News Let's talk about Gnosis and the Cone Sector

Hey Rainbro,

Just to clarify from the post above.

The area of space (Cone sector) that the Gnosis was aiming to jump to was never a location that was able to jump to. This is because the location is specifically meant to be used for future narrative. That's the reason why the initiative from the community was weaved into the actual lore of the game.



Holy cow, how could you still let this happen if you knew all the way?

A simple "Sorry, can´t go there" by the Pilots Federation 4 weeks ago and everything would be fine.
Zac, I dare you to reply to this.
Did not one person in the Dev team say, guys I think this is a bad idea and will pee off thousands of players. If not you guys really are out of touch with your players. This after the news of the loss of carriers and ice planet, which sandy was bigging up just a month or so ago.
It's been very disappointing.

So ... when will it be repaired and depart into the cone sector? That's still happening, yes? :|

Don’t fall for it if someone says it is. I wouldn’t believe anything Canonn or FDev says right now.



Then why didn't you (Frontier collectively, not you personally Zac) simply tell the Cmdr who gave you the that route back at the beginning of August was not possible up front? I think it's because Frontier didn't realise until after the fact that the Gnosis was going to bypass the NGC 2264 Sector permit lock and jump straight into the Cone Nebula Sector which wasn't permit locked AT THAT TIME!

Why ? Well, I guess the FD Big Boss enjoys seeing thousands of players grinding Guardian mats for the event and actually playing his game.


The biggest disappointment with this statement from FD is the total lack of empathy for the 11000 players... [knocked out]


It reads like a proforma explanation copied directly from a first-year Business Studies textbook rather than somebody who's attempting to talk to a community of fans who're so hacked off that a thread like this should actually be required.

That's something FDev need to think about too.

When you're running in-game events that require an official "debrief" thread due to the sheer volume of negativity, it's probably time to reconsider whether your intentions align with the players' expectations.
Hey Rainbro,

Just to clarify from the post above.

The area of space (Cone sector) that the Gnosis was aiming to jump to was never a location that was able to jump to. This is because the location is specifically meant to be used for future narrative. That's the reason why the initiative from the community was weaved into the actual lore of the game.



FDEV definitely chose the worst way to handle this locked area issue.

A much better alterante scenario should have been:
Let the jump happen, reproduce the content that we have now in OUTOTZ in the CONE SECTOR.
Since the area is too dangerous Canonn replan the jump to leave the area after one week instead of end of September (just the time to repair the ship from the Thargoids attack).
Players engage the fight, explorers find the barnacles sites.
Everyone is happy, everyone can say "I've been to the Cone Sector".
FDEV take the merit for on of the coolest event ever in the Elite Story.

Unfortunately with this wrong decision FDEV will get now the prize for the BIGGEST EPIC FAIL...
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FD that's the right way, open communication! ED is the space game with the most potential.
The current reputation of FD can't be worser turn it. Invest passion to that game. Pedal to the metal!


The Hunt was pathetic, FR mYsTeRy-Salomé was ... so so. Now, this. You FD guys never learn ? Never listen to your player base ?
A very confusing morning today indead.

A very confusing morning today indeed.

First I read this Galnet-article about the failed jump, then I see the Gnosis still in place with the counter running 3 hours and discovered that the Cone Sector is permit-locked.
Mostly I regret the failed community event of the jump into unknown space. I was really looking forward to it. So many players put so much time and effort into this to make it a great piece of history. It really felt like a big thing. So many players together. Huddled in this ship, eager to sail to new shores. And then lore desaster struck.

There a basically two parties on the ship. The Explorers that were looking forward to the unknown space on the one hand and on the other The Crusaders who wanted to fight Thargoids. The later became what they asked for. I am also one of them. I am having a real feast out there. But what about the Explorers. As one of my follow mates - an Explorer - said today: "Then I will just fly by some canyons and pretend they are uncharted." Isn't that sad.

I know Frontier never intended to let anybody get into this region of space. And they also discouraged Canonn to go there by way of Pilot Federation. But they should never have let it come that far. Now we have a huge amount of dissapointed Explorers who are just out of the loop.
To me it feels a bit like, excuse the expression, Frontier is showing them the finger. Just ignoring the Explorer half of the players and putting the Gnosis only one (1!) system further is a mean of showing them who has the last say, who has the might. They could have played along and placed her everywhere. Everything could have been explained by some unknown Thargoid technology. But no. Just one system further. Like "We told you we don't want you to go."
Imaging they would have put her behind the permit-locked area, or even aside of it. Behind the area is a lot of unexplored space. Explorers would have been happy and the sudden appearance of so many Thargoids could also have been explained since it is behind there suspected origin.
I thought about buying a new livery for my Krait before the event. Now I am glad I didn't.

But enough said. I will go back to Thargoid fighting know and feel sad for the explorers on board who can pretty much just go home to the bubble emptyhanded.

The thing for me is this.

Gnosis was going to make a big jump - everyone got excited....

But then oh no Gnosis got ganked by the 'goids and then everyone loses there mind.

That is in line with gameplay that can happen I believe.

I do not understand why people are getting all ticked off - you took a gamble and it did not pay off.
Hey Rainbro,

Just to clarify from the post above.

The area of space (Cone sector) that the Gnosis was aiming to jump to was never a location that was able to jump to. This is because the location is specifically meant to be used for future narrative. That's the reason why the initiative from the community was weaved into the actual lore of the game.



1. So we were left to speculate on a subject that could never happen ?

2. A station repair with at least 1300 ly travel and transfer of modules (for me 4 hour wait for arrival of modules and a cost of 4 million credits).

3. A station repair cg with 1300 ly travel for meta alloys ?? . Or one barnacle forrest for all to mine, How would that even work in open play ???

On point 1: Fdev Overlooked smartness on Cannon's attempt or miscommunication ?

On point 2: Why did you allow for this to happen ? The damage, imo, is really big :( Gamers time and in game credits (not looking for a rebirth). Your hardcore members are on this journey and top 10 twitch streamers of elite.

On point 3: would I have gone if: yes, if point 1 was achievable, If not no (for me).

Man I hope we all can fix this together but some camels needs to be swallowed for this.

No a happy camper atm. :(

Please don't ever again make a in game thing, a questionable thing, where there are this much chance of a super negative outcome.

To be fair, you can of course say that "hey man you were told without telling it completely". True but still, with this much feedback, where all say the same.

Not in any way angry, just concerned for the future of content from players.

1300 ly back to the bubble and 4 million credits in transfer module fees awaits me. U think I will travel soon ?? Not really, what is the point. OK i got suckkered outhere, well not twice please, just too much man.
you got my attention!

it even changed my mind and now i'm resolved to do the friggen guardian grind right away to help protect cmdrs under heavy fire on the gnosis. the cobra i docked there isn't going to cut it, so next time i log in it's back to the bubble and a crash course on what are the essentials (i never cared until now) to fight those particular flowers and back.

for once i find the flak at frontier very unfortunate.

despite the (embarrassing) flaws this is exactly what many have been asking from frontier: take some risks, but raise the stakes a bit and bring some life to the game! this seems like a good attempt, even if just circumstantial. they just really need to focus on testing and quality. let this be an occasion to stress the importance of addressing just that, and not kill the initiative.
What about players who took a purely exploration ship? They have no weapons, especially no AX weapons. What do they do? I'm not there but if I decided to go I know I would've gone in an exploration vessel. What do you do with those thousands of players now? I don't get this. They can't even leave because they would be destroyed by Thargoids? How are they supposed to play now, then?
Hey Rainbro,

Just to clarify from the post above.

The area of space (Cone sector) that the Gnosis was aiming to jump to was never a location that was able to jump to. This is because the location is specifically meant to be used for future narrative. That's the reason why the initiative from the community was weaved into the actual lore of the game.



You know it was like confess to trolling your players who are supporting your game? It's not even funny anymore... just pathetic.
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Hey Rainbro,

Just to clarify from the post above.

The area of space (Cone sector) that the Gnosis was aiming to jump to was never a location that was able to jump to. This is because the location is specifically meant to be used for future narrative. That's the reason why the initiative from the community was weaved into the actual lore of the game.


Awwww. Not even a jump ending smack bang in the middle of Thargoid Central?

We received a transmission from Ziggy Stardust, reporting from Cone seconds before his fragmentated demise
Just one disappointment after another disappointment. Had literally given up on this game but saw a chance with the Gnosis ..Now I had not been following developments and had been exploring over 2000ly around the system
as there was a long wait for the jump to the cone system,
so anyway, after discovering many many new planets I had a strange experience , after calling my ship from my srv it literally got stuck somewhere and exploded leaving me stranded and having to suffer the loss of all my collected info and cargo so I contacted the help team and after getting a response which sounded suspiciously like I was making up the crashed ship scenario just to get my losses back they said in the spirit of goodwill they would restore my ship I logged in to find my ship with the canopy blown off and 2 mins of air left, and unfortunately no way to repair it in time. so I send in another request and get re-spawned but my cargo is missing and when I sell my collected planetary data it has only about 50 planets of the ones I discovered which I am sure was over a 100 ..but I thought whats the point of getting another ticket only to be accused of making stuff up so I just Boarded the gnosis and waited for the jump day.
and what happened. well thats already history everyone knows what happened and myself after launching I get wasted by a player killer and just log out feeling what a complete and utter waste of a morning.
funnily though enough I posted a complaint online and got in trouble for cmdr naming bad though I didn't read the rules of etiquette. so I got a warning from the moderator was a shame really as I wanted to put a price on the cmdrs head so someone could avenge me as a player driven scenario I thought it was quite a fun idea ..get a bunch of skilled fighters to go and take revenge for me ..but alas I seemed to go about it all wrong ...
so my gnosis experience was not one that makes me want to get involved in live player related experiences even though I love the concept, and even though it was interesting seeing ships on fire off the shoulder of Outotz ST-I d9-6
it was not what I came for or expected and frontier seems to be scrambling to rewrite the events .

if anyone is offended by anything I say I apologize as its never intended to be offensive.
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So.... in a way you led us on to believe we would be doing something never done before in a game... knowing FULL WELL the jump would never happen.

I'm not really complaining about what happened. I thoroughly enjoyed where this has gone in some respects. I don't have to "hunt" for thargoids now! They are coming to me.

But at the same time, you can't really be shocked that we have so many upset people right now. Many CMDRs were PREPARING for the voyage itself OUTSIDE of the game world for a LONG time. Organizing and the like through apps like Discord. We were lead to believe something historic was going to happen. While that is debatable, (I do think it is historic) I can see why MANY CMDRs are royally upset with Frontier.

I do hope that you have a list of CMDRs that are participating in the Gnosis, and that we may have a chance to receive a Decal of some sort at the least. Something like "I survived the Gnosis" or some such. That would be cool, I guess.
But enough said. I will go back to Thargoid fighting know and feel sad for the explorers on board who can pretty much just go home to the bubble emptyhanded.


That's my plan actually. Very sad and very disappointed.
There were so many alternatives to the one we had.
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