International Union of Zoos (Roleplay)

We'd be grateful and wish you luck on your investigations! Sounds odd but as we work with a lot of wild-caught animals that have ended up in the illegal pet trade we often have to attract them to specific places to start the transport process. You may not want to use food bait to lure whatever it is to the farm because then they may associate the farm with food and keep coming back in a way that may upset your locals! We have had some success with using a specific perfume to get the cats where we need them to be and apparently some teams have found success with it even in wild settings. You can find more details here.
Lena Onmi
Thanks for the useful Informations. We thought about putting Herbs and Spices into a Trap. But the Perfume Idea is brilliant, especially because the Smell will probably be way more noticeable from greater Distances
However, we don't have any marsupial specialists on staff at the moment, hence me reaching out to the network to ask if anyone knows any keepers with Koala / marsupial experience who might be looking for a change. Any recommendations to improve their welfare would also be very welcome (by us and by Benjamin and Cooper!).

Many thanks,

Lena Onmi
Hello Miss Onmi,
I`ve asked our Employee for his E-Mail Adress. You can reach him under
He cares for our Platypusses and our Egyptian Fruit Bats currently, but he also has lots of Marsupial Experience because during the Time he lived in Australia, he worked in a small Zoo named Sandhill Eco Preserve, where he mostly cared for the Marsupials and some of the Reptiles. He should be able to answer most of your Questions
-Sapporo Wild Animal Kingdom

Another Thing we wanted to ask the other Members of the Organization: Do any of you have Moose Experience? We are a bit frustrated with our Bull Moose. He doesn`t seem to be interested in his female at all. Not a single Breeding Attempt in Years. Might it work to introduce a second Female into the Enclosure or could this make it even worse?

Edit: The E-Mail Adress is of course fictional :)
Annual round mail to the share holders of Unity Zoo / United Animalia LLC.,

Dear Share Holders and Supporters of United Animalia LLC.,

with January behind us and February almost half passed as well, it’s about time for our annual round mail to inform you about the progress and future plans of our company.

The building of UNITY has, after the unfortunate storms at the end of last year, speeded up again. Our architects and builders are currently working on the Gorilla habitat. With that, the jungle section of Unity will be considered complete according to our current master plan for the Main Zoo of United Animalia LLC.

Parallel to that we also started building the Oasis section in Unity Zoo and already completed a shared habitat for porcupines and meerkats and a fennec indoor and outdoor habitat. We also finished a highly themed staff building that will immerse our guests into the vibes of the Unity Oasis section, loosely inspired by North African architecture.

With around 14 other habitats planned we are far from finished with building Unity. Yet we are already planning for the future.

The future of United Animalia LLC.

If you followed our master plans closely you probably still remember, that we planned to do a United Americas Zoo, specialising on animals from North, Central and South America.

We are currently doing some market research and opinion polls on that idea. The feedback of our guests in our main zoo Unity suggests that our guests would like to experience an even more immersive and creative environment, an adventurous feeling even, when learning about our animals. We are therefore currently considering separating our idea of the United Americas into two zoos, with one focussing on North America and the other on Central and South America. The aim is to theme even more and give our guests a more complete and at the same time less overwhelming experience. Focusing on less animals per zoo would also give us the opportunity to focus more on education about each species and also offering guided tours, keeper talks and other added ways of experiencing a zoo.

We are still in discussion and nothing is decided yet, but of course we’d love the feedback of our supporters and share holders on the new ideas. If you have any questions regarding our change of plans, we are happy to answer them if we can.

Whatever will be decided, we can assure you that the future of United Animalia LLC. looks bright – and that is also thanks to you.

With kind regards,

Linda xxx

CEO United Animalia LLC.
before Auburn Wildlife Parks message I would like to announce I made some logos for IUZ here they are.
Screenshot 2024-02-16 174946.png
Screenshot 2024-02-16 174956.png

ok back to the zoo

Hello fellow IUZ members, we have just built our new section, the Leopard Conservation Center!
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The signal returned, excellent.

Well, greeting everyone, as some of you might have noticed, we from the Dier zoo had some connection problems, thankfully they were sorted out recently, so i am coming here to give some news and other information about some of our plans and some important events that are about to happen.

First of all, as many of you might remember, the flamingos habitat was destroyed, alongside with part of the entrance, due to that we decided to reform the entrance area and the flamingo habitat, due to that our zoo is running an mini and temporary entrance for our guests to come and visit our other animals.

During those times our surviving flamingos are housed in our backstage area that we recently finished building, the new area is accomplished with a greenhouse to grow a better quality and organic food for our animals, and three quarantine habitats.

Our new backstage area.

Some flamingos in the quarantine habitat.

Currently the quarantine habitats are holding not only the flamingos, but also Hasina, who reach puberty, due to that he started to show hostility towards the other fossas on the habitat, due to that, we believe that he is old enough to be sent to the UNITY zoo, he will be leaving the zoo tonight, and we hope he arrive safe on Germany.

Hasina enjoying his last day at the zoo.

Alongside with them, we also have put some animals that arrived today on our zoo and are on quarantine, animals that we had acquired to participate on conservation programs and to preserve a very endangered specie, so please everyone, meet our little group of Nile lechwe:

Two loving birds.

One of the female lechwe in the quarantine.

While we currently only have three individuals, more are scheduled to arrive very soon as part of an extensive reproduction program, if our numbers are correct, we might end up with one of the biggest groups of lechwe in captivity in the entire world.

Moving on to other animals, we want to tell everyone that Moed, just like Hasina, has just hit puberty, due to that we are seeking a new partner for him as we expect to participate in conservation programs of okapis.


He already was a troublemaker as a child, imagine as an adolescent.

To finish up, we also want to mention that one of our female Bongo calf has reach adulthood, so if anyone is interest on her, please contact us.

So that's it! we really hope that things go well from now on, we are also very happy to see a lot of progress in other zoos here present, for now we wish a nice weekend for everyone.
With attention, the director of the Dier zoo.
Can I switch my Zoo?

I'm really in love with my new zoo. And the fact that I'm building the enclosure after I've finished the entrance area could definitely mean that I'm building more than just entrances and parking lots, lol.

If thats allowed:

Zoo Name: Nevaio Zoo
District: Hannover
Federal State: Lower Saxony
Can I switch my Zoo?

I'm really in love with my new zoo. And the fact that I'm building the enclosure after I've finished the entrance area could definitely mean that I'm building more than just entrances and parking lots, lol.

If thats allowed:

Zoo Name: Nevaio Zoo
District: Hannover
Federal State: Lower Saxony
Question to @Orkan about this: Can we register more than one zoo? That was at least my plan down the line.
So sorry I haven’t been online recently, have a lot of real world stuff I’m focusing on right now and I haven’t found the time recently to come back to this place. I should be able to be on here a bit more often than the past month, but no promises.
Can I switch my Zoo?

I'm really in love with my new zoo. And the fact that I'm building the enclosure after I've finished the entrance area could definitely mean that I'm building more than just entrances and parking lots, lol.

If thats allowed:

Zoo Name: Nevaio Zoo
District: Hannover
Federal State: Lower Saxony
Question to @Orkan about this: Can we register more than one zoo? That was at least my plan down the line.
If I, I’ll switch yours, and Swjosdotschka, Yeah, I can put more than one in for ya.
So sorry I haven’t been online recently, have a lot of real world stuff I’m focusing on right now and I haven’t found the time recently to come back to this place. I should be able to be on here a bit more often than the past month, but no promises.

If I, I’ll switch yours, and Swjosdotschka, Yeah, I can put more than one in for ya.
Thank you. Not time yet, but in the future.
I hope things are going well with you
Thank you! And yeah I draw that, but I'm not good at drawing with the mouse and unfortunately I don't have a pad with a pen for the PC.

How about a logo contest? And the members here can then vote. I think it would be kind of cool if everyone in their zoo had a jointly logo!
My vote would definitely go to you, I love your logo!
Dear IUZ Members,

I'm bringing you exciting news about our new Timber Wolf Habitat. Home to two rescued adults and their playful cub from an illegal fur trade, this sanctuary embodies our commitment to wildlife conservation.

We designed it with expansive spaces, natural vegetation, and water elements hoping that the habitat provides a secure and enriching environment for our wolves. Our dedicated animal care team ensures their seamless integration and ongoing well-being.

Our aim is to expand the current pack by introducing another wolf or two, contributing to the thriving community we've created. If any of our fellow members have wolf cubs or know of potential transfers, we welcome the opportunity to collaborate in the near future!

Thank you for your ongoing support.


Amelia Morgan
Avalon Zoo Director

Side note: How do I take screenshots in the game? I would love to upload pictures alongside the unveiling of habitats!
Dear IUZ Members,

I'm bringing you exciting news about our new Timber Wolf Habitat. Home to two rescued adults and their playful cub from an illegal fur trade, this sanctuary embodies our commitment to wildlife conservation.

We designed it with expansive spaces, natural vegetation, and water elements hoping that the habitat provides a secure and enriching environment for our wolves. Our dedicated animal care team ensures their seamless integration and ongoing well-being.

Our aim is to expand the current pack by introducing another wolf or two, contributing to the thriving community we've created. If any of our fellow members have wolf cubs or know of potential transfers, we welcome the opportunity to collaborate in the near future!

Thank you for your ongoing support.


Amelia Morgan
Avalon Zoo Director

Side note: How do I take screenshots in the game? I would love to upload pictures alongside the unveiling of habitats!
Hi Argenti,

Sounds lovely. To take screenshots there are 2 methods I know. if you have an Nvidea graphics card you can press Alt & F2 and it will open up ansel where you can do some real cool effects. The default game one if you bought it on steam is F12. If you want to get rid of the menu etc. you can press G in game.
Dear IUZ Members,

I'm bringing you exciting news about our new Timber Wolf Habitat. Home to two rescued adults and their playful cub from an illegal fur trade, this sanctuary embodies our commitment to wildlife conservation.

We designed it with expansive spaces, natural vegetation, and water elements hoping that the habitat provides a secure and enriching environment for our wolves. Our dedicated animal care team ensures their seamless integration and ongoing well-being.

Our aim is to expand the current pack by introducing another wolf or two, contributing to the thriving community we've created. If any of our fellow members have wolf cubs or know of potential transfers, we welcome the opportunity to collaborate in the near future!

Thank you for your ongoing support.


Amelia Morgan
Avalon Zoo Director

Side note: How do I take screenshots in the game? I would love to upload pictures alongside the unveiling of habitats!
You can also take screenshots with the Print Key but thats a bit more of a hassle as you have to copy it somewhere (i have a discord channel for that), download the picture and convert it from a png to a jpeg file, for example in a free picture edit software like gimp.
Just name the pic blabla.jpeg and export it in there and you got yourself a screen thats small enough for the forums in under half a minute if your fast, even if for some reason the other ways that cocolori mentioned dont work for you
Thank you Sir!

Btw I really like the Idea with the IUZ Logo:
View attachment 384234
Makes me sad again that we still have no Fish. Clownfish would've been such a nice Alternative Exhibit Animal for the Aquatic Pack (and then there would've at least been a aquatic Animal in it🙃)

Hello, Zoo Director of the Sapporo Wild Animal Kingdom here. There might've been Rumors floating around about my Death, if the News should've gotten beyond our local Newspaper. I want to assure everyone though that I'm still alive. I and a few other People were just busy tracking the Big Cat down that roams around here since a While. We weren't able to capture the Animal yet. We do still have some News about it though. We are pretty sure what Kind of Animal we are dealing with. Someone found something during a Walk through the Forest. A half eaten Sika Deer was hanging in a Tree. We assume because of that that it must be a Leopard. Stay tuned for more News about it. We hope to soon be able to catch it

By the Way, are the Franchise Servers working properly again? Was playing other Games recently
I can't continue with that Zoo. It just keeps crashing since I've started yesterday to upgrade the Siamang Enclosure to a Orangutan House.
Did some Update negatively impact Performance? Because I'm pretty sure I've even had 8000 Guests before in some old Franchise Zoo and as far as I know everything in my Laptop is better than my old Computer. Maybe because I've switched from Windows 10 to Windows 11?
Might start a new Zoo for this Thread if it is ok
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