News Important Community Update (01/03)

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"Frontier have already reminded us that the game is not designed by committee (no matter how much some players might like that)."

Thankfully. The game would truly be a shambles if they did.

Robert Maynard

Volunteer Moderator
There are ways to make samples more representative and statistical methods to warn you against them being unrepresentative.

But you know all of that.

Of course there are - however that presupposes that Frontier were in need of guidance as to the direction to take their game.

It's a common conceit that players "know what's best for the game". It is likely that players would want different things - quite often diametrically opposed to what other players want.
Great news, and thanks FD!

Beyond is fantastic and I am looking very much forward to what you will add to the game further down the line.

Rock On Elite Dangerous dev team!!!!!
... was never a kickstarter pledge. They said at the time they'd try to have an offline option, and decided for reasons they know better than we do, not to do it.
And before you say I am wrong, I was on this forum when the kickstarter was announced, I was in the kickstarter comments all day every day for 60 days and some time after that as well.

This is in the KickStarter FAQs

How will single player work? Will I need to connect to a server to play?

The galaxy for Elite: Dangerous is a shared universe maintained by a central server. All of the meta data for the galaxy is shared between players. This includes the galaxy itself as well as transient information like economies. The aim here is that a player's actions will influence the development of the galaxy, without necessarily having to play multiplayer.

The other important aspect for us is that we can seed the galaxy with events, often these events will be triggered by player actions. With a living breathing galaxy players can discover new and interesting things long after they have started playing.

Update! The above is the intended single player experience. However it will be possible to have a single player game without connecting to the galaxy server. You won't get the features of the evolving galaxy (although we will investigate minimising those differences) and you probably won't be able to sync between server and non-server (again we'll investigate).

I'm sure you'll notice the phrase 'it will be possible to have a single player game without connecting to the galaxy server'. Difficult to see how you're right.
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This is in the KickStarter FAQs

I'm sure you'll notice the phrase 'it will be possible to have a single player game without connecting to the galaxy server'. Difficult to see how you're right.

Sorry, but the FAQ's are not promises ... the kickstarter pleges are the promises. It doesn't matter how much you want it to be so, it simply isn't and no amount of "but but but ... " will change that.

EDIT: I know it is hard to admit that something you thought you believed was truth, isn't ... it's called the Mandela Effect, look it up.
It's examples like this is the very reason why Frontier stay silent, because this community has a history of getting facts wrong.

EDIT 2: I am amazed that in one thread I've gone from criticising Frontier to defending them ... again.
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Sorry, but the FAQ's are not promises ... the kickstarter pleges are the promises. It doesn't matter how much you want it to be so, it simply isn't and no amount of "but but but ... " will change that.

EDIT: I know it is hard to admit that something you thought you believed was truth, isn't ... it's called the Mandela Effect, look it up.
It's examples like this is the very reason why Frontier stay silent, because this community has a history of getting facts wrong.

EDIT 2: I am amazed that in one thread I've gone from criticising Frontier to defending them ... again.

Sorry Alien but how can you take this point of view. The kickstarter page is stating that you will be able to play as a single player OFFLINE. The FAQ is as meaningful as the pledge text.
I only found the kickstarter on the final day, I read everything on the KS page as well as the forums and it was clear to me that there was going to be an offline mode. I wouldn't have backed it if it hadn't been for this, and I know I'm not alone.

And how many rare and special missions do those of us who backed the "Founding Members of the Elite" have? More coming, we were promised (link) not long after launch when we had to take to the main forum to take FD to task for not even implementing the golden Founder decal. Same for multiple commander slots, yes they're still coming - but not soon. (link)

Defend away, but sorry - you are mistaken.

It'd be nice if FD would deliver on the multiple commander slots as one of the QOL enhancements, so us old-timers who don't want to wipe our progress can still start over and experience the 'new player' game again and play with refreshed energy and in a different playstyle.
Until then though, the game is already stale for me - and is why I've not played for a year already...
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Of course there are - however that presupposes that Frontier were in need of guidance as to the direction to take their game.

It's a common conceit that players "know what's best for the game". It is likely that players would want different things - quite often diametrically opposed to what other players want.

But you said that there was no way of knowing what any players want. That wasn't true.

And yes, considering what exceedingly weak sauce this game as, and the utterly disappointing announcement that begins this thread, I would opine that they clearly do need some guidance on what it is that people might want. That's just my opinion.

Regardless, we now have 18-24 months of not having anything that anybody wants, and just the same old same old in the meantime.

So, that's a solution, of sorts.
I just think it's kinda funny that they once again drop a bomb that they know the community won't be happy about right before the weekend. I do really hope we get some more info soon on the big update and what's coming between now and then.
I have to say I'm very relieved.

1. The ETA for the New Era gives hope for some major gameplay content, possibly involving both atmospheric planets and extravehicular activity, and who knows what else (I'm hoping for cities on Earth-like worlds, but that'd be for the next New Era more likely).

2. This bold time extension would also ostensibly include more testing and tweaking time, making the eventual release less problem prone.

3. We still get fixes, improvements, and new content in the meantime.

Lastly, the above combined means that I can stop worrying about "what's coming and when" for a while, and just play the game.
In any case, this all confirms Frontier's commitment to the game in the longer term.

Thank you to the development team and CTO for taking this stance and decision that will invariably annoy a lot of players in the short term, but sounds like it's betting on the long term future of the game.
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Sorry Alien but how can you take this point of view. The kickstarter page is stating that you will be able to play as a single player OFFLINE. The FAQ is as meaningful as the pledge text.
I only found the kickstarter on the final day, I read everything on the KS page as well as the forums and it was clear to me that there was going to be an offline mode. I wouldn't have backed it if it hadn't been for this, and I know I'm not alone.

And how many rare and special missions do those of us who backed the "Founding Members of the Elite" have? More coming, we were promised (link) not long after launch when we had to take to the main forum to take FD to task for not even implementing the golden Founder decal. Same for multiple commander slots, yes they're still coming - but not soon. (link)

Defend away, but sorry - you are mistaken.

It'd be nice if FD would deliver on the multiple commander slots as one of the QOL enhancements, so us old-timers who don't want to wipe our progress can still start over and experience the 'new player' game again and play with refreshed energy and in a different playstyle.
Until then though, the game is already stale for me - and is why I've not played for a year already...

AndyJ I take that point of view not because I like it or want to defend Frontier, I do so because that is the truth. What is said in the FAQs on the kickstarter page are not promises Frontier (or any kickstarter) have to be bound to. You could debate with me that they have to be bound to the pledges, and I would agree with you, but as we know if a kickstarter doesn't honour their own pledges there's nothing anyone can do to force them to. FAQs are not worth the paper (or screen pixels in this case) they are written on, as the saying goes.
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Don’t be so naive guys, even they deliver something in two years, nothing proves that it will be something interesting for nowadays players. Look at the present state of the game. Zero support for long term play. Literally in 100-150 hours you can experience the full spectrum of the game and you may quit. You will miss nothing until the next update. Simply there are no long term goals and I haven’t seen any proof, that there will be any. All that we have after four years of development are different game mechanics which lead to modifying your ships and after you modify them, there is nothing you haven’t done hundreds or thousands of times.

Great job with latest mining improvements, but when you try them, if you have been in the game for a while and have enough credits, there is no reason to continue.

And this exactly represents the attitude of FD to their player base. A game developed to be sold to new customers, but not to be played in long term. They are developing game mechanics but not gameplay and definitely no long term gameplay. I don’t want to talk about the multiplayer aspect of the game at all.
I’m so sorry for LEP holders, but you guys are nothing but PITA for FD. You were scammed by promising a game in development which was not developed since the release.
I backed this game during Kickstarter based on the promises made by Mr. Braben. As well as listening to others stating what they wanted to see in the game. Back then there was no talk of CQC or PP not even Engineers. CQC Is content I don't like playing mainly because I am crap at PVP. I have done Power Play with 2 of the factions and I did these in OPEN and never saw another soul in game while I did the time for the mods I wanted. I watched intently to people saying they wanted to land in stations and walk around, meet other gamers in the bar or on the corridors and interact. Otherwise known as space legs. Others wanted to land on atmospheric worlds and see weird life forms and strutures everywhere. Where are these people now? Braben is still around so why has his dream not yet materialised? Why do we see ships in game that look too similar like the Alliance ships are all variants of the same ship build. Two Cobras, 3 Federal ships; drop ship, gun ship etc. Why is content being written and implemented that was never discussed during the DDF when it was active and being followed closely during Alpha and Beta testing when they were in place.

Now we are treated like young children and told basically new content is coming latter half of 2020 but we can't tell you. Why in all that is good can you not give us the topic what the next best thing will be. Kill the rumour mongers and just tell us. I played Elite in 1984 and enjoyed the game for years. This way of treating us is insulting to me personally. I made some good friends in game but they all left to play other more interesting games for them. I still play Elite Dangerous and I still derive some enjoyment from my game play. Stop treating us like kiddies and treat us like Adults please Frontier.
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AndyJ I take that point of view not because I like it or want to defend Frontier, I do so because that is the truth. What is said in the FAQs on the kickstarter page are not promises Frontier (or any kickstarter) have to be bound to. You could debate with me that they have to be bound to the pledges, and I would agree with you, but as we know if a kickstarter doesn't honour their own pledges there's nothing anyone can do to force them to. FAQs are not worth the paper (or screen pixels in this case) they are written on, as the saying goes.

Whether someone who makes a 'promise' can be held to it is immaterial. Frontier said that it will be possible to have an offline version of Elite: Dangerous (unwise as that may have been) and there is no offline version.

It appears that we are making the same point from different perspectives, that what Fronntier says is not necessarily what will happen.
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But he has promised us a lot of things :D

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