News Important Community Update (01/03)

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Great news. Finally confirmation that game is still in development. I was under the impression that game was sunseting after Horizons. Members will finally get a chance to cash in their LEP.
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I hope Frontires understands that with this timeframe they are setting the expectations very very high, and if they keep us in the dark they would only obtain the effect of having speculations and expectations snowball out of control.

If what it's coming is not full atmospheric landings or full featured "space legs" they better tell us now, or they will be crushed by it.
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You both would have valid points ... except business doesn't work like that. A product has to continue to make a profit, because when it no longer makes a profit it becomes a liability, and once a product is a liability, sooner or later that product is finished (or whatever the business term is). It is not good business sense to have one or more products supporting a failing product. You wouldn't want Elite Dangerous propping up Planet Coaster or Jurassic World Evolution any more than their communities would want to prop up Elite Dangerous.

I understand this, and I know diddly squat about business.

That, at least, is painfully obvious. This is exactly how a business works. You make product A, if it is profitable you use the revenue to fund the development of (or investment in) product B. If product A is particularly successful (and ED is still producing considerable revenue for FDev, look at their public financial statements) you use that success to make product B while also funding further development of product A. If you are good at business you have several projects in development at the same time, at different stages of completion, with the revenue from your latest release funding the development of the rest of your products.

For example, Samsung makes a phone that's very profitable. The revenue from that is used to fund battery and OLED R&D which is used in their tablets and wearables, which in turn give a revenue stream which can be invested back into their next generation of phones.

You're right, you wouldn't use this to prop up a failing product, but if you feel that the investment will revitalise the line you would absolutely continue that investment. And ED is not failing; despite no paid release for nearly 2 years it continues to generate significant revenue from its cosmetics sales, and people are still buying the base game and horizons.

As you say, you clearly know diddly squat about business. Maybe bear that in mind you next time you decide to lecture people about the way "business works"?

All that being said: FDev you have to get out of this habit of presenting what they know is disappointing news as if it's really exciting and the community should be overjoyed to hear it. It's more than a little patronising.

Also, where are fleet carriers and the new ice effects? These were features which you said were almost finished, just not quite ready for release with 3.3. But's it's been 3 months now and no word.
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I hope Frontires understands that with this timeframe they are setting the expectations very very high, and if they keep us in the dark they would only obtain the effect of having speculations and expectations snowball out of control.

If what it's coming is not full atmospheric landings or full featured "space legs" they better tell us now, or they will be crushed by it.

You're right about them setting expectations very high, for me personally my expectations are at an all time low.
The way I see it is that they're channeling resources towards other projects and or IPs thus they're not able to produce something of real meaning within a considerable time.

This announcement is a farce, all they're saying is the same thing as last year, great things will be coming but not soon and we're not gonna tell you what it is.
I can't help but feel what I'm reading is that this will be the final big paid release for the game, which makes me sad.
I really expected an atmospheric landing release this year.... This half of the year actually.
Now.....I guess atmospheres and life. Which will be outstanding for sure, but leaves very little left, hence the final big release..... Maybe legs can be later, though I still can't imagine useful gameplay for it.

On the plus side..... Looks like I can finally step away for a while. Which is good news for me regarding study and finding a new job.
That, at least, is painfully obvious. This is exactly how a business works. You make product A, if it is profitable you use the revenue to fund the development of (or investment in) product B. If product A is particularly successful (and ED is still producing considerable revenue for FDev, look at their public financial statements) you use that success to make product B while also funding further development of product A. If you are good at business you have several projects in development at the same time, at different stages of completion, with the revenue from your latest release funding the development of the rest of your products.

For example, Samsung makes a phone that's very profitable. The revenue from that is used to fund battery and OLED R&D which is used in their tablets and wearables, which in turn give a revenue stream which can be invested back into their next generation of phones.

You're right, you wouldn't use this to prop up a failing product, but if you feel that the investment will revitalise the line you would absolutely continue that investment. And ED is not failing; despite no paid release for nearly 2 years it continues to generate significant revenue from its cosmetics sales, and people are still buying the base game and horizons.

As you say, you clearly know diddly squat about business. Maybe bear that in mind you next time you decide to lecture people about the way "business works"?

All that being said: FDev you have to get out of this habit of presenting what they know is disappointing news as if it's really exciting and the community should be overjoyed to hear it. It's more than a little patronising.

Also, where are fleet carriers and the new ice effects? These were features which you said were almost finished, just not quite ready for release with 3.3. But's it's been 3 months now and no word.

I took two things from your reply ...
1) You confirmed I was right about how business works "You're right, you wouldn't use this to prop up a failing product" but also tell me I'm wrong
2) You tell me not to lecture people ... while lecturing me.
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I took two things from your reply ...
1) You confirmed I was right about how business works "You're right, you wouldn't use this to prop up a failing product" but also tell me I'm wrong
2) You tell me not to lecture people ... while lecturing me.

You take specific quotes out of my argument, then use them in isolation to form a rebuttal.

Actually, I told you not to lecture people about something you admit you know nothing about. I am perfectly happy to lecture you about your own ignorance of the subject since, being the lead technical project manager for a tech company, I do understand business. The only people who find that ironic are you, and potentially Alanis Morrisette.

And my point was that ED isn't failing, and there is nothing to support that. Even if it were failing you would be justified to believe, given the franchise's history and customer base, that re-investment would be a wise decision - instead of scrapping. I used this a specific example of when your logic may work, and then pointed out the evidence would not support this in the case of ED.
My take is that there was probably a thought process that looked like this:

Step 1: "Okay, so lifeless atmospheric worlds are ready... has a few more SUVs. We're going to charge $15"
Step 2: "Wait, wait, wait - we have lava and waterworlds 20% done. If we charge $20 for these at the end of 2019, but the player doesn't have the previous DLC, what happens?"
Step 3: "Actually, what if happens if people buy inhabited worlds next year, but don't have water/lava/lifeless atmospheric planets?"
Step 4: "Well, we could make it a season, so anyone who gets the later automatically have the previous one?"
Step 5: "We said we wouldn't do seasons. Plus backlash if the date of the later chapters slide..."
Step 6: "So... maybe hold it all back and make them a single package planets package?"
I can't help but feel what I'm reading is that this will be the final big paid release for the game, which makes me sad.
I really expected an atmospheric landing release this year.... This half of the year actually.
Now.....I guess atmospheres and life. Which will be outstanding for sure, but leaves very little left, hence the final big release..... Maybe legs can be later, though I still can't imagine useful gameplay for it.

On the plus side..... Looks like I can finally step away for a while. Which is good news for me regarding study and finding a new job.

On the other hand what good does atmospheric flight do? Just more of the same, land on a planet, find resources, wandering around and looking at things...

Its kind of the same with space legs. In the least legs combined with atmospheric landing or even ELW landings could open the possibility to explore ruins of guardian civilizations, unlock further mysteries and lore with that, new SRV type machines to harvest new materials. Not to mention immersion, new ways to collect exploration data and so new tools to use while on a ELW or atmospheric world, and so on.

Or when you dock at a port you can enter an actual lounge, walk over to NPC's, and get quests from them directly instead of being bound to your seat 24/7 looking at pics of people.

Just a few thoughts...
Haven't played ED in 6 months because of the recent scanner changes that have turned me off(exploration being dead for me now). So u can imagine my reaction.
The last two announcements from FD have been them "back-pedaling" on content. And now this.
I guess, I feel like not even bothering with this whole scene anymore. So disappointed.
The PR speak in the FD post doesn't work on me anymore and the more I read it, the more I realize that I dont care.
Anything short of being able to get up and walk out of your ship would be a major disappointment to me. Especially after seeing both No Man's Sky and now Star Citizen (especially 3.3 and later) doing it. If they spend the next 1.5 to 2 years putting that in and executing really well on it, that should keep them on feature parity with SC. I was a huge, massive skeptic of SC up until just a couple of months ago - now I can see where it's going and it looks like it's going to work. This HAS to be what FD are working on right now. What else could it be that they're willing to go on radio silence about it for up to 2 years? What else would such a fundamental game-changer, as they're making this out to be?
You take specific quotes out of my argument, then use them in isolation to form a rebuttal.

Actually, I told you not to lecture people about something you admit you know nothing about. I am perfectly happy to lecture you about your own ignorance of the subject since, being the lead technical project manager for a tech company, I do understand business. The only people who find that ironic are you, and potentially Alanis Morrisette.

And my point was that ED isn't failing, and there is nothing to support that. Even if it were failing you would be justified to believe, given the franchise's history and customer base, that re-investment would be a wise decision - instead of scrapping. I used this a specific example of when your logic may work, and then pointed out the evidence would not support this in the case of ED.

I took two things this reply ...
1) You're argumentative
2) You can't admit when you're wrong or you can't see when to stop arguing.

Not replying to you again, for the two reasons I've just stated.
when you already work on it with 100 people from august 2018, the best was to release a trailer of this is coming in 2020.
You did this also with Planet Coaster and Jurassic World Evolution more then a year for release,
Or can we see the Commander chronicles as the trailers?
I can't help but feel what I'm reading is that this will be the final big paid release for the game, which makes me sad.
I really expected an atmospheric landing release this year.... This half of the year actually.
Now.....I guess atmospheres and life. Which will be outstanding for sure, but leaves very little left, hence the final big release..... Maybe legs can be later, though I still can't imagine useful gameplay for it.

On the plus side..... Looks like I can finally step away for a while. Which is good news for me regarding study and finding a new job.

If this version is a success, I do not think it will be the final big pay release, but rather a starting point for new adventures.
If this version is a success, I do not think it will be the final big pay release, but rather a starting point for new adventures.

I tend to agree - if this is the big overhaul they say it is, and with nigh-on 2 years of development, I just don't see it being the EOL of ED that is predicted. More like ED2 in all but name, perhaps. I guess time will tell.
Hello, I noticed that the imperial cutter, the sound of refueling was gone. the fuel from the star, as soon as the refueling begins, a sound should appear, and then the ship’s voice, and when the refueling was over, the sound of the end of the refueling also disappeared,
and the same problem with the Orca ship.
When will this be fixed? from the moment of updating beyond,
It hasn't been fixed yet.
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