Community Event / Creation LAVE RADIO - A podcast about Elite Dangerous

Yeah Smiths, I kind of saw that formalising things actually restricted other play options.. so I agree.

The PODCAST is out now, and up on Itunes and our RSS feed, and of course <-there.

Any feedback is welcomed, it is a slightly different show.

As I said abive, I found it an interesting show. Different opinions are important, especially to a podcast like Lave Radio. It was interesting to see so much diversity in opinion from the different Alliance representatives. Psychocow you did a great job in hosting the "BGS" show a week ago, and again this week with the aftermath. I mean proper adult convesation with only occassional swearing from the heart (and hey not by you!).

With so much diversity, and almost certainly the same on Lave Radio side, still some mistrust on both sides, let alone oppotunist groups out to cause mischieve, the plan to get Lave Radio the asteroid base is looking hard to pull off, wish both sides luck with that.
Episode 166?


The thing is I don't really do BGS or Powerplay. I knew there were a lot of people who did but I had no idea how detailed and complex it all was, and listening to 2hrs of intense discussion about it was absolutely fascinating.

The fact that this sort of stuff can be going on in the same game where others spend their time exploring and cataloguing the galaxy, or decoding beacons and solving guardian puzzles, or uncovering and unclocking the mysteries of the thargoids, or pushing the limits of speed and gravitational physics to win races, or honing their PVP skills and engineeing the perfect combat ship, any of which could have an equally in depth discussion, while others will never do any of the above ... well all I can say is that it makes a mockery of the old "mile wide inch deep" fallacy.
Episode 166?


The thing is I don't really do BGS or Powerplay. I knew there were a lot of people who did but I had no idea how detailed and complex it all was, and listening to 2hrs of intense discussion about it was absolutely fascinating.

The fact that this sort of stuff can be going on in the same game where others spend their time exploring and cataloguing the galaxy, or decoding beacons and solving guardian puzzles, or uncovering and unclocking the mysteries of the thargoids, or pushing the limits of speed and gravitational physics to win races, or honing their PVP skills and engineeing the perfect combat ship, any of which could have an equally in depth discussion, while others will never do any of the above ... well all I can say is that it makes a mockery of the old "mile wide inch deep" fallacy.

I've found that the people who play powerplay, Really play powerplay. But, as people are aware, there a few flaws and for most players, they don't like being a single playing piece in a bubble wide game of risk. It's on my to-try list but only after I've completed the Engineers (and there's a lot more to do with that).
New podcast for you! Hopefully just in time for your Friday at work, your commute, or your weekend!

In this episode of Remote Outpost Games -our interview show where we strand industry figures on a remote getaway and asking them to justify which 5 games they would take with them to await rescue - hosts Christopher Jarvis and John Stabler talk to Neil Rennison, Creative Director and founder of Tin Man Games, to talk through his favourite games as well as his history of bringing Choose Your Own Adventure games to mobile/PM, their official license with Fighting Fantasy and their epic PC adapation of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, which recently gained its first premium DLC “Goblin Scourge.” Listen now and enjoy!

Direct download:

New podcast for you! Hopefully just in time for your Friday at work, your commute, or your weekend!

In this episode of Remote Outpost Games -our interview show where we strand industry figures on a remote getaway and asking them to justify which 5 games they would take with them to await rescue - hosts Christopher Jarvis and John Stabler talk to Neil Rennison, Creative Director and founder of Tin Man Games, to talk through his favourite games as well as his history of bringing Choose Your Own Adventure games to mobile/PM, their official license with Fighting Fantasy and their epic PC adapation of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, which recently gained its first premium DLC “Goblin Scourge.” Listen now and enjoy!

Direct download:

Ambassador, with these Podcasts you are really spoiling us!


P.S. really enjoyed the drubbing thay Psykokow gave to that survey ... [haha]
Did Grant refer to a "Big dog in a small pond" this week? If only Private Eye accepted suggestions from podcasts for Commentatorballs.
In this episode of Remote Outpost Games -our interview show where we strand industry figures on a remote getaway and asking them to justify which 5 games they would take with them to await rescue - hosts Christopher Jarvis and John Stabler talk to Neil Rennison, Creative Director and founder of Tin Man Games, to talk through his favourite games as well as his history of bringing Choose Your Own Adventure games to mobile/PM, their official license with Fighting Fantasy and their epic PC adapation of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, which recently gained its first premium DLC “Goblin Scourge.” Listen now and enjoy!

Direct download:

A very enjoyable discussion. I'm not sure Kirsty Young would have allowed the castaway to choose Elite as one of their choices, though.
Just catching up after a week's holiday (downloading episode 169 now).

Re: episode 168 - I just wanted to point out that operation Daedalus Lift (featured in episode 168), awesome tho it was, was not the first operation of its kind. Commander Themadoll and his team of helpers managed to lift an SRV off a planet and get it inside a nearby orbiting space station just a week prior to operation Daedalus.
WOW - epic episode (I've got about an hour to go now ... one more commute should do it).

I just wanted to say bravo guys - terrific interviews and a brilliant round table dicsussion. Lave Radio rock!
WOW - epic episode (I've got about an hour to go now ... one more commute should do it).

I just wanted to say bravo guys - terrific interviews and a brilliant round table dicsussion. Lave Radio rock!

Thanks Alec, it was so much fun hanging out with the Truckers, PSBF, Radio Sidewinder, DJ Truthsayer and the rest!!!

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