Infinity Battlescape

More scenes from Infinity: Battlescape

The I-Novae: Engine - Pure digital art!

By Planet Explorer (TARS)




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If you like flying you will like this one. ;-)

I pledged for the final game today ($20 tier) based on Scott Manley's video. Have a feeling it isn't going to make the goal but we'll see...

Sadly it seems to be going slow, they deserve to be way past funding by now.
I hope alot of people are just waiting closer to the end date before they put their money in.

Sadly it seems to be going slow, they deserve to be way past funding by now.
I hope alot of people are just waiting closer to the end date before they put their money in.

Could be going faster yes your right. I'm happy to help them because I believe it could be so much more after two years heads down development.
But at this stage it does look like the main goal now is to hit 300K. Which I hope they do.

The focus of this team of dev's is to deliver something they all feel is attainable within the next two years of heads down development. Remember it is a small team, so it just takes time. Which is why just the one large solar system with lots of very detailed PG planets, moons, asteroids and gas giants could be really good for battles of resources by the 3 factions.

It's certainly going to be a very interesting time for procedurally generated space games over the next 2-3 years, for all four games, ED, SC, No Man's Sky and Infinity: Battlescape. Although I think it's a bit too early at this point to say one way or another what Star Citizen will deliver with regards to PG. Elite with New Horizons and then onto season 3 with atmospheres looks to be very good indeed.

The I-Novae: Engine is in a way pure digital art!

Each game has there own unique take on PG (Procedural generation). Although as I said we know almost nothing about CIG's PG at the moment. And Elite's first delivering airless moons and then onto atmospheric planets and moons sometime late 2016 or into 2017. An interesting next few years for sure.




I am pretty sure they'll reach the basic goal - things are usually moving a lot faster in the final week. ED -for example- suffered from this "mid-campaign" crisis as well: at one moment, it looked like they won't make it, IIRC. As I said before, those big stretch goals weren't realistic anyway. I mean I wish they were, it is kinda sad to see that so much money goes into the SC while in the same time I-Novae guys have to fight for crumbs, but expecting million or more was way too optimistic.

Latest video was truly breathtaking by the way. I think I watched it three or four times in a row :eek:
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I am pretty sure they'll reach the basic goal - things are usually moving a lot faster in the final week. ED -for example- suffered from this "mid-campaign" crisis as well: at one moment, it looked like they won't make it, IIRC.

Latest video was truly breathtaking by the way. I think I watched it three or four times in a row :eek:

The Scott Manley video will be close to 100K by tomorrow morning, so I expect that will still be sending people to the kickstarter for the next week or two.

And yes the latest 'Moons' video is a good watch, in time with the music.

And so is...

Infinity: Battlescape - incredible visuals set to some soothing piano music.

The I-Novae: Engine - Pure digital art!

By Planet Explorer (TARS)

The engine does really look nice. For exploration and sightseeing this could be really great in a year or 2. But damn does the combat look boring. Clicking on a cursor from miles away isn't my idea of fun combat. Just my opinion of course, I could be blinded by the love I have for ED's flight model and combat. ;)
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Yeah I'm pledging for that procedural engine which looks fantastic. Noticed in the videos I watched that combat was not looking great, ship cockpit UI is terrible (although I like the look) and while I dig the whole "seamless" thing we will see what happens when other players are added to the mix. Hopefully they will be adding weather systems to the mix.

I hope they make the goal. 2017 is a ways away and I'm thinking that year will also bring atmospheric landings to elite (but that is just speculation).

Everything looking good so far. And I'm not in for very much if the whole thing goes up even if it does get funded (with the option to pay for early access to alpha and beta later of course).
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Yeah I'm pledging for that procedural engine which looks fantastic. Noticed in the videos I watched that combat was not looking great, ship cockpit UI is terrible (although I like the look) and while I dig the whole "seamless" thing we will see what happens when other players are added to the mix. Hopefully they will be adding weather systems to the mix.

I hope they make the goal. 2017 is a ways away and I'm thinking this year will also bring atmospheric landings to elite.

Everything looking good so far. And I'm not in for very much if the whole thing goes up even if it does get funded (with the option to pay for early access to alpha and beta later of course).

Thanks for pledging, any pledge is appreciated by the dev's.

No atmospheric landings with Elite this year. Maybe late 2016>2017. Airless moons this December which looks fun.

The ships cockpit UI is all place holder assets in this early prototype. Another two years development will bring a lot of improvements to the cockpits and the hud UI, and various ship types with different cockpits. The cockpits will have functioning displays. Although its not clear at this stage if that also means functioning switches.


Some more information on the semi-persistent stretch goal.

Our $1.5 million stretch goal is to make Battlescape semi-persistent with the opportunity for players to build infrastructure. You will be able to place new space stations, planetary bases, and factories. Space stations will come in two different sizes: large and small. Both small space stations and planetary bases can spawn small to medium sized spacecraft. Large space stations will be the only entity in the game capable of spawning, rearming, and refuelling capital starships.

If the semi-persistent stretch goal is achieved, every time a team receives credits its members will have some additional choices to make:

  • Buy powerful new ships and weapons for a better offense.
  • Build more factories to increase the team's rate of resource acquisition.
  • Build more space stations and planetary bases so that you can spawn closer to your objectives, be they offensive or defensive in nature.

It can all be discovered here:

Infinity:Battlescape FAQ link

The current 2015 kickstarter prototype which is available to the media and streamers is a small snap shot of a planet, its rings and a derelict space station. @ 1:1 scale. So it takes time to reach places. Space is really big.

There will be additional effects for both warp speed and for atmospheric entry, and it IS dangerous to be going warp speeds in the atmosphere for too long, though it seems also as if auto-assist will automatically turn off your warp drive before you take damage from the atmosphere.

And the dev's have some ideas for gas giants such as putting Bespin style floating factories in the cloud layers of gas giants. transition down and up from these places. With Gravity and pressure effecting the ships. The effects we expect to see and experience after two more years of development. "We'd like to spend a lot more time making gas giants awesome" -game devs.

"Gas giants have no surface so there will be a limit to how deep in the atmosphere you can fly before your ship gets crushed by pressure. We’re planning on having some battlescapes ( like flying mining outputs/stations ) in their high atmosphere similar to Bespin in Star Wars. The environment could be hazardous ( massive storms, lightning that could randomly hit your ship if you’re not careful ). If we raise enough money we’ll improve the visuals with volumetric clouds / storms."

A video of transitioning from space, out by the planetary rings, flying through the rings and pretty much belly flops right onto the planet's surface. Remember the prototype your seeing here has a lot of place holder assets and effects. It will become so much more.

Watch from 17m40s


The current 2015 kickstarter prototype which is available to the media and streamers is a small snap shot of some planets, its rings and a derelict space station. @ 1:1 scale. So it takes time to reach places. Space is really big.

And another transitioning from a planetary surface dogfight over a mountain range right up through the atmosphere into space. And then into warp to escape the enemy fire.

Watch from 6m33s


Discover Infinity: Battlescape for yourself - The I-Novae: Engine - Pure digital art!
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Looking at the rate of progress, I'd say the project will be lucky to hit the first stretch goal. What rings an alarm bell for me is that this has been in development for over half a decade. It looks like a great piece of software engineering with no idea what to do with itself.

Plus it's a complete no no for me being Windows only.
It looks like a great piece of software engineering with no idea what to do with itself.

That was my first reaction to the kickstarter - a system in need of a game, and which had left its run a bit late against all the other games.

However after reading the kickstarter more closely I realised that I'd made some assumptions, and they are attempting something very interesting. It's not just the initial drop-in warfare game that makes me enthusiastic, but the promise of support for modding, persistent elements, etc. There is amazing potential in this game and frankly I'd support a kickstarter just to see the engine fully developed and available in some fashion.
I know that Infinity is coming in a little late. Its attempting to attract players that have probably already put money and time into a few games in the space genre. I know I've put a little more than I should have into some of these games. I also understand that many players who just love the genre (like myself), who don't really have an allegiance to any particular game, have seen communities grow up around these games that are, well, less than friendly to other players from other games. This gives the genre a poor image to new players/backers that are just here to enjoy 'Space Games'.
I'm really talking to those that just love the genre, we need IB in there with the others. Its already quite some way ahead regards its engine and capabilities. This game is offering, for true space game lovers, another excellent game to put in your collection. O.k. you may end up playing one more than the rest, I will, I dare say. But I want them all there in the genre growing, because that way we have many to follow, watch, play and above all, have choice.
I'm speaking not as a fanboy of any game in particular, I have no allegiance as said. But I am a fanboy of the genre and this genre needs IB. It needs many of the titles out there. But these devs in particular, they need rewarding for sticking with it for all those years, building a very impressive engine that will make for an impressive game, eventually.
If anyone reads this, that is not sure whether to back the game, or have an allegiance to another title. Think how the genre has been lacking so much, over soo many years. We have the opportunity to get some of the best games available now, many of us are already backing across the genre. Just take that minute out and think of the years where we were stuck with very few choices, longing for the day when one great game came along. Well now we have many great games coming along in the genre, think about that, then for the love of the genre back IB, even if its low end backing, its all good. Plus its a PC game.
Its all about the 'space game', the choice we have now that was not there just a few short years back. I thought the space genre was more or less dead. I was wrong, it just needed a helping hand from 'us lot', the players that had been waiting so long for great space games, lets just support what we now have coming. Lets be honest, we never know when we may lose this again. Lets not lose it, the space genre deserves great games, these are great games or will be over time. Lets give support, not allegiance to one or the other, but allegiance to the space genre itself. That's what we all have in common, or most of us, we simply love games that take us into space.
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Another slight alarm bell for me is the funding target. ED asked for 1.25 million pounds and still has needed cash injection. Doesn't matter what SC asked for, we all know it's got enough cash to spend on new offices etc.

Infinity Battlescape, for what ever reason, looks like it's struggling to make half a million dollars. I think any backer would be wise to back this for what it promises now, rather than for an unfunded future. I fear IB may be suffering for the sins of SC and ED.

I think (and hope) this will make its goal, but I fear it will be a long burner.
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A question for those with some more inside knowledge - the only interface I've seen used or mentioned so far is M+K, and there is a note about VR on the kickstarter. Is there any support for HOTAS or controller yet, or has it been discussed?
Looking at the rate of progress, I'd say the project will be lucky to hit the first stretch goal. What rings an alarm bell for me is that this has been in development for over half a decade. It looks like a great piece of software engineering with no idea what to do with itself.

Plus it's a complete no no for me being Windows only.

The time it's in development isn't such a big issue if you consider that they did that in their spare time.
I think they should have jumped on Kickstarter sooner, but it speaks to them that they didn't want to ask for money until they thought they were ready for it.

Sadly it seems to be going slow, they deserve to be way past funding by now.
I hope alot of people are just waiting closer to the end date before they put their money in.

I think the problem is that the game described is not much of a game, just a large battle arena.

The highlights
Engage 100's of players in epic space battles involving everything from small, nimble interceptors up to immense, powerful capital ships
Seamless interplanetary warfare across a procedurally generated, true to scale solar system
No loading screens! (except when the game first starts)
Jaw dropping visuals allow you to experience alien worlds in a way you previously could only dream of
Newtonian physics with different flight models for atmosphere and space
Offline sandbox mode for exploring and trying out different ship/weapon combinations
Windows PC
Community oriented focus with support for modding

This does not describe much of a game, seamless planets is not gameplay in and of its self, so the big selling point is not much of a selling point. Sure the planets look good, not great, but good, but then again space engine also looks good and has the same basic features in terms of interacting with those planets.

I am personally not backing because for $20 you are not getting much of a game. Kickstarter projects are not charities, you are giving money to a company to produce a product that they will go on to sell, you are giving them money to produce a company in order to make more money. Backing a project in the hopes that something in the future will be something you want is not a great way to get people to give you money now. Then you have to look at the companies history, sure their prototype looks good, but then again they had 10 years to get it to that point, with failed attempts in the past (assuming you were following them) of producing a game. It is also not helping them that they limited the $23 tier to just 1k, it has the most backers of any of the tiers.

While I think they have potential and there are a lot of possibility, the same can be said of most games on kickstarter, and most games in general. At the end of the day, is the game they are pitching something you feel is worth $20.

- - - Updated - - -

The time it's in development isn't such a big issue if you consider that they did that in their spare time.
I think they should have jumped on Kickstarter sooner, but it speaks to them that they didn't want to ask for money until they thought they were ready for it.

That is not true, they asked for money and donations before, they attempted to get a game going before, just on their own site.
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That is not true, they asked for money and donations before, they attempted to get a game going before, just on their own site.
I am sorry but i disagree.
Never in the history of this project i've noticed anything like you describe.
Quite the contrary.

Can you elaborate on that one please ?
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I am sorry but i disagree.
Never in the history of this project i've noticed anything like you describe.
Quite the contrary.

Can you elaborate on that one please ?

Infinity is the postponed massively multiplayer online space simulation video game originally intended to be the first game built on the I-Novae engine by I-Novae Studios. While the I-Novae engine has been in development since 2004 (as a personal project until 2010), development of Infinity never started.

I could be wrong, but I remember them having a pledge/support option. It was a while ago.

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Guys, it's going slow now, but most kickstarters do. Elite had the same problem, but went crazy on the last few days of funding.
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