Excellent, thanks. I'll follow down that trail on my next session!
By the way, can we as a community band together and *
demand* that any breadcrumb trail which terminates at a planetary surface location
*must* include coordinates? I'm not saying that the coordinate info has to be front and center, but there absolutely *must* be a set of coordinates which can be found at some point for every one of these puzzles. Some of them, as near as I can tell, terminate with the revelation that there is "something" amazing on planet Y in system X, but it gives no coordinates. That is unacceptable. There is NO WAY for a single person to find these sites if coordinates are not somehow included in the puzzle.
If I knew and could be 100% confident that coordinate clues were findable *somewhere* for every one of these puzzles, then I might follow a clue-trail all the way to "System X, Planet Y, no coordinates given," and then continue searching for other clues as to coordinates. As it stands, when I get to "System X, Planet Y, no coordinates given," I give an exasperated sigh and do a google search to get the remaining information which is obnoxiously left out, and inevitably have to spoil the surprise and fun of making the "discovery" for myself in the process.
Some of the puzzle/clue-hunt trails *do* give out coordinates at the end, and they are so much better for it. If your clue trail culminates in a POI which you expect us to find by dumb luck trial-and-error planet-scouring, then it is incomplete and BROKEN. If you have some other special method for locating these things, such as with the special Thargoid laser-pointer device; then fine; but please understand that
planet searching by eye is Not A Thing.
Frontier: Please include coordinate clues for ALL clue-hunt breadcrumb trails leading to planetary POIs!