News Important Community Update (01/03)

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Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

Looking forward to reading more, thank you. Can we expect a response today, this week, next week? I'm not looking for a promise, just an estimate.
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Looking forward to reading more, thank you. Can we expect a response today, this week, next week? I'm not looking for a promise, just an estimate.

Sadly lots of people are looking for estimates to interpret as promises, so I guess we'll hear when we hear.

C'mon Will - start giving info about the 'soon' changes to distract 'em from the 'not very soon at all' changes :)
Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

While there is so much time until this big update, why not make a road to it same way as you did with road to 1.0? I would even preorder it or go for kickstarter if you would promise what exactly are you aiming for in this update :) Give us concept arts, ideas, do surveys, make it big, pls :)
Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

Thank you for responding. Please can you ask the powers that be to reinstate the device diaries? 18 months is going to be a long time without updates and I think a more open communication would really help dealing with the believers that are being turned into doubters.
While there is so much time until this big update, why not make a road to it same way as you did with road to 1.0? I would even preorder it or go for kickstarter if you would promise what exactly are you aiming for in this update :) Give us concept arts, ideas, do surveys, make it big, pls :)

Pretty much this.

Take us on a magical journey through the exciting new worlds you're creating*

* free cheesy text.
Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future..


If you are able to ascertain FDev's current ability to provide something for Powerplay it would be highly appreciated.

Kimonos for all, #Lavecon

CMDR Justinian Octavius
You want constructive feedback, ok ... stop being so silent. Let us have a roadmap of the briefest of details of what you have planned. Make sure you put in BIG HUGE LETTERS that it everything is subject to change and nothing is final. Other game developers can do it, and I can name three right now for you, CIG, Flashbulb and the devs behind Warframe (I forget who they are, my apologies). You don't have to be so secretive like it's Area 51. Just giving the community a bone as to what is planned would go a long long way to engaging with the community, building hype and restoring your reputation.

Problem is, FD always say "nothing is final", and people ignore this: when things don't get delivered, people start throwing big baby tantrums on the forums.

So, yea, I don't blame FD for keeping quiet until they know for sure features are going to be delivered on time.

I think it probably means proper in-game training missions that involve scenarios for new players.

Could be related to those videos we saw in the first 3.3 Beta....
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I think it probably means proper in-game training missions that involve scenarios for new players.

I expect there'll still be new ships over the next 18 months though.

Would love to see more developed version of training missions that we have now - but still even now its kind of nice experience to do those voice acted little missions they are now.
Let us have a roadmap of the briefest of details of what you have planned. Make sure you put in BIG HUGE LETTERS that it everything is subject to change and nothing is final.
If only that would stop whinings and sense of entitlement... But past proves anything that would be looked fairly, with the benefit of doubt for other studios, CIG first and foremost, never was for FDEV.
A trailer with "No actual game footage" closed captioned is percieved as deceitful
An "intention to expand" is percieved as a promise.
An Expansion released 1 year after 1.0 release implies a new expansion EACH and EVERY years, or else!
A trailer with "No actual game footage" closed captioned is percieved as deceitful
An "intention to expand" is percieved as a promise.
An Expansion released 1 year after 1.0 release implies a new expansion EACH and EVERY years, or else!

I get your point and partially agree however you are re-inventing history if you are suggesting above is accurate!, what you are doing is every bit as bad as the most negative players, you are just reinventing history in the opposite direction.

eg..... horizons may not have been billed as 1 year exactly.... but the 1st 3 parts WERE in 1/4 year increments and those were dated. it is not that much of a leap to then assume the final expansion was for the final section of the 12 month period.......
I am fully fine with a bit of slippage, but probably close to 5 years between paid expansions is well beyond that and you intimating otherwise is nonsense.

btw I said earlier in this thread that personally I can live with the wait and i confident that i will be playing the game in 2 years time (or as soon as it is available) - so long as VR is still supported. ED was always a long term game for me, which is why i was generally happy with game balance at launch. FD got that about right imo, however folks complaining persuaded FD to massively relax the economy, so trust me, I do NOT always agree with the noisy moaners either ;).
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While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

Thanks for the response Will, though you shouldn't be surprised that some people feel jaded, especially given that previously announced features and improvements have failed to materialise.
If only that would stop whinings and sense of entitlement... But past proves anything that would be looked fairly, with the benefit of doubt for other studios, CIG first and foremost, never was for FDEV.
A trailer with "No actual game footage" closed captioned is percieved as deceitful
An "intention to expand" is percieved as a promise.
An Expansion released 1 year after 1.0 release implies a new expansion EACH and EVERY years, or else!

Should a whining, disrescpectful group of clients prevent company from advertising their product?
How big is this group comparing to whole community, not counting potential new clients that may feel the hype and buy the game just now?
I think that roadmap and other forms of promoting like concept arts of upcoming expansion are not meant to stop people negativity but rather to advertise and build the hype.
If only that would stop whinings and sense of entitlement... But past proves anything that would be looked fairly, with the benefit of doubt for other studios, CIG first and foremost, never was for FDEV.
A trailer with "No actual game footage" closed captioned is percieved as deceitful
An "intention to expand" is percieved as a promise.
An Expansion released 1 year after 1.0 release implies a new expansion EACH and EVERY years, or else!

Frontier created the level of expectation in the KickStarter way back in 2012. They told us to expect most of the things that people bang on about, some six to seven years ago.

I think I've been quite patient waiting for those expectations to be fulfilled (or not).
Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all the feedback you've provided over the weekend. We've collated the main points you've raised in this thread and sent them to the team. We hope to have an update for you regarding some of your questions and queries in the near future.

While we understand that the news and information we posted on Friday does not please everybody, we would advise to keep any critical feedback constructive.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

For me (and as others have said) a year and a half is a long wait, but if we knew what we were waiting for it would be much more bearable. Here's hoping for some details even if things change somewhat between now and then.

Also, thanks for your work. I'm sure it's not easy.
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Hey, at least Elite Dangerous isn't Star Citizen which is a scam. And that's not only my opinion, but SC seems to be one, if you approach it with laws of European Union and other sets of consumer rights available around there. Not to mention Star Citizen will also be a huge pay-to-win, as lifting the maximal credit cap already raised a huge outrage of players who accused that as giving way better start for the players who paid real-life money.

Do we have pay-to-win in ED? No. Is ED a barely playable alpha? No.

Have a nice day.
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A scam. Exactly what it is. Its just fishing for people who are so rich they dont care.

(completely off topic)
You reminded me of a theory about those Nigerian email scams. It goes like this ... the emails are badly worded precisely so that the only ones stupid enough to fall for the scam are the only ones who deserve to lose their money, and anyone with any common sense would not be fooled by the email and thus not be stupid enough to deserve to lose their money.

NOTE: I am not defending the scams, no-one deserves to lose their money to a scam, and I have even brought one scam to Yahoo's attention before now (and that was like banging my head against a brick wall, but I got the scam's advert removed). So please don't mis-interpret my comment on a theory I heard as me defending email scams, I'm not.
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