Hows performance after patch 11 ?

Just out of curiosity, but which is currently your favourite eye candy title which has most impressed you with regards to visual fidelity versus performance?

Difficult question, as I don't play that many really recent titles. Most of the games I'm playing are at least a couple years old, shoddily optimized things I got on GoG that I end up having to brute force my way through (MechWarrior 5 and Space Hulk: Deathwing are notable examples). Elite: Dangerous Odyssey is definitely a contender for worst mix of fidelity vs. performance, even though it can look pretty good at times.

Closest thing to an eye-candy title that I play that I think is pretty well optimized at this point is Cyberpunk 2077, but even here I have reservations. Many areas, especially off the beaten path, have some very low-detail assets. Pop-in and the fake 2D vehicle stuff in the distance are also frequently obtrusive. Additionally, I've noticed that as the DLSS implementation has improved, the baseline game and it's TAA seem to have become uglier. As of 1.5, the game looks worse on my AMD parts than it ever has, but better on my NVIDIA ones with RT + DLSS.

Other than that, Control, Deus: Ex Mankind Divided, and Shadow Warrior 2 still look pretty good and run very well.
Well, I fixed the boost behavior and tweaked a few other things which should be good for another percent or two of performance in favor of the 5800X3D. Will redo the comparison soon, but I'll probably put that in a separate thread as it's more of hardware topic than a U11 performance topic at this point.

Anyway, the impression that this experience has further reinforced is that many of the dips/gaps in CPU utilization that have been causing so much confusion, as they are often simultaneous with low GPU utilization, are due to memory accesses. The GPU is waiting on the CPU, but the CPU frequently has to sit there with it's thumb in it's butt because the game wants stuff that isn't in the CPU cache. The same general lack of optimization that plagues other areas is probably the cause of this...too much is being done that shouldn't even need doing.
Ever since I was getting insane 500ms frametimes in the hangar of a station on my 3080 back near launch of Odyssey, I knew it was an issue with CPU side resources and likely memory constraints. This pretty much confirms that hunch.
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