Jurassic World Evolution: Update 6 Highlight

Lydiah Moon

Community Manager
Hey Park Managers!

Welcome to our Update 6 Highlight where we'll be exploring what's going to be included in the upcoming free update for Jurassic World Evolution 2. This update will be free for everyone who owns the game, and will be available on March 30, alongside the launch of the Feathered Species Pack, which you can find out more about it here.

Let's take a closer look!

Remote Viewing Galleries

An exciting new addition we have in Update 6 are Remote Viewing Galleries! Introducing brand new ways to decorate your park, we've added two building attractions, the Log Viewing Gallery and the Dome Viewing Gallery. These new building pieces can be placed anywhere in an enclosure to allow your guests to get up close and personal with their favourite prehistoric species. Of course, within the safety of the gallery!

Disguising itself amongst the natural enclosure, the Log Viewing gallery is as the name suggests! As you can place these anywhere inside an enclosure, you will need to ensure they are connected to an entrance building using an underground connection. Once they are connected, your guests will be able to journey into these viewing galleries to experience up close dinosaur interactions.


The dome viewing gallery, much like the log viewing gallery, will also need an underground connection to an entrance building to work as intended. This particular gallery is the perfect addition to the Aviaries. Watch your flying reptiles soar through the sky and if you are lucky, they may even perch alongside your gallery for a unique encounter. We are sure these glass domes will give your guests an entirely new perspective!


You can find both of these viewing galleries in the 'attractions' menu. We're looking forward to seeing all the ways you decide to use these new additions in your enclosures and aviaries!

Cinematic Camera Mode

For those with a keen eye for photography, we've added a new Cinematic Camera Mode. We can't wait to see what you do with this new feature! The cinematic camera will allow you to transition between camera angles and viewpoints across your park to instantly snap those picture perfect views and exciting interactions between your prehistoric species. This mode will be accessed through capture mode and you will even be able to add existing overlays of postcards, stamps, logos, letterboxes, filters and guidelines to enhance your photos with a truly personal touch. Make sure to share your screenshots with us once you get a chance to try it out.

Zipline Variants

Variants to the Zipline attraction that was first added in Update 1.5.10, on the 1st anniversary of Jurassic World Evolution 2 are also being introduced. Now you can choose between the new DFW Zipline or a Jurassic Park zipline variant to decorate your parks with! These variants will be era limited, therefore you will only be able to mix eras on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. On PlayStation 4 and Xbox One you will choose between either for your parks. Which one will you be opting for to entertain your guests?


Sandbox Mode

Sandbox mode is also getting a plethora of additions in update 6, let's take a look at what we've added!

6 new square levels will be available for you in Sandbox mode that are all based on the 6 different biome types in the game. Southwest USA, San Diego and California levels will also be getting 3 expanded square levels.

Some more settings in sandbox are also being introduced, such as Unlimited Feeder Reserves, Income tax, Wild Capture Frequency and Decoration Foliage. If you choose to turn on the Unlimited Feeder Reserves setting, feeders will no longer need to be refilled by the ranger team, freeing up management time.

Income tax and wild capture frequency settings can both be toggled in 4 levels: none, low, medium and high, so you have full control of how much income your park generates and how often wild capture events will occur. For the wild capture frequency to be adjustable you will need to make sure 'expeditions and fossils' setting is also turned on. Lastly, the decoration Foliage setting will allow you to use foliage from all biomes or the level's specific biome as you choose, this will only be available on new generation consoles. We hope these new settings will be a rewarding addition to managing your parks in sandbox mode.


Quality of Life Changes

Of course we can't forget all the quality of life updates coming your way in Update 6!

No need to wait for toilets, amenities and shelters to be built over time anymore, as they will now be built instantly. We've also added the ability to place multiples of the same building without needing to enter the build menu each time, with a quick shortcut. Just use Ctrl + Left Mouse Button on keyboard and R3 on controller!

Small dinosaurs are also being given more behaviours in Update 6. They will now be able to raise their heads when walking through water and even navigate through areas where they would have been blocked before.

Combat for Sauropods has also been adjusted to improve the quality of their fights. They will now take damage in chunks rather than continuously and begin bleeding out once they reach 15% health. Feedback for when the bleed out state is affecting a dinosaur has also been added, so you'll be able to manage your injured dinosaurs more efficiently.

To further facilitate these changes, hunting behaviours of carnivores have also seen some changes. They will now attack less frequently and may even fail a hunt depending on their individual combat stats and the defense level of the Sauropod. We've also adjusted the UI cohabitation feedback on the Therizinosaurus, Indominus rex, Velociraptor and Indoraptor to more clearly reflect their likes and dislikes, which should be a welcome change to better care for these dinosaurs.

Our console community will also be excited to hear that you can now import your PS4 player progress to the PS5 version of the game, meaning all your progress will be merged and nothing will be overwritten when being transferred over onto the PS5. The best way to do this would be to upload your PS4 save onto the PS Plus cloud and then download the saves from the cloud onto the PS5 and launch the game. Once in the main menu you should get a prompt to import the saves.

We hope you've enjoyed this highlight covering the new free update. More detailed patch notes on all the quality of life changes, as well as bug fixes will also be coming out on 30 March.
Keep your eyes peeled to our forums and social channels for any and all updates, and get more information on the new Feathered Species Pack here, and add to your Steam Wishlist here.

Tell us what you are most excited for in Update 6, Park Managers! Share them in the comments below!
You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and YouTube or join the discussions on our forums.
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Given the descriptions of the Log Viewing Galleries and the Dome Viewing Galleries; they remind me of the Viewing Dome of Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis. We are glad to see structures that function like the Viewing Dome added to this game.

Even as we get the two variants of ziplines, nobody knows if John Hammond had plans to add zipline to the original Jurassic Park or not.

Will sauropods be able to fight? If so, sauropods should dislike carnivores in the cohabitation element.
Alright Frontier.

I want to give you all a whole-hearted hug for implementing these sandbox features. I got a tear of joy reading this. Yup.

Is the amphitheatre present in the San Diego square? Correct answers only please lol.
Absolutely loving this update and I'm so glad to see the viewing domes making an appearance.

I just have two quick questions.
1. Will there be era specific domes or is it just the one?
2. Will the log viewing gallery be placeable in aviaries?

Can't wait for this update and to place a viewing dome next to my yutyrannus!!
Awesome additions.
I have been waiting for a log viewing gallery since JWE1.
The square levels look promising, too.
Thank you so much.👍

Now, all I need is a bug fix for social animations and I can fully enjoy my parks again. fingers crossed
I read this phrase "Combat for Sauropods has also been adjusted to improve the quality of their fights. They will now take damage in chunks rather than continuously and begin bleeding out once they reach 15% health" and i woonder if sauropods will have some kind of defense animation to avoid getting biten by a carnivore?

"To further facilitate these changes, hunting behaviours of carnivores have also seen some changes. They will now attack less frequently and may even fail a hunt depending on their individual combat stats and the defense level of the Sauropod."
Thanks for hearing my feedback regarding the exaggerated amount of hunting, i woonder if pack hunters still panic after killing a dinosaur together.

Now, i would like to know if there is any plans regarding other highly requested AI improvements like the walk animations for flying reptiles which is very important, specially for quetzalcoatlus.

And group hunting for medium and large sized carnivores? its kinda odd seeing something like a allosaurus fighting a big herbivore by himself while he have a social group who could help him instaed.

And in last, did the feather issues from therizinosaurus, t-rex and quetzalcoatlus got fixed?

Thanks for reading.

Jens Erik

Senior Community Manager
So, a number of very nice things, thank you.

Still not clear about why it's called "sauropod combat" when they don't fight back at all.
It's meant to be shorthand: "combat involving sauropods"
Alright Frontier.

I want to give you all a whole-hearted hug for implementing these sandbox features. I got a tear of joy reading this. Yup.

Is the amphitheatre present in the San Diego square? Correct answers only please lol.
Thank you so much Skawt! The amphitheatre is not present in the square version of the San Diego map. It'll be a large flat desert.
Absolutely loving this update and I'm so glad to see the viewing domes making an appearance.

I just have two quick questions.
1. Will there be era specific domes or is it just the one?
2. Will the log viewing gallery be placeable in aviaries?

Can't wait for this update and to place a viewing dome next to my yutyrannus!!
It will be one dome, but era specific buildings your guests use to enter them. Viewing Domes and Logs can be placed inside Aviaries :)
And in last, did the feather issues from therizinosaurus, t-rex and quetzalcoatlus got fixed?
The team is looking into it - I don't believe a fix is coming in this update, however.
Oh my god, Frontier! This update proves to be one of the best ones yet. You've proven to us that this game gets better with every addition. And to jp/jw fans like myself, who have grown playing operation genesis is like a dream come true. So thank you for making this game every step to be closer to a perfect jurassic game.
I would just add some points of constructive criticism. First of all, more attractions like balloon ride for all eras, viewing platforms (like the jpog one), or even the river ride from jw, would be an amazing addition for making a park that feels alive, like a real ammusement park. And second, some more canon species that are left like the micro, sesgisaurus, or old ones like the secrets of dr. Wu hybrids.
Apart from all of that, I think you've done an amazing job. Considering that nowadays not most companies hear the feedback of their fanbase or even add that much quality into games, you're like a beacon of light. So thank you!
Also one more question, is the new tropical map going to be sourrounded with mounts? Because my main problem with the nublar maps were that when I turned on the day-light option, like half of the map would be covered in shadows 😅
Thank you so much Skawt! The amphitheatre is not present in the square version of the San Diego map. It'll be a large flat desert.

Fair enough.

Here we go... some feedback then lol. Could a level designer just plop one down in a 2nd version of square San Diego? Don't need roads or anything fancy. Should take him or her like 5 mins. (Or add it to build menu).

Still a wonderful update though.
It's meant to be shorthand: "combat involving sauropods"

Thank you so much Skawt! The amphitheatre is not present in the square version of the San Diego map. It'll be a large flat desert.

It will be one dome, but era specific buildings your guests use to enter them. Viewing Domes and Logs can be placed inside Aviaries :)

The team is looking into it - I don't believe a fix is coming in this update, however.

Hey Jens. Thanks for all your efforts.

Do you have any news regarding the social animations bug?

Jens Erik

Senior Community Manager
The square levels will have much more space to build compared to the biggest ones in the game?
They will be quite sizeable. You'll get to see how large in tomorrow's livestream :)
Oh my god, Frontier! This update proves to be one of the best ones yet. You've proven to us that this game gets better with every addition. And to jp/jw fans like myself, who have grown playing operation genesis is like a dream come true. So thank you for making this game every step to be closer to a perfect jurassic game.
I would just add some points of constructive criticism. First of all, more attractions like balloon ride for all eras, viewing platforms (like the jpog one), or even the river ride from jw, would be an amazing addition for making a park that feels alive, like a real ammusement park. And second, some more canon species that are left like the micro, sesgisaurus, or old ones like the secrets of dr. Wu hybrids.
Apart from all of that, I think you've done an amazing job. Considering that nowadays not most companies hear the feedback of their fanbase or even add that much quality into games, you're like a beacon of light. So thank you!
Also one more question, is the new tropical map going to be sourrounded with mounts? Because my main problem with the nublar maps were that when I turned on the day-light option, like half of the map would be covered in shadows 😅
Thank you for the feedback, Trex! There will still be mountains on the tropical square map - you can see what it looks like in tomorrow's stream
Hey Jens. Thanks for all your efforts.

Do you have any news regarding the social animations bug?
Hey Bob! The full patch notes will be shared on the 30th of March. I think this is still under investigation, however.
All around great news! But, Before the size patch in JWE1 the Rex was 14 m. After the size fix it was 13.5 m. And now, in JWE2 it’s 14.5 meters. This should be changed somewhere down the line since you fixed the JP3 Pterandon size.

Tyrannosaurus: 14.5 meters long and 5.8 meters tall, should be changed to 13.5 meters long and 5.2 meters tall to reflect the largest canon size of the Tyrannosaurus. The Rex in game is too big.

Spinosaurus: 15 meters long and 5.45 meters tall, should be changed to 16.5 meters long and 5.8 meters tall to reflect the CC Adult Size

Acrocanthosaurus: 14 meters long and 4.63 meters tall, should be changed to 12-12.5 meters long but the height should stay the same.

Giganotosaurus: size should stay the same

Carcharadontosaurus: size should stay the same

Love all the new stuff frontier, but please try to fix this in the next update if it’s not in this one.
Do the Dominion eras get these attractions? I can see why they wouldn't, Biosyn with the hyperloop system and Malta with the heavy theming.
Why would I want to turn the income tax setting on? What government agent will dare come into my parks to demand I pay them when they know the enclosures can be prone to open?
Joker (from Batman The Animated Series version): "Not even I mess with the IRS, but since it is a feature outside Campaign and Chaos Theory as well Challenges, I guess that is up to you."
It's meant to be shorthand: "combat involving sauropods"

Thank you so much Skawt! The amphitheatre is not present in the square version of the San Diego map. It'll be a large flat desert.

It will be one dome, but era specific buildings your guests use to enter them. Viewing Domes and Logs can be placed inside Aviaries :)

The team is looking into it - I don't believe a fix is coming in this update, however.
Any word on the insect feeders?
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