limit max jump in route plotter (beyond just your cargo capacity)

Well... one way would be to simply have a box to enter max jump range in light years. but this will be a bit crude and not very useful.
Or to go the technical way and put a limit on max fuel usage (that i'd say it will be more useful in calculating ranges based on available fuel)

For example, my armed exploration conda does 69 ly per 8t fuel - that's 4 jumps on a full tank and it means about max range 280ly

But it will do close to 40 ly per jump if limited to 2.4 tons of fuel per jump, which means more than 500 ly range.
And if i could limit the fuel usage to 1.6 tons per jump, it will do 33 ly jumps with a total range of 660 light years.
Or, using only 0.8t per jump will mean jumps of 25 ly and a total range of over 1000 light years.

That's fair enough. It would probably be helpful if it listed on there how many LY that would result in, similar to the laden slider. Really, this is basically the same thing as asking for a maximum LY limiter, but if you think this would be more user friendly than that then that's probably a better option.
This... is literally the exact same suggestion but backwards. A max jump range on fastest route vs a min jump range on economical route. How... how is this not subject to any of the same things you've argued for max jump range with fastest route.
because the problem the op wanted to get around was that economical is to slow and fast burns to much fuel because of the non linar nature of the fuel consumption your fsd is only economical doing short jumps which means that if your ships has a max jump range of say 30 your gonna have to be down in 7-10lto stay fuel effecent. (yes im spitballing here because I don't want to waste time with the logarithmic funtion) that means your cutting out 2/3 of your ship actual jump range and locking it away or you could just tell the ship hey I dont want you to make any jumps smaller than 11ly your just outside the optiamal fuel range but still low enough on the scale that when you plot economy you will save fuel but still have the option to flick it over to fastest without having to undo any settings. which system causes the least out of change to the current system the one that completely invalidates both economy routing and fast routing or the one that only turns economy routing into an adjustable tool?

lowering the max jump range invalidates both eco and fast because to route at that point you would only use fast to route everywhere and eco would never be used because your already adjusting fast down to be eco kills both fast and eco
the way i layed out you would use still use eco to plot when you want to be eco and fast when you want to be fast
because the problem the op wanted to get around was that economical is to slow and fast burns to much fuel because of the non linar nature of the fuel consumption your fsd is only economical doing short jumps which means that if your ships has a max jump range of say 30 your gonna have to be down in 7-10lto stay fuel effecent. (yes im spitballing here because I don't want to waste time with the logarithmic funtion) that means your cutting out 2/3 of your ship actual jump range and locking it away or you could just tell the ship hey I dont want you to make any jumps smaller than 11ly your just outside the optiamal fuel range but still low enough on the scale that when you plot economy you will save fuel but still have the option to flick it over to fastest without having to undo any settings. which system causes the least out of change to the current system the one that completely invalidates both economy routing and fast routing or the one that only turns economy routing into an adjustable tool?

lowering the max jump range invalidates both eco and fast because to route at that point you would only use fast to route everywhere and eco would never be used because your already adjusting fast down to be eco kills both fast and eco
the way i layed out you would use still use eco to plot when you want to be eco and fast when you want to be fast

Ok, so I think I understand better what you are saying. Your suggestion is similar to Northpin's, though a bit more manual. In fact, your suggestion is also a similar but less automated version of what I replied to bigmaec saying I wanted:

Honestly, I wish they swapped it up a bit and instead of having Economical route as it is, you would have:

1) Fastest Route (furthest you can go per jump)
2) Economical Route (builds route based on diminishing returns of fuel per jump)
3) Least Fuel Route (what we call Economical now)

The formula for fuel consumption basically results in further distance being jumped affecting your fuel consumption at a similar rate to adding mass to your ship. Of course, there are other factors but the end result is that you hit a point where you'd peak on how much fuel you use before diminishing returns had you consuming more fuel than it was woth. Jumping 1LY consumes FAR less fuel per LY than a 40LY jump, meaning you can make a 1000LY run on a single gas tank using 1LY jumps if you were so inclined, but would have to fuel scoop very very often on the 40LY jumps.

I'd love an option that is basically "here's the magic falloff. This is the maximum LY you can jump before you start to lose 'bang for buck' on your fuel economy."

For your suggestion: by adding a minimum jump range, you'd basically be manually correcting the fallacy of the economic route, which is that it's not technically the "Economic Route" but more the "Least Fuel Per Jump" route.

I still don't see how a maximum range limiter would make the existing features redundant but this would somehow not, but I don't disagree that I want this all the same. Though I do wish the computer would do some of that math for us. But whether we came about it from the top end (fastest route - some LY) or economic route (lowest range + some LY), the result is essentially the same.

More than likely, Northpin's response solves both problems in a more clearcut way.
What is the gain from all this ?

tl;dr version: Currently you can either jump the max LY your ship will let you, or you can jump the shortest route it will plot. There's no inbetween unless you load up empty cargo racks and play with the Laden scale. But the way the fuel consumption formula works, your fuel economy gets worse the further you jump (so, for random number example: you can either go 1000LY on a fuel tank doing 1LY jumps each, or 200LY on a fuel tank doing 40LY jumps).

The goal would basically be to tailor your jumping for whatever task. So in my case: I'd tailor it for efficiency. I'd set it to jump the max number LY before it starts consuming excessive fuel. So instead of say 20LY per jump consuming 40% of my gastank each time, I might ask it to jump 10LY and which only consumes 12% of my gastank (ballpark numbers). It would be far less jumps than the current "economical" route, and far fewer stops for gas than the "fastest route".
I still don't see how a maximum range limiter would make the existing features redundant but this would somehow not, but I don't disagree that I want this all the same
It makes it redundant because you no long have a reason to ever use eco if you tuning down your fsd because at that point all you would ever use if fast jump route because you have already limited your max jump range why would you need to lower it any farther
There's no inbetween unless you
yes there is an inbettween you can manually select your next jump ie you can skip jumps on shorter routes or add jumps to longer routes and doing this does not cause you to lose your route
Yep, totally across all that ..... why though?

Er... so I can travel with less jumps than economical and less fuel stops than fastest route? =D

They are both miserable options, and it would be nice to be able to actually create a real "fastest route" plot that will get me there in less overall time spent either jumping or refueling.
Yep, totally across all that ..... why though?

because you might be in system A, in a ship with a max range of 120 ly, and you might want to reach a system that is 200 ly away
  • fuel scoop, wasting a slot in the process
  • dock along way to refuel
  • manual plotting of jumps no bigger than 2/3 of the max jump
or a limiter of fuel usage per jump :)
yes there is an inbettween you can manually select your next jump ie you can skip jumps on shorter routes or add jumps to longer routes and doing this does not cause you to lose your route

Well sure, you can also manually go to a plotter website and probably accomplish all of this, but there's no automated means to plot such a course in the game is what I mean. You can manually do anything you want, including looking around the navigation tab to see what the next star in range that you care about is and just jumping there.
Er... so I can travel with less jumps than economical and less fuel stops than fastest route? =D

They are both miserable options, and it would be nice to be able to actually create a real "fastest route" plot that will get me there in less overall time spent either jumping or refueling.

It all just looks like a solution trying to find a problem to me.
It makes it redundant because you no long have a reason to ever use eco if you tuning down your fsd because at that point all you would ever use if fast jump route because you have already limited your max jump range why would you need to lower it any farther

Eco will always have its use. It uses practically no fuel, so if you ever end up not paying attention or on a bad jump and accidentally burn too much fuel with no star to scoop from, eco is what will save you from calling the fuel rats.

Eco will always have a use, no matter what.
because you might be in system A, in a ship with a max range of 120 ly, and you might want to reach a system that is 200 ly away
  • fuel scoop, wasting a slot in the process
  • dock along way to refuel
  • manual plotting of jumps no bigger than 2/3 of the max jump
or a limiter of fuel usage per jump :)

You forgot the current Economic Route option
It all just looks like a solution trying to find a problem to me.

I guess it's a subjective thing, because I found the problem a long time ago. I just never considered what a solution might be other than to suck it up. The problem is that fastest route is incredibly fuel inefficient, "Efficient Route" is incredible time inefficient, and there's no option for "please just give me an efficient route".
It all just looks like a solution trying to find a problem to me.
pretty much since honestly every ship except bleeding edge combat ships should be fitted with a fuel scoop. and if your doing a bleeding edge combat build then your gonna just bus your ship around anyway.
pretty much since honestly every ship except bleeding edge combat ships should be fitted with a fuel scoop. and if your doing a bleeding edge combat build then your gonna just bus your ship around anyway.

This is only because the current system is broken; the only time you should really need to fit a fuel scoop is if you are doing exploration or heading 500+ LY out of the bubble.

If there was an actual efficient route generate, most ships wouldn't need a fuel scoop for the vast majority of things. You yourself covered this- you mentioned the math in another post. "Fastest Route" burns through your tank at a pointlessly high rate. And Economic route is misnamed, as it's really just "Shortest Range per Jump" route.

A truly "Economic Route" would maximize the distance you jump per jump with how much fuel it uses. If you had this, most ships would go from only being able to jump 150-200LY on a tank to 500-600LY on a tank, while only increasing the jumps from say 20 to 25, instead of 20 to 50+ like Economic currently does.
This is only because the current system is broken; the only time you should really need to fit a fuel scoop is if you are doing exploration or heading 500+ LY out of the bubble.

If there was an actual efficient route generate, most ships wouldn't need a fuel scoop for the vast majority of things. You yourself covered this- you mentioned the math in another post. "Fastest Route" burns through your tank at a pointlessly high rate. And Economic route is misnamed, as it's really just "Shortest Range per Jump" route.

A truly "Economic Route" would maximize the distance you jump per jump with how much fuel it uses. If you had this, most ships would go from only being able to jump 150-200LY on a tank to 500-600LY on a tank, while only increasing the jumps from say 20 to 25, instead of 20 to 50+ like Economic currently does.
sigh the time you save by jumping your max distance and scooping from start means that you will be able to get more trades per hour than the guy that perfectly jump so that they land at the station with zero fuel. unless your sacking one of your largest slot then fitting a trade ship with a scoop is just good business same with combat ships. the faster you get to the location the faster you earn money the faster your to your next location. the fact that the fuel scoop exists makes ploting eco routes pointless.
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