings adrenaline rush when you are in Deciat with your Keelback avoiding cmdr killers.
Always remember that poor gankers often make the same mistake as new players, and follow you in a straight line. You can use that to make them pass through a gravity well and buy yourself some time.
Only done it once or twice but it's definitely a big-brain moment tbh
It amazes me how someone can "clear a save", "generate a stupid name", "build up/rank-up", "get a big ship", "outfit it with armour/guns" all better than yours, and find folks to harass for some twisted satisfaction. I have to suspect they do it with cheats and scripts. Certainly, all of these tactics must be known to Frontier, and yet it still happens.

Almost pointless at this point, to play in Open in any meaningful way.


This is dumb... there are not people clearing their save to build up a new account just to gank people, and they are not doing it it with cheats... I proved during Frontier's Official speed run competition that you could go from a new account of Elite with 1b credits in almost 7 hours. Open is great, you just need to not be a melon when flying around populated areas.

This thread is gold, all this talk of how to avoid gankers but the one thing people here don't seem to want to face is that if you just "git gud" you won't struggle with this issue anymore, I am flying around in a Vulture of all ships and dipping some of the best PVPers in their FDLs. If I can do that in a vulture you guys have no excuses.

This thread is gold, all this talk of how to avoid gankers but the one thing people here don't seem to want to face is that if you just "git gud" you won't struggle with this issue anymore

It is a way to solve the ganking problem (if it is a problem) but it can also make the rest of the game kinda boring in comparison. Different solutions for different people ;)

Good to see you are still around Besieger.
Anyone who wants to ACTUALLY learn how to avoid or survive gankers watch this video.

BTW: I have a completely normal name in game, a normal looking holo me and I gank in an Orca, so....

Thank you for posting a link to this video, Sir Ganksalot. I presently play in Solo and on Mobius. I greatly enjoy both game modes. I imagine there is a whole lot of fun to be had in Open.

As someone primarily interested in trade and exploration type activities, I greatly admire masters of evasion. I would love to master the art of evasion. I would love to fit, engineer, and use my Cutter in ways that will optimize her ability to evade trouble. (I even named my Cutter, 'Victoria Sutherland,' after the evasive vampire from Twilight, to emphasis that this Cutter will specialize in evading trouble) This video will certainly contribute positively toward teaching me how to be evasive in Open mode. Thanks again, I appreciate it!
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Thank you for posting a link to this video, Sir Ganksalot. I presently play in Solo and on Mobius. I greatly enjoy both game modes. I imagine there is a whole lot of fun to be had in Open.

As someone primarily interested in trade and exploration type activities, I greatly admire masters of evasion. I would love to master the art of evasion. I would love to fit, engineer, and use my Cutter in ways that will optimize her ability to evade trouble. (I even named my Cutter, 'Victoria Sutherland,' after the evasive vampire from Twilight, to emphasis that this Cutter will specialize in evading trouble) This video will certainly contribute positively toward teaching me how to be evasive in Open mode. Thanks again, I appreciate it!
A Cutter will never be evasive, you just put on big shields, lots of boosters and outtank anything thrown at you (beware of reverb torps though). All the while basking in glory 😂
A Cutter will never be evasive, you just put on big shields, lots of boosters and outtank anything thrown at you (beware of reverb torps though). All the while basking in glory 😂
Thank you for the advice, Bigmaec! P.S. I happen to be a big fan of Drew Wagar, love his books, all of his lore, his characters, and I really think it is neat how he ties the community into his creations. Earlier, I noticed Besieger posting and now your post. Your squadron, 'Loren's Legion.' like Besieger, took part in events covered in Premonition! I think that is so cool.
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Thank you for the advice, Bigmaec! P.S. I happen to be a big fan of Drew Wagar, love his books, all of his lore, his characters, and I really think it is neat how he ties the community into his creations. Earlier, I noticed Besieger posting and now your post. Your squadron, 'Loren's Legion.' like Besieger, took part in events covered in Premonition! I think that is so cool.
Thanks, but regarding Loren's Legion I only joined them this year, so premonition was way before my times with them. Still, they are very cool people. (y)


People refer to this topic like it's a hazard of real life. Elite is a game. Gankers are trying to stop people enjoying their game, a game they paid for. To my mind, FDev have a duty to stop it. The fact they aren't is frankly a black mark on them as a game developer.

To reiterate - it's a game.
People refer to this topic like it's a hazard of real life. Elite is a game. Gankers are trying to stop people enjoying their game, a game they paid for. To my mind, FDev have a duty to stop it. The fact they aren't is frankly a black mark on them as a game developer.

To reiterate - it's a game.
And people will play solo or in Private Groups like Mobius to avoid gankers. Then the gankers moan about people avoiding them and how it's not fair that people can avoid them.
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