Community Event / Creation LAVE RADIO - A podcast about Elite Dangerous

I can sympathise with Allen Stroud's problems with going thourgh his key bindings again. I had to perform that same task myself, although I never complained about it on the forums. It's because I could see why Frontier revamped the control bindings and understood why it was better for those of us that don't own HOTAS controllers.

I use a XBox gamepad and have the standard mapping for boost which also activates my landing gear. I've never accidentally boosted instead of deploying landing gear since they changed the control system. I also like the fact that when I hold down a button which also acts as a modifier, there's a handy guide for less used functions that comes up in my HUD
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Listening to the latest show now.

1) listening to a man sort out his bindings ... epic radio entertainment! :p (I'm kidding, it was funny)

2) wait, WHAT?!?! someone actually likes the Tom Cruise Mummy movie? I don't understand. No movie has sucked more balls than this except maybe "Left Behind" (which was the worst film I've ever seen)
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Volunteer Moderator
I agree.

That podcast had me laughing quite a bit at how he was stranded in an SRV for a year, and then had all sorts of problems getting out of it. I was laughing out loud, but eventually I recovered from it.

I was thinking, this is an amazing demonstration of the steep learning curve of Elite Dangerous - it's kind of like listening to a new player being taught how to play the game.

Then I remembered that this is the guy that organises Lavecon - still laughing now :).

Kidding aside, that podcast had me laughing out loud several times so for some inexplicable reason it seemed to work.
2) wait, WHAT?!?! someone actually likes the Tom Cruise Mummy movie? I don't understand. No movie has sucked more balls than this except maybe "Left Behind" (which was the worst film I've ever seen)

Yeah that was me. I don't get the hate that the new mummy movie has, maybe it's just that I have crazy low expectations for it or something :) And I DO like the Dark Universe tie ins which made me hopeful...
If it is Dark Universe, then everything will hang on the next film (whichever that one is going to be) because judging by peoples reaction to the Mummy, the franchise is already in trouble. Bit like Batman vs Superman and suicide squad didn't do a good job with DCCU, the guys at Warner Brothers must be sighing with relief after Wonder Woman.
Was there an episode this week? I rely on the upload after the broadcast since I am working during the live show. Please HALP! I need moar infoz on my new favorite game.
Was there an episode this week? I rely on the upload after the broadcast since I am working during the live show. Please HALP! I need moar infoz on my new favorite game.

From facebook ...

As there is only poor old Psykokow left in the UK, there is little hope for a show tonight. So Im thinking of what you guys might like instead? A double bill of Esape Velocity? A replay of last weeks show? Data Slate? Remote Outpost Gaming? If I can get home in time, I may check with Whoeva to see what is required in Lave LRN is doing very well thanks to you all.. So watch this space.
Psykokow could've done the show on his own. He could've just imitated the Sidewinder crew. He can do lots of voices, Welshman, Welshman with a slightly deeper voice, Welshman with a squeaky voice that slowly becomes a normal Welshman voice as time passes.
One of the recent casts mentioned Frontier wanting input on exploration, and there was a threat here. I cannot seem to find that thread.

I had posted on suggestion back in mid-2016, one rooted in 20th century physics.

[Request] Simple Application of Astronomical Spectroscopy (Simple, 20th Century Science)


You come into a system and honk. So in addition to the size and other basics that can be done from a distance, such a 'honk' would give -- via spectroscopy -- the explorer all of the elemental makeup of each spectral body. That would be the most realistic way of exploring, and one that would work very well with game play too, as I mentioned a year ago.

E.g., the current icon set could and should be changed/augmented/replaced with icons that better represent the size + elemental make-up.
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From facebook ...

As there is only poor old Psykokow left in the UK, there is little hope for a show tonight. So Im thinking of what you guys might like instead? A double bill of Esape Velocity? A replay of last weeks show? Data Slate? Remote Outpost Gaming? If I can get home in time, I may check with Whoeva to see what is required in Lave LRN is doing very well thanks to you all.. So watch this space.

I'm amused that me taking a week away to Wales counts as not being in the UK.
The WAR for LAVE is on,

WE are in PENDING CIVIL war with the Workers of Lave Liberals, if we win we take Lave Station.

But we need help, we need you to run +++ influence missions for us all the way till Friday mornings Tick when WAR should break out, then its WAR ZONES well conflict zones and combat bonds. Group passenger missions are particularly helpful too, leave those solo riders behind.

It is also OPEN SEASON on any Workers of Lave Liberal ships, destroy at will. Extreme Prejudice.

We must secure the station for the future of us all. Help us ... pleeease
I really enjoyed this week's podcast... that there was a suggestion during the recording of not even releasing it made me laugh as I found the discussion to be one of the most interesting things you've done in a little while (I don't intend to sound like I'm damning you with faint praise there). It could largely be down to there being a slightly different mix of voices to most weeks or just not sticking to the regular format, but everything flowed nicely. If I get time this evening, and I can get my SRV back aboard my ship, I'll try and run some missions for you - the new beta can wait, sorry FD.
We must secure the station for the future of us all. Help us ... pleeease

The Workers of Lave ground crew at Lave Station gave me some very funny looks while I was getting them to take the fuel scoop off my expensive combat ship and fit a tiny FSD in anticipation of the weekend excitement.

I think they suspect something.
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Interesting podcast from 22/8. I think Psychocow needs to remember that BGS is for everyone and not just for player groups. Changing the mechanics to be player group focus is not a change I would like to see in the game, and I have been BGS'ing on and off for a couple of years now, all this "declaration to other player groups" is just too large group focussed for my taste of game.

Of course, that is an opinion, and FD can do whatever they wish with their IP, it might be that guilds are the future, I doubt it though.

I'd like to say to Whoever was concerned about those fighting for Lave Radio might not be satisfied with this agreement. I am very happy with this result, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the background players manipulate things to allow the Lave Radio Crew to take ownership of Warinus.

Of course my delight in an amicable arrangement might have something to do with the fact that not only am I a Lave Radio supporter, but also a member of an Alliance minor faction, the ARC

Even although it's only been a few minutes, already those instructions about how to bring about the agreed takeover of Warinus are already leaving my senile old brain. It might be a good idea to post them here on this thread.
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What I couldn't really fathom is how large the various player groups are. It also struck me that a couple of the representatives of the groups that LRN had been perhaps blissfully ignorant of previously were coming from different time zones and that could perhaps make wars more difficult to fight - perhaps for both sides at different times.

I don't keep track of the lore beyond what I pick up from this podcast; I didn't even realise previously that Mahon was an Alliance character if I'm honest. That some people like to take that (a bit too?) seriously almost makes me want to join in with a group ready to upset that apple cart - although that would probably make me the bigger <not sure what word is acceptable, but you know what I mean>. Realistically though, I will just spend my Wednesday commutes listening to the podcast and thinking how much I'd like to play more Elite but then failing to get around to play for yet another seven days.
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