Hows performance after patch 11 ?

Havent played Odyssey for a while as the performance just wasnt good enough for me - I have RTX 3080 & very good gaming rig & struggled to get near 30 FPS in some settlements

Anyone noticed any marked improvements since update? I wont have chance to try until tonight
Havent played Odyssey for a while as the performance just wasnt good enough for me - I have RTX 3080 & very good gaming rig & struggled to get near 30 FPS in some settlements

Anyone noticed any marked improvements since update? I wont have chance to try until tonight
As far as I' concerned, I've seen massive improvement since EDO launch, because there are fewer and fewer situations where FPS drop. It still happens, but less and less so.
On the upside, I haven't encountered the 91 fps bug that was randomly capping frame rate for no discernible reason, yet.

However, I haven't really noticed any general performance improvements (vs. U10), but I have noticed a visual downgrade with regard to settlement texture LOD and pop-in.
Somehow performance got a bit better for me in U11. Now sitting around 48-50 in settlements and starports. On empty planets and in space I got the full 60 capped out. Got better by around 10-15 frames for me. Concourses and settlements still massacre those fps though, also stuttering and high display latency.
Have to revise my previous statement.

Upon further testing, I'm actually seeing a fairly serious performance regression with some settlements, including the suit tutorial. Need to do more testing, but it feels like some AI scripting error as it occurs when triggering certain actions or reaching certain mission objectives. I thought it was related to fire at first, but it's not.

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Generally good, but it seems to worsen over time. Restarting the client bring back fps up as expected. I'm running Dldsr rendering at 4k max settings and downsampled to 0.75. Same performance as at 1440p but with much better antialiasing
On my MacBook Pro 5500m, things seem to have improved.. though not sure, as there seems to also be a field of temporal bugs (stuff that degrades by looking the wrong way at the game but is fixed via complete restart).

I’d like to tentatively suggest that the new split and functioning fx setting has effect.. setting both to low takes the average up by 5ish FPS which is huge if you’re average is around 40. Space seems to be sitting on 60 even near outposts which is nice.

Yeah I did notice it was way easier to upset the renderer this time around needing a restart, but that just could have been me changing settings. A few versions ago it became clear that you’re wasting your own time if you don’t completely restart the client after every settings change.
I just finished one of the new Protect missions at a small Agricultural settlement in my home system. Performance was decent with framerates anywhere from 55-80 FPS. This type of settlement historically has performed the best for me, so I'm going to go attack a U-shaped Industrial one to see if there's any improvement there.
I don't monitor my FPS constantly but my general impression is a noticeable improvement in performance and graphical quality as I did four missions, a Salvage and 3 Power Restore, which I am very familiar with so I knew what to expect. Before the update I was getting frequent stretches of repetitious hitches in the motion continuity, sort of like brief intermittent forward rubber-banding -- none of which occurred in my recent three hour session. All was very, very smooth, better than I can remember since Horizons, evincing a very acceptable frame rate. Concourse and settlements were not problematic, nor was my carrier's interior.

All of the missions were of the type that usually provide scavvy fodder for my sniper, but in three of the four, none even showed up. The fourth and last was normal in that regard, with the usual wave of two ships dropping more party-goers just as I finished off the first bunch. But despite killing them all, no bonus bounty was tallied or rewarded. Hmmm.

I was impressed with the apparent changes to settlement interior and exterior lighting as well as on stations and the carrier. To my eye, which is pretty sensitive to such after a 45 year career as an artist, the lighting looks much better balanced. Even the flashlight -- which previously I found to be glaring and unpleasant -- was better integrated into the overall lighting scheme. It was not only more attractive but easier on the eyes over the length of the session.

I'm currently running a modiified Ultra setup, Bloom and Blur Off, on a 6Gb GTX 1660, kind of min requirement but it does well enough pushing the pixels to my 2K and 1080p dual monitor arrangement.
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