Im done.

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If you have put that much time into the game you will be surprised how quickly you can save for another conda. If you have a good rep at places like Sol you can make that money in no time. I have felt like giving up but its a test of endurance.

good luck.
Nope I never died, the system is stupid, and highly unrealistic.

The system is designed to hook you by carrot (which is mostly imaginary anyway) and to make you waste as much of your time as possible on repetitive tasks so "game lasts longer".

You've made a right choice. Congrats, now you can spend your free time on something actually enjoyable :)
At least you've only wasted 200 hours. Some of us spent lot more before realising its turtles all the way down.
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Yep i know its my fault, I didn't think they would actually make it so if I died without enough insurance money I would have to start over again, THAT. It already took me 200 hours to get there lol. Have fun though everyone else :) This game is def just a grind fest with way too much to lose if you make one mistake. Like hitting the wrong button, and dying. Then having 200 hours wasted.

Yes I know you dont care.

How can you put 200 hours into it and not know such a basic thing?
Don't blame the game, the fault lies between the chair and the keyboard.
My worst mistake was flying my python drunk, crashing it, rebuying, and then letting my non pilot friend try to take me out of the station.. and crashing it. Sidewinderville for me, and so so salty and hungover the next day..
Why "Elite: Dangerous"?
David Braben at Nordic Game 2014 said:
Becoming Elite - Ratings
  • Getting the Elite rating (in any of the four rankings) automatically gets you into the exclusive “Elite Federation of Pilots” – and being a member of the Elite federation confers many privileges. It is also possible for pilots without the “Elite” rating to gain admission to the EFP, but access to the organisation is extremely difficult: one must show extraordinary promise as a pilot to be admitted.[...]
  • Once admitted the pilot will be awarded a badge including the “Elite” logo, but with their current rank below. It is expected the majority of these will be “Elite: Dangerous” and “Elite: Deadly”. Those with an “Elite” rating get the original, unadorned badge.
David Braben on Reddit said:
Is the "Dangerous" in the title of the game a warning about the state of the galaxy or just a reference to the combat rank?
I'm guessing OP is either long-gone, whined to support and got his save back, or hitched up his frilly knickers and got back into a Corvette or whatever by now.

But if not and he's still reading (dear god why?) I deleted my save (on purpose) after my first... 30-40 hours of play and started over for realz. Why? Mostly because I didn't like my CMDR name and didn't want to have support change it (they'll only do it once, so not a privilage to waste on a relatively new save) but also because I had learned so much from those hours of play and from finding and reading the forums that I wanted to give myself that chance to do things right. Where I'd gotten in that original stint, I got back to that point and far beyond it in maybe 10 hours of gaming. Then, I took a trip out of the bubble (as every n00b should) and figured out what I wanted to do next.

200 hours of gameplay. That's a pretty good chunk of time. But you're not perma-dead, like some games. You're back in a loaned Sidey, sure. That's TWO lessons learned -- "never fly without rebuy" and "it pays to have a second ship."

I almost had to learn those lessons the hard way, too. I had A-graded my Vulture and I got caught being cocky---I flew into a USS Threat Level 4---and my ship got destroyed by System Glitch. No worries, I thought, I'll just get back to the mission! I happened to glance at my credit balance and realised it was dangerously low! So, I swapped into my MUCH cheaper Viper IV and did some RES High BH until I could afford the rebuy on the Vulture!

Anyway, long-story-short, you haven't lost anything but a cool ship. I've lost more than that in real life and bounced back just fine. You can do it in a game that hands you credits just for playing.

Fly Strong

Maniac o7
I had a mishap with a neutron star after thousands of LYs of jumping. Emailed customer support and explained my despair and they healed my ship for me and moved me out of the NS cone.

I felt annoyed at having to do it that way but I didn't want to lose all the exploration data I had amassed. It also taught me to ALWAYS repair my FSD when it gets to about 85%!

You are a paying, playing customer so of course it's in Frontier's interest to help where needed.
I'm not sure I understand putting in 200 hours of game time and chucking it because you lost a ship while knowingly not insuring it..... What did you think would happen? The old adage of "don't fly without a rebuy" rings true.....
Well, it is kinda stupid to screw players like this and it is just as stupid to know you can get screwed and still do it.

I can understand a new player only a few hours in, making this kind of mistake, but an experienced one? I can't remember ever screwing myself in such a way, even during the beta I understood the system. Then again, I came from EVE, which was an even more punishing game if you were complacent.
main title of post. Yes I said that last night after 30 seconds with my mrs
oh maybe it was Roadhouse or wait wait wait and Boom goes the Dynamite.

Is there any place I can trade all these teddy bears thrown out, that I have salvaged?

Do you hear me complain about the all the moons not being my favorite colour anymore Beige anymore and not being smooth anymore?
I'd like to know how after 200 hours, how you don't have money TO cover the insurance costs.

Once I got past a certain point, insurance money wasn't a question anymore.

If fact, I make it a point to not drop below 50 mil, if I do, I immediately go back to my trading vessel or my boom time runner and grind out a bunch of missions to get money back.

After 200 hours, you should have several ships each purpose built for their respective career paths. Even carebear ships like mining or exploration.

If after 200 hours you don't have money to cover insurance cost of your ship, you're doing something wrong, this is not a criticism, I'm just saying, clearly something isn't working right if you dont have the money by now.
I have to admit I don't really care all that much, other than to remind myself "don't want to be like that guy, make sure you can afford to lose what you're flying!"

It's called Elite after all, not Welfare
Can I haz your stuff? ;)

I just had a 30Mil credit rebuy a few days ago. Got cocky, didn't check my loadout, took on an elite wing and got my head handed to me which I deserved for being stupid. But I sure as heck wasn't stupid enough to fly my vet without rebuy! Seems obvious. But if you rush this game to get shipXYZ before you really have the credits and time put in to handle it you get what you deserve.

Can I haz your stuff? ;)
My worst mistake was flying my python drunk, crashing it, rebuying, and then letting my non pilot friend try to take me out of the station.. and crashing it. Sidewinderville for me, and so so salty and hungover the next day..

You need a better Designated Driver mate.
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