News Let's talk about Gnosis and the Cone Sector

IMHO most people at the GNOSIS are not upset because the exposed GALNET posting, but for the fact that there seems to be a complete disconnect with the community..

People worked hard to get to the GNOSIS, lots of engineering but also jumping all the way (some people +50 jumps), to be part of a fun mission of science and exploration.. a way to escape from the grind!

and.. what do they get in return? More mindless griding!
No. Just no. Everyone defending this is either misguided or simply failing to appreciate the work and effort that went into some exploreres getting out there to the gnosis in anticipation of exploring somewhere new.

I am disappointed with the explanation and reasoning given by FD in this thread. As for the no fire zone bug.... Really FD? No one in QA thought of this? No one at all?

What i will do now is uncertain. I could head back to the bubble, as I have no combat capabilities and no way tp equip my ship on the Gnosis. But to be honest, i think i will just quit e d for a while.

Massive own goal FD. Complete waste of a lot of explorer cmdrs time and effort. Poor communications, and really, this thread, is like salt in the wound. So bad job there too.

Honestly, it feels like you guys woke up this morning, looked at the forums, and thought, woah, didn't see any of that happening.

Time for a complete overhaul of the community development team.
Having missed the Galnet mix up and looking forward to seeing what happened when I get home this evening I'm entirely fine with how this is playing out from a story perspective.

Cannon: We're going to jump to a place and be stuck there for a month.

Me: Sounds interesting, I'm in.

Galnet: Don't go, it's really messed up in there so we're locking it down.

Cannon: We're going anyway.

Me: Ace.

Jump attempted, everything's gone horribly wrong

Me: Well that was kind of expected (and if we're being honest really quite well telegraphed - something bad was going to happen)

Looking forward to sticking my head above the parapet when I get home and getting it repeatedly shot off. And If I can get out it's only an hour's jumping from home and another 1.5m in UC data.

Deleted member 140600

No, we thought there would be actual effort for enjoyable gameplay. Didn't matter what it was made up of, just ANYTHING new. Now Gnosis isn't even going to the "unknown".
See the issue now?

You don't understand, right ? Everybody was hoping there would be problems. The thing is we didn't even jump !

Huh ? The servers are closed ?

The game does not work anymore ?

Perhaps it would be good to let the time to "repair" the GNOSIS and see if it finally jump ?

Perhaps it is a signal to CMDRs to prepare a well equipped ship before THE JUMP ?
You can try to explain to them what means the "Dangerous" of the game title.

I know you are very experienced player because i've seen many of your videos and decided to join the Gnosis after the video you've made of it.

You serously expected to jump in the unknown without any problem ???

Yes, Why not?
Why moving 11,000 players to this place? Why so much teasing from Frontier and Canonn for no reason? There's nothing interesting or fun about doing that.

Yet another example: "Me too. 1 month of game, an unique event: a monumental failure. I'm starting to regret my purchase.


What lore? The pace at which you are putting new lore and story out is so slow it's unreal.

This was an opportunity for the community to "creat your own story".

At the least I think, (and this is just my opinion), you could have let the jump happen then attack. Set up the resucue megaships to jump back and forth and slowly rescue the Gnosis.
Jump in the cmdrs looking for a fight and protect all the ships.

That would have at least been different.

Loading up rescue megaships with people jumping to that system every few hours or so.

I've been playing since beta have nearly 30 weeks of game play, there story hasn't really moved that much.
The biggest disappointment with this statement from FD is the total lack of empathy for the 11000 players... [knocked out]

Actually, the Pew-Pew players are having a fine time popping those explorer ships that do manage to get off the launch pads, according to reports.
Hey Rainbro,

Just to clarify from the post above.

The area of space (Cone sector) that the Gnosis was aiming to jump to was never a location that was able to jump to. This is because the location is specifically meant to be used for future narrative. That's the reason why the initiative from the community was weaved into the actual lore of the game.



Then why didn't you (Frontier collectively, not you personally Zac) simply tell the Cmdr who gave you the that route back at the beginning of August was not possible up front? I think it's because Frontier didn't realise until after the fact that the Gnosis was going to bypass the NGC 2264 Sector permit lock and jump straight into the Cone Nebula Sector which wasn't permit locked AT THAT TIME!

Instead of going back to Canonn council and saying "Umm guys, you can't make that last jump", Frontier put a lock on Cone Nebula Sector and stay silent. Then in the weeks running up to it, speculation and hype build up and still Frontier stayed silent. Finally Frontier release a Galnet article saying that Cone Nebula Sector is locked because of Hydras, but the jump is still going to go ahead?!?

Then your scheduler releases the associated Galnet article 7 hours early and let's the cat out of the bag that Gnosis misjumps 12ly and doesn't enter the permit locked sector.

Now you come into the forum and announce that Cone Nebula Sector was never meant to be accessible, AFTER THE FACT!?! That is not a good enough excuse or reason. Frontier should have taken the decision early on and headed off the build up of speculation and the jump if there was never any intention of letting the ship into the sector.

I am one of thousands of disappointed Cmdrs. I broke my boycott of the Frontier store to get a nice iridescent paint job for each of my accounts. That boycott will be back in place and I will not be giving another penny to Frontier.

Player agency is what makes these storylines interesting. If a DM in D&D told the players that they couldn't do a course of action and forced them into their narrative (in effect removing the player's agency to make choices), those players would just stand up from the game table and walk away.

I'm standing up from the table and walking away
Zac, I dare you to reply to this.
Did not one person in the Dev team say, guys I think this is a bad idea and will pee off thousands of players. If not you guys really are out of touch with your players. This after the news of the loss of carriers and ice planet, which sandy was bigging up just a month or so ago.
It's been very disappointing.
So how many more such "explanation" posts and/or apologies are to be made before FDev being to learn lessons and improve their handliong of such matters? Transparency and communicatio with the community isn't releasing explanations after the fact. It shoul be the dicourse such as : 1) Explaining that the Gnossis cannot and will not be jumping to permit locked regions because this was oversight by FD that the ship would reach those systems. 2) Explaining they would attempt to weave the attempt into a lore event and make something fun. 3) Explaining that incomplete mechanics and new features might be implemented for the event and that players will be guinea-pig testing in a heavy combat scenario. This kind of comunication spoils nothing that wasn't already apparent, informs the players and makes huge steps in commanding admiration, respect and understranding from an otherwise very confsed and therefore soemewhat jaded community - as well as stridently reducing the disappointment or dissatisfaction from those htat had allowed expectation and imagination to overflow.
IMHO most people at the GNOSIS are not upset because the exposed GALNET posting, but for the fact that there seems to be a complete disconnect with the community..

Is it maybe time for Frontier to set up a sort of parent-teacher association type thing so that they have a better idea of what people expect from the game? Most of the time I think Frontier know what we want but are struggling against time, money and technical limitations to deliver it, but sometimes I think they've got a very different notion of the game from the people actually playing it.
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Zac, I dare you to reply to this.
Did not one person in the Dev team say, guys I think this is a bad idea and will pee off thousands of players. If not you guys really are out of touch with your players. This after the news of the loss of carriers and ice planet, which sandy was bigging up just a month or so ago.
It's been very disappointing.

I can’t imagine anyone spoke up, considering what a disaster this has turned out to be.

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