In system jumps.

There an easy fix for you. Don't accept long distance missions. Your problem will be solved. Mission reward tend to be random. So Long distance mission tend to be around the same as Short ones.

Before accepting a mission. Use the galaxy map. If you have to buy system data. Buy it. Then view the System map. If if the station is too far for you. Don't accept the mission.

Alternatively, make it an optional module so that your existing game remains unaffected.

Then accept missions that are closer to the main star.

Or why not use some of the game mechanics we already have to find the mission that caters to your need. Short and sweet.

It beat clicking all the mission then complain about the long-distance ones.

Alternatively, make it an optional module so that your existing game remains unaffected.

What gets me players already have choices for long distance system travel but they keep ignoring them. That for mission or exploration.

Missions if you use galaxy map and find the station is too far from the main star. Don't accept the mission. Stick with the mission that has station closer to the main star. Your problem is solved.

If a system too big and take too long to explore. Jump to a new system. Your problem is solved.

People you don't have to fly 10 15 Minutes and whine about it. We have choices now. We have 400 Billion systems. Some systems are huge some are small. If you don't like the wait you can jump to another system that can be smaller.

Alternatively, make it an optional module so that your existing game remains unaffected?
I believe I've already explained how this 'argument' doesn't hold water.
And I believe myself and others have shown repeatedly how the "canceling out" that you propose doesn't work.

Situation A: No microjumps
-People who like long supercruise waits are unaffected. They neither gain nor lose anything.
-People who don't like long supercruise waits choose to avoid them. Thusly, they lose valid destinations.

Situation B: Some sort of OPTIONAL supercruise-trimming mechanic exists
-People who like long supercruise waits choose not to use it. The game plays exactly the same for them, so they neither gain nor lose anything
-People who don't like long supercruise waits use the mechanic. They gain the ability to go to more places without having an unenjoyable game experience, thus increasing their average enjoyment of Elite.
And I believe myself and others have shown repeatedly how the "canceling out" that you propose doesn't work.

Situation A: No microjumps
-People who like long supercruise waits are unaffected. They neither gain nor lose anything.
-People who don't like long supercruise waits choose to avoid them. Thusly, they lose valid destinations.

Situation B: Some sort of OPTIONAL supercruise-trimming mechanic exists
-People who like long supercruise waits choose not to use it. The game plays exactly the same for them, so they neither gain nor lose anything
-People who don't like long supercruise waits use the mechanic. They gain the ability to go to more places without having an unenjoyable game experience, thus increasing their average enjoyment of Elite.

Maybe he really means that he won't be able to control himself and he'll be micro-jumping all over the place.


Alternatively, make it an optional module so that your existing game remains unaffected.

Alternatively, make it an optional module so that your existing game remains unaffected.

Alternatively, make it an optional module so that your existing game remains unaffected?
Or you can start using common sense and feature we already have so the optional module is not needed. The whole Interdiction does not have to be redone.

And I believe myself and others have shown repeatedly how the "canceling out" that you propose doesn't work.

Situation A: No microjumps
-People who like long supercruise waits are unaffected. They neither gain nor lose anything.
-People who don't like long supercruise waits choose to avoid them. Thusly, they lose valid destinations.
I have not seen a valid destination that too far. It would also be easier to ask frontier to move the station closer. Instead of asking for Mini Jump.

Situation B: Some sort of OPTIONAL supercruise-trimming mechanic exists
-People who like long supercruise waits choose not to use it. The game plays exactly the same for them, so they neither gain nor lose anything
-People who don't like long supercruise waits use the mechanic. They gain the ability to go to more places without having an unenjoyable game experience, thus increasing their average enjoyment of Elite.
Why do you keep forgetting the core of the game. Pirates, Traders, Bounty hunters and Interdiction. That is why the gameplay will NOT play exactly dose now if Mini jump was added and you want people to believe it does.
Or you can start using common sense and feature we already have so the optional module is not needed.

Alternatively, make it an optional module so that your existing game remains unaffected.

The whole Interdiction does not have to be redone.

Nobody suggested the Interdiction mechanic needed to be redone. In fact, I explicitly said so in an earlier response.

Look - here it is:
Chess is only notorious for long pauses if the person you're playing against takes excessively long pauses. Also, there are entire leagues where you're on a time limit and this turns are very short.

Gal net only produces stories so often. Once you're caught up, it's not gonna help. The navigation screen and contacts screen are not exactly entertaining. I don't know how long you expect a static picture of the bodies in a system to remain entertaining. I don't personally consider faffing around in the galaxy map an endless source of entertainment. If I did, I'd probably just remain docked and play around in the galaxy map- being in supercruise changes nothing.

NPCs can generally only interdict you at the start of the trip or at the end, due to the way speed in supercruise works.

USSs COULD be interesting, but their current implementation is a joke. It interrupts and delays your journey to select and identify them, and highly often they're something that isn't relevant. "Oh look. Another convoy dispersal pattern. I'm not a pirate so..." If signal sources started out identified so you could determine if they're worth your time, and signal sources were actually designed to be fun and relevant for the usual "generic player out and about" then sure, those could be interesting. Too many of them are either too specific or pointless though, so identifying them is often a waste of time that makes a long boring segment of the game even longer.

Signal contacts should also show on radar, possibly as hollow diamonds. They should be selectable targets.
okay, so i'm new to the forums, but i am not new to this game.
first of all, i love elite dangerous. it brings out the boy in me who used to always wanted to go out into space.
and many people who play this game has many, and often, valid reasons or wants for changes in this game.

i have none of these. i know all too well that developing in a game like this would be a monumental task. creating new content must be a nightmare for frontier devs.

but i want to make a discussion (although i know many people would have before me, and more after too) make a discussion about in-system jumps.

in the time i am writing this, i have found a binary star system where the other sytem is 578,900 light seconds away. usually when exploring, you absolutely would not go to that system, because that's ridiculous. but this system i have went to basically has 7 water planets, and multiple ones i assume to be like earth, even better, noone has ever discovered it.

now i'm a huge discovery . i like my name on things. especially on a special system like this.
but to supercruise 590k light seconds from the parent star to this one, and then even further to scan all the planets i want, my god it's tedious. incredibly tedious. 12 minutes in and i've barely did 200k of it in my asp.

what i dont get is why the dev's havent implemented in system jumps, or atleast boosted jumps, where you can jump lets say 100k light seconds ONLY if you were targetting a star. that way it would only take me 2 minutes to do 5 or so jumps then i supercruise the last 90k, which is acceptable.
it wouldnt be very hard to implement because the jumping mechanic is in the game, the exploration is very much centred on jumping from one system to another. maybe its not that simple, after all, the jump system only jumps you to parent stars, but atleast if you target a star, why cant i supercruise at 10x speed untill <100k light seconds to only stars?

it would make much sense too, because then you couldnt use that in any other instance, to only towards stars to within 100k light seconds, and save much time. so, so , so much time.

many people have many gripes with this game, mine is this, and that finding other players who want to play together also is a nightmare. none of my friends play this game, they call me a nerd haha, but they dont know how good elite is.

but i digress.

get on this. i dont want to do a 25 minute supercruise run just so i can get my name on the almost perfect system to discover.
i typed all this and im still 150k out...
it would be such a quality of life change for explorers.

Micro-jumps have been an argument for a long time. I'm for them, at distances beyond 250,000 light seconds.

Won't happen. Sorry.

As opposed to those who want to keep timesinks in the game for sheer arrogant greed...

The word is not greed. The word is masochism or machismo. Or both. :(
The OP answered his own questioned.

He discovered something that he wouldn't have discovered otherwise if in-system jumps effectively made them all the same size.
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And I believe myself and others have shown repeatedly how the "canceling out" that you propose doesn't work.

Situation A: No microjumps
-People who like long supercruise waits are unaffected. They neither gain nor lose anything.
-People who don't like long supercruise waits choose to avoid them. Thusly, they lose valid destinations.

Situation B: Some sort of OPTIONAL supercruise-trimming mechanic exists
-People who like long supercruise waits choose not to use it. The game plays exactly the same for them, so they neither gain nor lose anything
-People who don't like long supercruise waits use the mechanic. They gain the ability to go to more places without having an unenjoyable game experience, thus increasing their average enjoyment of Elite.

Would you make the same argument for letting large ships land at outposts?

It's the differences that give us choices to make. There's a good argument that there still aren't enough of them.
Similarly, it never ceases to amaze me how many players think that doing literally nothing for half an hour is considered 'flying around in a spaceship'.

Like, what do you even do in that time?

Bathroom, and microwave dinner.

We used to have to wait hours to compile something back in my day. :(


Earlier post
Alternatively, make it an optional module so that your existing game remains unaffected.

Alternatively, make it an optional module so that your existing game remains unaffected.

Alternatively, make it an optional module so that your existing game remains unaffected?

second post.
Alternatively, make it an optional module so that your existing game remains unaffected.
You know this could be considered as spamming. You know repeating the same sentence over and over.

Nobody suggested the Interdiction mechanic needed to be redone. In fact, I explicitly said so in an earlier response.

Look - here it is:
Let see here. A ship with a Mini Jump module would have an unfair advantage. Right now supercruise it a level playing field for every ship. The only real danger is Wing attacks. Now if you have some ships with the current system and then the attacker with Mini Jump it makes the playing field unfair for the current system. I can see it. It would be easy to exploit.
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You do know you have a choice when you're in a system. If it too large of a system for you. Then jump to a new system.

I tend to look around on galaxy map to find areas that might be cool to look at or read the GALNET news.

See you keep ignoring this one fact. You have a choice. If it too far you DON'T have to do it. It the same choice I have. If I want to spend that time to explore a large system I can. It comes down to player choice.

I live in a small town. Between two large cities. LA and Bakersfield. I live in a town of 5,000 people. There no Starbuck or Walmart in my town. I chose to live away from Traffic and smog. It is also your choice to live in a large city that has those things it is also a choice. Just don't try to make my town into a large city because you love everything close.

And, I choose to live in a crime-ridden metro of 2.5 million, because it has all the services. I'm old, and I *need* to be near three of the US's best teaching hospitals.

I've already lived in the middle of nowhere, on duty. Not at my age, anymore.

People defending time spent doing repetitive activity, a question for you: Would you like to keep repeating military Basic Training-forever?

It sure seems there a lot of people screaming "YES, SERGEANT!" . :(
I'm trying to have a civil discussion here. If you're just going to be rude/sarcastic, then there's no point in discussing anything else with you.

He's just been recruited into Beige Squadron, so he will be waiting a long time to fly one of it's airplanes. You can award him an honor, too. :)
You know this could be considered as spamming. You know repeating the same sentence over and over.


There an easy fix for you. Don't accept long distance missions.

Then accept missions that are closer to the main star.

Missions if you use galaxy map and find the station is too far from the main star. Don't accept the mission.

When you do exploring or accepting a mission. If the star, planet, Moon, Station too far for you. You could use common sense to skip that system or don't accept that mission that requires long-distance travel.

The choice is either do not accept the mission or don't go to the other star in a system.


Let see here. A ship with a Mini Jump module would have an unfair advantage. Right now supercruise it a level playing field for every ship. The only real danger is Wing attacks. Now if you have some ships with the current system and then the attacker with Mini Jump it makes the playing field unfair for the current system. I can see it. It would be easy to exploit.

Sure, if they only design it the way you think. What makes you think they would only design it the way you think? There have been several alternative suggestions in this thread already.
If they made dropping into signal sources, and coming back out of them, not take ages to get down, and back up to speed, they might be a useful way to make travel less pants.

This, and more of this on a conceptual level please. The thread seems to be typically turning into a "we all agree long insys jaunts are boring" and then arguing about that, with some saying "that's as expected, it's space" and others saying "let's make it shorter then". Handbags or buns or whatever is the vogue metaweapon is then drawn and utilized for most of the rest of the thread.

Your concept of "let's make the travel more interesting in the first place, here's one way" seems to frequently be left out of discussions like these.


And, I choose to live in a crime-ridden metro of 2.5 million, because it has all the services. I'm old, and I *need* to be near three of the US's best teaching hospitals.
See it about choices.

I've already lived in the middle of nowhere, on duty. Not at my age, anymore.
Small towns are not for everyone.

People defending time spent doing repetitive activity, a question for you: Would you like to keep repeating military Basic Training-forever?
Well I do repetivitve activity it called exploration. I might get 25 50 system a night depending how big the system is. Yes I do explore the whole system.

It sure seems there a lot of people screaming "YES, SERGEANT!" . :(
Lucky for us this is not bootcamp but Elite Dangerous.
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