Have you manually tuned those Morbad?
The cheap Timetec CJR kit that I replaced with the Team B-die kit, with the settings I was using, was appreciably faster than the second kit's XMP timings.
I've just gotten some faster ram in an effort to help with Odyssey, might even be the same as yours.
What's the part number?
Sorry if I've missed it here but do you think resizeable bar with ryzen/radeon makes an appreciable difference in Odyssey vs ryzen/nvidia?
When I tested it, it did make a small positive difference on my AMD GPUs, at least if you can find appropriately GPU limited situations. However, I haven't tested ReBAR on vs. off enough with my NVIDIA GPUs that support it to get a good idea if it's meaningful on those platforms. I normally just leave it enabled as there are very few situations where it hurts performance at this point, and it's a useful GPU stability diagnostic tool itself. VRAM errors with ReBAR enabled will often crash the entire system; without it, such crashes are rare because the odds of any given segment of VRAM being directly mapped to the main virtual address space is low.