Hybrid Expansion and Free Update

I had this great idea for a hybrid expansion, so please think about this Frontier.


The expansion adds hybrids into the game.

The plot will be something like Dr. Wu kept experimenting with hybrids, and we have to help him.

The story will be slightly more on the dark side and more of a research site instead of a park.

The expansion can add new hybrids like one of the following.

There could be 5 new hybrids.

The level would be in the Chaos Theory section.

Free Update:

The free update will add two new modifications:

Bulletproof and Camouflage

Bulletproof will be available for most dinosaurs while camouflage will only be available for a few.

Bulletproof will make the dinosaurs have higher defense but they might need more darts to tranquilize.

Camouflage will improve their hunting chances and make them change color.

The update also adds the original hybrid dinosaurs from the first game:

Spinoraptor, Stegoceratops, and Ankylodocus

Hybrid Ideas:

These are a few hybrid ideas I have:

50% Parasaurolophus and 100% Allosaurus - Carnivore

50% Spinosaurus and 100% Ceratosaurus - Carnivore

50% Dracorex and 100% Nausutoceratops - Herbivore

50% Kentrosaurus and 100% Gallimimus - Herbivore

50% Elasmosaurus and 100% Tylosaurus - Piscivore

50% Carnotaurus and 100% Velociraptor - Carnivore

50% Gigantspinosaurus and 100% Camarasaurus - Herbivore

25% Cryolophosaurus and 100% Dryosaurus - Omnivore

25% Chungkingosaurus, 100% Baryonyx - Carnivore
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