News Important Community Update (01/03)

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It was an announcement not an invitation to a discusion, so an original post and a polite post pointing out it is far too early to talk about price is indeed what should be expected, actually the put down post is a bonus.

[...] Keep sharing your feedback with us, and if you have any questions feel free to share them with us by posting in this thread. We’ll try and answer as many of them as we can.

I must have read that wrong. Care to enlighten me what the correct interpretation of those words is?

Will Flanagan

Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

Cheers Will :)
Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

Will, I wouldn't have your job no matter what incentives were added!

Thank you for coming back into the firing line once more...

I think the responses here (and in another host of related threads) might demonstrate how passionate your player base are about this 'odd' game and its ongoing development, responses ranging from elation to desolation (or even outright contempt from a few) seemingly focussed around a 'lack' of meat on the bone you threw us :)

If something more than hints were given it would likely bring the same result as the previous statement given...

You'll never win as Dev's, but in truth I think you have more supporters than are obvious from a few comments.
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Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

I've really appreciated the update Will, thank you.

One of the things that's frustrated me in the past about FD comms is how quiet things can be, and I also know that you get a reaction to any update you do make, but please give us updates as often as you can. Cheers. o7
Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

My bad, my bad. Thankyou for the response.
Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

Small seismic charges ;) and CQC bots to keep us entertained until 2020 did i hear you say?

Nobody cares about ours expectations. They are just buying 2 more years of cosmetics income while everyone is free to dream about his most desired feature. This is the only reason for silence mode of FD. If I have known that now I wouldn’t have anything, but more game mechanics instead of features, I wouldn’t spent at least 100 euros in support of this game for last three years.

I beg to differ, but these are our own opinions so I'm perfectly happy to agree we disagree and carry on.
That said, I would like to put some health into perspective of 2020 major update: I don't know about you, but I have a job and I have more games to play than time to play them, so any moment I feel like I'm tired of Elite, there's more game to pick to fill the time in.
And judging by the pace the time flows by in my mid-thirties, it's gonna be 2020 real quick.

So just chill, Everyone. Life's too short to be constantly moaning about something - enjoy it instead.
Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

Thanks Will, don’t take it personal. All that I've expressed in this thread is my general attitude to FD decision making persons and how they treated their loyal customers.
Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

You want constructive feedback, ok ... stop being so silent. Let us have a roadmap of the briefest of details of what you have planned. Make sure you put in BIG HUGE LETTERS that it everything is subject to change and nothing is final. Other game developers can do it, and I can name three right now for you, CIG, Flashbulb and the devs behind Warframe (I forget who they are, my apologies). You don't have to be so secretive like it's Area 51. Just giving the community a bone as to what is planned would go a long long way to engaging with the community, building hype and restoring your reputation.
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and I can name three right now for you, CIG ...

Wow, such a constructive reply. You did understand I hope that I was making a specific point about engaging with the community and doing what Frontier isn't? Because someone who didn't get that point would just post a stupid gif ... oh wait

Of course your reaction is EXACTLY why this community is toxic and why Frontier stay silent. So GG on helping to make things better, except you didn't.
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I must have read that wrong. Care to enlighten me what the correct interpretation of those words is?
The correct interpretation is try not promise. The correct interpretation of the juxtaposition is that I am old and human and have an imperfect memory so I had forgotten that portion.
Wow, such a constructive reply. You did understand I hope that I was making a specific point about engaging with the community and doing what Frontier isn't? Because someone who didn't get that point would just post a stupid gif ... oh wait

Of course your reaction is EXACTLY why this community is toxic and why Frontier stay silent. So GG on helping to make things better, except you didn't.

To be fair, CIG is not the best company for comparison. I would look at games such as Hellion and Subnautica. While they were/in early access, they had/have a detailed road map of where the game was heading and what was planned in the future.

Warframe is also good example. Sea of thieves also had a road map.

As you say, as long as they say that it's subject to change, I can't see the issue. As to the next era, I can understand them wanting to wait for that one. But they should start early in 2020 to start drip feeding us information of what is to come during 2020, again with the caveat that none of it is set in stone.
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Wow, such a constructive reply. You did understand I hope that I was making a specific point about engaging with the community and doing what Frontier isn't? Because someone who didn't get that point would just post a stupid gif ... oh wait

Of course your reaction is EXACTLY why this community is toxic and why Frontier stay silent. So GG on helping to make things better, except you didn't.
Wee bit of humour, I like it, but ymmv.
To be fair, CIG is not the best company for comparison. I would look at games such as Hellion and Subnautica. While they were/in early access, they had/have a detailed road map of where the game was heading and what was planned in the future.

Warframe is also good example. Sea of thieves also had a road map.

As you say, as long as they say that it's subject to change, I can't see the issue. As to the next era, I can understand them wanting to wait for that one. But they should start early in 2020 to start drip feeding us information of what is to come during 2020, again with the caveat that none of it is set in stone.
Yes, this is what I wanted, there are other better examples. I simply named three I could think of right then. Thank you for your reply.

Wee bit of humour, I like it, but ymmv.
No offence was taken, and I hope none given either, but you did reply with a gif and nothing more .... I'm open to discussion, I crave it, and for me, only a gif is not a discussion.
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