Infinity Battlescape

True. Funnily, even fans slagging off the "competition" can lead to tribalism.

But in this case, it was someone they'd invited to check out the prototype who was talking about elite, not the Devs themselves.

Although, I believe Flavian has previously incured the wrath of No Man's Sky fans by saying he was confused by the multiplayer aspect of it.

Can't let this go; -In a blog covering NMS, Star Citizen, (and E:D), Flavian went on to slag all three games to some degree...
INovaeAndre - Developer/Artist
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Would be nice to have links to the full size images, I'm only getting a 'postcard' size when opening into a separate tab.

[edit] thanks for updating the image sizes and links
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Wow, come on. The new release content they are showing.... What could this game turn into.
Really hoping the target is reached.. Come on I-NOVAE keep that content coming (but spaced out of course, pun intended). ;)
Looking great.
High Res screen shots by Crayf1sh

Aligning for planetary entry.

Skimming over the rings ready for atmospheric entry on the dark side of the planet.

Night-time over the tundra planes.


You can always post a question on the comments section of the kickstarter page here:

And the FAQ is here:

And an active Reddit thread:
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I though this was scrapped.
Happy to know its not!
Mindblown by what is shown!!!

This looks more impressive then any other related game so far.
Scott Manley has made a video reviewing the Infinity:Battlescape prototype.

He demonstrates the totally seamless way one can transition a planets atmosphere.

It is a very interesting time right now for seamless space to planet transitioning. Certainly the next few years with ED's season 3 will be a good thing to look forward to. And I think it's a little too early to say one way or another as regards to Star Citizen, and we know almost nothing about their PG plans.


Some other threads which have some interesting discussions based around planetary transitioning and orbits and gravity.

Capital ships, atmosphere, planet surface and landing

Gravity & Orbiting
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This is a sure pledge!

Teambased tactical and strategical combat for control of a solar system and its resources...hundreds of players spread over several battlefields, coordinating missions and ultimately answering to their squadleaders/commander.....Its like someone delved into my mind and pulled out my dreamgame.

The concept alone is worth the money!
I-Novae: Hutchings Developer/Artist

So... like... how big is the current prototype "Game world???"

I don't know, I haven't hit the edge of space yet...

100 Million km out... it didn't take too long to get way out here, I got up to lightspeed after about 5 minutes... then left it fly for a while, maybe another 5-10 mintues or so and then took this picture.


500 Million km out.... I turned about again, engaged the warp drives, then let it sit at maximum speed for a while so I could get some food... some time later I took this screenshot.


You might ask... wait, which star is it? Well if you look closely, it's the one with the subtle haze just around it, center, just a little up from the bottom of the main window, above the console.

So let's think about this for a moment. I'm 500Million km from the gas giant, let's draw a giant sphere around the gas giant now, with a radius of 500Million km.... are you starting to see the picture? How much further could I have let myself travel? I've been seeing this stuff for a while now, and it still blows my mind...

But keep in mind, that 500 million km is still less than the distance between Earth and Jupiter, even at their closest! And 100 million km isn't even 1 AU! So space may be big, but you haven't even left the inner solar system yet.

In this solar system - Space.... is big... really really big... and so is battlescape.


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I have questions as well about the dev's idea's for 'Bespin (Star Wars floating city) style floating factories in the cloud layers of gas giants'. How you fly down to them, the pressure, the storms and lightning, and docking for resources etc, and what effects will be felt by the ship/s (various), which will be hard to fly between cloud layers of gas giants, what will we see and experience as a player as we traverse these gas giant layers.

What the combat will be like in-between these cloud layers. Dog fighting with other ships, or escaping from space through into the cloud layers of these gas giants.

This stuff conjures up all sorts of new and unique game play. I know I want to hear a lot more.

Edit*: The dev's given this answer about floating cities/factories, and more:
"Gas giants have no surface so there will be a limit to how deep in the atmosphere you can fly before your ship gets crushed by pressure. We’re planning on having some battlescapes ( like flying mining outputs/stations ) in their high atmosphere similar to Bespin in Star Wars. The environment could be hazardous ( massive storms, lightning that could randomly hit your ship if you’re not careful ). If we raise enough money we’ll improve the visuals with volumetric clouds / storms.

Q. How many planets will the finished game feature and what type of planets are they?

"This will ultimately be determined by playtesting during development however we're going to have at least 5 planets and quite a few moons. Planet types, likely subject to change, are currently earth-like, volcanic, gas giant, mars-like, and archipelago/water world."


"We're trying to strike a balance between realism and fun. While we tend to lean a bit toward realism there will be elements of the game that are unrealistic, such as sound in space or cockpit windows, because we believe it will result in a better game."

"While we believe our prototype represents an excellent foundation there's still a lot of work to be done! This is both on the engine side and of course the gameplay. Moving forward our primary focus will be on creating the best space combat sim that we can which primarily centers around gameplay. We still need to implement capital starships, add various different weapon systems, improve our networking code, model internal ship systems, etc. It's a really long list."

"On the engine side there's still a lot of room for performance optimization. We want to continue to improve the quality of our planets, various post-processing effects, implement more robust 2d rendering for HUD/UI, and begin adding support for d3d12/vulkan. Overall there's still a tremendous amount to be done and I think once the game ships you'll see a huge difference between now and then."

On Game/match progression: "The progression of the game will be such that each team starts with a set of factories, land bases, and space stations. If we raise enough money players will be able to build additional infrastructure as the game progresses otherwise what a team starts with is all they'll have. Every X interval each factory/mining facility spawns a little ship that carries these resources to the nearest land base or space station to be processed into credits. If the cargo ship is destroyed the team loses those resources."

"Credits are evenly distributed across members of the team so they can purchase better ships, weapons, etc. Thus the expectation is that as the game progresses teams will build up more powerful fleets and the ensuing battles will become more intense - culminating in the destruction of individual teams. There will also be opportunities for sniping the infrastructure of opposing teams if they are incapable of defending it."

The Factions.
"Three corporations are fighting for control of a true to scale solar system with seamless planetary transitions. One team wins when they destroy the infrastructure of the opposing teams such that they are incapable of respawning."

"Different ships will have different radar capabilities and each team will need to have scouts that are out looking for enemy installations. A solar system is quite large so the sensitivities and mechanics of the radar will be determined by play testing as we don't want it to be too hard for a team to hide something forever. This is also part of the reason our servers will support 100's of players."

Some cockpit related questions:

Will the cockpits have functional displays (in the finished product)?

Will the game have retro style (a.k.a Alien style) cockpits as it is now?

And one question that's not cockpit related:

Will different planets have ACTUAL different atmospheres (so when you fly on one planet it's not the same as flying on another)?

"Yes they'll have function displays resources permitting. The art style for the Starfold Confederacy is industrial and retro/Alien so yes that style will be maintained for that faction. Other factions have much different art styles. Different planets have different atmospheres which affect the flight model for those planets. Thus every planet/ship combination represents a unique experience."

"Each small to medium ship will have a unique cockpit and some may have common elements. Capital starships will use a 3rd person view and won't have cockpits."

Q. Will you be bringing you engine up to modern spec with Vulkan and DX12?

"The advantages of Vulkan/D3D12 are perfect for our tech however it's going to take significant engineering effort to properly leverage the capabilities of those API's. We want to do it but it'll likely be an iterative process unless we acquire enough resources to hire more engineers."

Q. What kind of weapon types will be in the final game? Missiles/Lasers? Bombs? Mines?

"Missiles & torpedo's, kinetic weapons (machine guns & cannons), energy weapons (lasers and possibly plasma), and possibly bombs and rockets resources permitting"

And to end with:

Q. Why should I be excited about this game? What does this offer in comparison to other space sims?
"We're working to recreate the epic space battles seen in popular movies and TV series such as Star Wars, Serenity, and Battlestar: Galactica. Combined with our ability to handle seamless planetary transitions and our focus on perfecting space combat we're going to create a well polished experience that really distinguishing itself from other space games. Our technology by itself provides an unforgettable experience and the media types that have received the prototype have spent entire days just flying around and exploring."
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Im gonna be honest, thinking about this game has me giggling like a little child…
Im old enough to know better then to be overly excited about something so far from finished…But dammit, I cant help myself!
Some concept art work, covering the various planets, moons, gas giants and suns.












These last four are in-engine - pure digital art!




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Some more screen shots, featuring the 'Mars like' planet recently added to the prototype.

Not even pre-alpha assets remember. Another two years of heads down development to go, with a lot more to be added. One very large solar system @1:1 scale, with plenty of places the 3 factions can battle it out over essential resources and territory.






If you want more, just back over the last 10 pages of this thread for some great screen shots and in-game videos.

Discover Infinity: Battlescape for yourself - The I-Novae: Engine is pure digital art!
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Infinity: Battlescape - incredible visuals set to some soothing piano music.

The I-Novae: Engine - Pure digital art!

By Planet Explorer (TARS)

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