Getting bigger PVP kill count.
Not really matters for me ship size or its owners skill or rank, what I do care is getting them blow up. Whatever is harmless sidey or Elite big 3 who know how to pvp, it will be interdicted and engaged, if they got into my area of operation. In 99.7% of cases, I win since my ships are bulid for 1v1, especially cutter made to kill other big3. At time only thing that could beat it in 1v1, was heat when it was still broken.
Places like Maia wich is anarchy is personal favorite farm place of cmdrs, because lawless and remoteness. Used to camp in Eravate, but I left that place years ago so zarek could start shine instead.
Though killing more skilled cmdrs is more fun than killing noobs, but they die not so often as they know what they doing so they chose when to die. When they lose they wake out in time, and afta fight like that, I consider that as win. Yet sometimes even them makes mistakes, they try run when its too late, so they get killed.
Still, most cmdrs I met are simply noobs who aint gud enough yet, to know basics of evade, so they need get blown up, until they learn that, lol.
Yes im one of those who uses fully maxed out cutter, but there is reason for it. Too many big ships flying around so using ships like courier is out of option, as anything bigger will just Lwake from it laughing and saying something like: "haha, nice try litte one" etc..
Besides killing any big 3 pvp bulid in my courier takes danm too long. And its really annoying when I engage elite pvp vette for 25 min to get its shields down, buring few reloads just to have it wake out when it happens or worse, CL when they are about to die.
That was enough "justifications" for you OP?