I have found Jaques Station!

Awesome. Too bad there really isnt anything to do from there. :( I mean, whats the point? Yeah its there.... and?

Its typical of FD, they implement something and just let it float away... undone.

I assume Frontier are just as surprised at a player finding Jaques so quickly.
I mean what are the odds?
If you read the articles on board Jaques, it mentions the impact of the UAs aboard it.

the nebula within 50ly of the system jacques is in no doubt will have meta alloys via barnacles, which will be a hidden CG we will have to find the barnacles, farm them, sell them to jacques repair him and then Fdev will have another event to move him to beagle point perhaps
I assume Frontier are just as surprised at a player finding Jaques so quickly.
I mean what are the odds?
400 billion to 1 :p I find it amusing that a lot of players spent time and effort setting up searches at Beagle Point, scoured the local news bulletins at stations around the system Jaques jumped from, looked for clues in galnet, yet all it took was for one guy, sat safely in the bubble, browsing the in game map to spot a system highlighted against a backdrop of grey blobs?

Fair play to him as he had to physically fly 20K to confirm it, but possibly someone at FD forgot to turn a filter off as I can't believe this was intended! :D

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Ok this is a getting to be a huge thread. Any mention yet as to HOW he found it?

Afaik he turned realistic view off in the game map, panned around and spotted a different coloured system highlighted against a backdrop of grey blobs.
400 billion to 1 :p I find it amusing that a lot of players spent time and effort setting up searches at Beagle Point, scoured the local news bulletins at stations around the system Jaques jumped from, looked for clues in galnet, yet all it took was for one guy, sat safely in the bubble, browsing the in game map to spot a system highlighted against a backdrop of grey blobs?

Fair play to him as he had to physically fly 20K to confirm it, but possibly someone at FD forgot to turn a filter off as I can't believe this was intended! :D

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Afaik he turned realistic view off in the game map, panned around and spotted a different coloured system highlighted against a backdrop of grey blobs.

The only thing Fdev forgot, was setting region permits.

it might be a good thing for the game that jacques was found early, moving to dynamic local community goals, a more active universe, more dynamism, more interest from outside the game, more players more sales, less static planned storylines and more emergent gameplay
He filtered by allegiance while searching nebulae for other reasons :)


I've used that method to try to find alien and lost human civs before, obviously to result in goose eggs. Even listened to the stars themselves to see if you can hear any chatter in the natural radio noise coming off of stars with the volume turned WAY up. But even just sweeping the map for color, it's still quite insane that he found it! That's a LOT of stars to zoom through in any kind of organized search! Even if you are only doing the nebulae. I wonder how long it would take to sweep the whole galaxy like that :D
I was in a system just the other day and I heard clicking and crackling, that sounded almost insect like. I actually thought there was a problem with my sound card so to check I dropped out of SC and it immediately stopped. Regretted doing that immediately :/ Couldn't get it back
Logs looked so sad. So what now. We need to make community goal to start fixing her up. After that Station should be staying there and be beacon for new stations ("Bubble II").

And for the op GZ!
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