HP Reverb Pro: Ask Me Anything!

Oh, and you need to scoll down in the developer settings menu to find the disable usb power management setting.
I have a shiny new powered USB 3 hub, been too busy to play today (I'm getting serious withdrawal symptoms) so haven't had a chance to see if it has made any difference. I'll scroll down now and see if I can find it
got my 3090 arriving early on today. One of the first things I plan on doing is testing Elite in VR on the Reverb.

What software is best for monitoring frame rate?

It's here, it's a monster! Only a Zotec as that's all I could find in stock. Fast as hell.

I was just looking at 3090 benchmarks, and the next thing popped into my head was reverb 2 (pro?) with elite, let us know how it looks and performs!
Has the game had a large update in the last 6 weeks or so? Some nebula seem missing and small things appear different?

Anyway, Left Steam settings on default, Elite chose "high" settings with the 3090 but I turned off the usual DoF, lowered shadows and bloom to medium. Everything in space feels much more smoother than before. Stations still do that weird judder as you enter them but nowhere near as bad.

I'm parked up at Titans daughter. I'll put the FPS monitor on and go for a spin around some asteroids in a mo.
I did 2 runs. Set the "high" preset in Elite graphics settings with nothing altered. Launched from Titans Daughter and went down to asteroid belt and flew about. #

SteamVR @ 100% scaling. The frame time needed to hit 90fps is 11ms, I got mostly 5-6ms with the odd spike here n there. So a completely smooth game.
SteamVR @ 200% scaling. Same again, under 11ms will give a smooth game. Game chugged along at 9ms in space and around asteroids and as I got near the station it started to go up hitting about 15ms per frame as I was inside the station and landing, so a bit of judder.

I'd say High setting on 3090 is about the same smoothness as setting everything to Low or off setting on a 2080ti when playing the game.

200% scaling on a 3090 is about the same as 100% scaling on high with a 2080ti.
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