I have found Jaques Station!

I would think in the next 12 hours or so the advanced guards will arrive and begin operations. Some screenshots of surrounding systems would be helpful as well as some inital operational plan

Im also picking up small and large data caches along the way, this is about 9000ly currently from sol, got a python that has nearly 100 units spare cargo tonnage. Am hopeful the black market is online or that the data caches are legal out in jacques otherwise ill be dumping them

But the devs have said before the more we interact with systems the more likley new things are to appear, so the mere fact of collection is something that might in a small way contribute to galactic development
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This station NEEDS both repair and stellar cartography. Whatever we can do to make this happen should be the number one priority of every deep explorer in the game. It's location is *amazing* for explorers.
Great find CMDR! Excellent reward for staring at the Galmap parsing its few secrets.

I hope FD can use this as a leaping point for more dynamically-evolving content. "Go to Jacques and help colonize a new area of space from scratch" sounds like a specific enough mission to me, and waaay cooler than "Fix these here big engines. Again. Maybe this time I'll make it."

FD can focus on giving us reasons to do things more than just things to do, leaving the actual doing more to per-pilot gameplay than just fulfilling a simple set of CGs. Any truly interesting colonization effort would need all types of player styles and will be a good opportunity to show FD by example the types of gaming we're looking for, but without breaking the bubble so to speak.
well the bp types can start working back, and those in the bubble can make it out, its accessible in a long range sense for all.

I do hope Fdev dont hold off a few weeks, instead taking the bull by the horns and get something up and running in the next few days. Perhaps a 2 week long CG for metals and minerals from miners in the jaques area to mine and sell to restore basic services, this could encourage essentially a deep space mining effort.
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I do hope Fdev dont hold off a few weeks, instead taking the bull by the horns and get something up and running in the next few days. Perhaps a 2 week long CG for metals and minerals from miners in the jaques area to mine and sell to restore basic services, this could encourage essentially a deep space mining effort.

You don't have to leave it all up to FD to write all the CGs. They are actually quite keen to get ideas from players. I've submitted a few CGs, two of them were accepted, ran and went off fairly well.
There is a link to the mailbox on this thread. They also help flesh out ideas and get them to work within the CG framework.
jacques ( the system he is in) is on the stellar map a F4 VAB as far as star types go, if that helps in future searches for mapping and explorers

ive also found that G F and M2 type systems in deep space are the most likley to spawn small and large data caches in signal sources ( they are very rare )
Me and another cmdr are on our way there with some UAs onboard and some Meta-Alloys to contribute at the stations repairs. Will report back with the stations condition and whatever info might be useful. Lets hope that the Meta-Alloys from everyone will help Jaques Station to enable the repair/restock services because we all really gonna need them..

Whoever is on his way there and wants, can add me in friends (cmdr name same as here). It would be nice to see others in galaxy map on the way there, and later meet up at the station.
Me and another cmdr are on our way there with some UAs onboard and some Meta-Alloys to contribute at the stations repairs. Will report back with the stations condition and whatever info might be useful. Lets hope that the Meta-Alloys from everyone will help Jaques Station to enable the repair/restock services because we all really gonna need them..

Whoever is on his way there and wants, can add me in friends (cmdr name same as here). It would be nice to see others in galaxy map on the way there, and later meet up at the station.

I think we will see a big fight front Fdev as insoar as universal cartography services go, they are going to fight or just ignore reqeusts for data selling facilities where jacques is. A year and a half into the game the idea of having to return to the bubble and no human development across the cosmos is just sad but id be really surprised if they give us a deep space outpost to sell data that would show some evolution in the game.

That said with all the players putting in the effort to head out and the time and so forth , i think they would be mad not to give us a full service station after multiple CGs and the like.
I'm a bit more than half way now. The 47ly jump range on my Anaconda allows me to travel 1000ly in 20 minutes, but I really can sit there doing that for more than an hour or two at a time.
I'm a bit more than half way now. The 47ly jump range on my Anaconda allows me to travel 1000ly in 20 minutes, but I really can sit there doing that for more than an hour or two at a time.

Not bad, its a bit longer going in a 18ly combat / trade fit python

That said it is fit for combat and can haul 96 tonnes of goods, as well as 2x srv for planet side activites and can land on 7G worlds with a rated everything, so it will be semi prepared for any surprises that one might find in the deep ( thinking aliens or turrets around barnacles that might pop up)
Not bad, its a bit longer going in a 18ly combat / trade fit python

That said it is fit for combat and can haul 96 tonnes of goods, as well as 2x srv for planet side activites and can land on 7G worlds with a rated everything, so it will be semi prepared for any surprises that one might find in the deep ( thinking aliens or turrets around barnacles that might pop up)

Well, you've got a hell of a lot more patience than I do :p I didn't bring any weapons. As long as I can make it to the station to deliver the meta alloys I have, then I'll be fine.
Im planning for at least a 6-8 week deployment out there so im going prepared for what im expecting to find and if the devs do the good thing some fun going forward
anyone else heading out that hasnt spoken up, or got screenshots from those that have arrived at jacques or are in the nearby nebula ?
In lieu of the Universal cartographics services not being available

The devs in the lore of jacques being stranded and trying to figure a few mysteries out, should accept large and small data caches as they do drop in signal sources in deep space rare like

They should make the data caches legal sellable goods, it would give explorers some reason to pick them up and turn them in, the mroe jacques get perhaps more of a mystery he can uncover
in the latest galnet news article it seems jacques has restored communications circuits, so he is slowly self repairing and that will speed up with the humanitarain convoys heading out

And in related news the amount of UA affected stations has risen some have vanished ( so the UA and meta alloy damage and repair cycle still seems to be a thing)
We would still need to intervene as bases are not automatically created, but we will be keeping an eye on what players do there - after all it was players who caused him to end up where he is!


Don't forget this. I think if we put enough effort in I think there is a good chance we may be able to force an expansion
Don't forget this. I think if we put enough effort in I think there is a good chance we may be able to force an expansion

This is something those interested in the pioneers collective could get behind to

And given it was a fuel rats inspired CG, if they can organise something to help fully repair him then it could become their defacto unoffical HQ

With all the income palin has made he could fund some planet ports out here as well with the income from meta alloy sales

Of course its still an effort to get out here, so it wont be for all players but the lore, galnet and the fun and developments Fdev could leverage off this are endless
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