Major Sector searchable map

SE quadrant sectors scanned. As before, only 0 level (1255<y<-25) and -1 level (-25<y<1305) sectors listed below for triangulation.

Missing SE Quadrant 0/-1 Sector List
Phoo Aewsy FY-Z d13-0
Phrae Hypue JA-C d14-0
Flyoo Eork FR-N d6-0
Dryau Aed GD-R d5-0
Dryaa Hype II-S d4-0
Dryua Hypa QE-Y d1-0
Voawsy GC-U d3-0
Jongeia TS-U d2-0
Dryeia Eaec VM-H d11-0
Dryo Ain QT-Z d13-0
Gongao MZ-D d13-0
Pha Aewsy OO-Z d13-0
Hypao Aihm EI-B d13-0
Dryafaei AM-C d0
Hypoi Hype FS-A d1-0
Dryafea QS-A d1-0
Dryua Hypai OI-T d3-0
Phrio Eoq LK-C d14-0
Phroea Eork SK-C d14-0
Flya Eohn WA-F c11-0
Phreia Phoe OS-U e2-0
Leeck AS-B d13-0
Hypaa Drye MV-B d14-0
Dryafoa YV-C d0
Hypaa Hypue KX-A d1-0
Dryio Hype RI-T d3-0
Eukokh KR-N d6-1
Prai Eop YO-Z c13-0
Flyue Eop KR-N d6-1
Fedguia OX-L d7-0
Phrua Phoe NX-L d7-0
Flyoo Dryoae JR-N d6-1
Reangu KR-N d6-0
Hypoea Phoe NX-L d7-0
Hypoi Phoe KR-N d6-0
Tilk NM-V d2-0
Flya Phoea PO-P d6-0
Skaufoi SJ-P d6-0
Iowropp OY-Q d5-0
Pra Phoea TK-E d12-0
Bloo Eoq IW-N d6-1
Flyoo Hypai KN-R d5-0
Sidgoo YM-A d14-0
Blai Dryoo DC-D d12-0
Craleou PT-I d9-0
Lyroodst FL-P d5-0
Pliemio KR-N d6-0
Graei Eaec MC-M d7-1
Coewls GL-P d5-0
Floadau GL-P d5-0
Floado GL-P d5-0
Blue Phoe GL-P d5-0
Eorgh Flyi GL-P d5-0
Yaimoea GL-P d5-0
Eolls Flyao GL-P d5-0
Moijio GL-P d5-0
Eolls Prao GL-P d5-0
Thaimie CH-S d5-0
Dryaea Aowsy RU-M d8-0
Cloomiae AG-V d3-0
Dryaea Aub SF-L d9-0
Phae Aoc MO-O d7-0
Zumboea CH-S d5-0
Hypi Auwsy CH-S d5-0
Cloomao CH-S d5-0
Zumbua CH-S d5-0
Cloomau CH-S d5-0
Dryua Prao GL-P d5-0
Phrauppy GL-P d5-0
Hypoea Prau GL-P d5-0
Hypua Prao GL-P d5-0
Phrooe Flyao GL-P d5-0
Hypaa Prau GL-P d5-0
Athaiwyg GL-P d5-0
Phrua Pruae GL-P d5-0
Cloomae CH-S d5-0
Dryeia Blou GL-P d5-0
Eock Gree GL-P d5-0
Umbainch GL-P d5-0
Eorgh Bluae GL-P d5-0
Systipeia UI-T d3-0
Sphauleia GL-P d5-0
Sphaulaa RN-T d3-0
Dryooe Bluae GL-P d5-0
Sphauloea GL-P d5-0
Flimbeae YA-U d4-0
Dryo Chroa YA-U d4-0
Phipiae CH-S d5-0
Baulaa YA-U d4-0
Umbairnt GL-P d5-0
Umbaitt GL-P d5-0
Eolls Byio UY-S d3-0
Upaisc ZO-R d4-0
Eorgh Blao GL-P d5-0
Sphaula GL-P d5-0
Dryaea Chroa FC-B d1-0
Stuena YA-U d4-0
Flimbaei SE-X d2-0
Eorgh Byoea GL-P d5-0
Phae Aip EC-D d12-0
Pleia Thae OJ-I d9-0
Flya Eoq SR-H d11-0
Ouchoth OJ-I d9-0
Prai Eork LF-L d9-0
Tyriedgeae YG-D d12-0
Blai Eorg SR-H d11-0
Gojaa EI-B d13-0
Gruia Eom EK-C d14-0
Cyaluae WV-E d11-0
Cralea GF-C d14-0
Plue Phla OJ-I d9-0
Lyroonts ZS-F d12-0
Pyirbs IO-Z d13-0
Flyou Phroo IO-X d2-0
Plienoo AA-A d0
Nyoijio WM-W d1-0
Eom Priae SI-Z d1-0
Thainoea DK-I d9-0
Byai Aick AT-U d2-0
Coekh ZU-V d3-0
Ausairgh ZD-K d8-0
Synookaea JF-R d4-0
Whookio SI-Z d1-0
Byoo Aed DA-A d0
Bla Phoea BC-B d1-0
Droepps MA-A d0
Graei Phoea KC-B d1-0
Flyaudau AC-D d12-0
Dryoo Pre EK-C d14-0
Phai Flaae EI-B d13-0
Hypu Fruia AA-A d0
Eembaitls CR-T d4-0
Missing SE Quadrant 0/-1 Sector Progress

Edit: I added each to EDSM and posted 1 distance.

Edit2: Looks like I missed one sector in SW quad. Added to the bottom of the list and EDSM, first distance submitted from Myoangooe AA-A h1 so it won't appear on the above distances page (wasn't going to backtrack this expedition for it).

Edit3: Been working on the NE quad. Lots of new systems on the fringe. Still not as many missing as were in the NW quad. All systems have been entered into EDSM and first distance added.

Missing NE Quadrant 0/-1 Sector List
Dreeckea AA-A d0
Myeia Theia MX-U d2-0
Hyia Eork FC-C d0
Syrou Thaa TY-S d3-0
Syroe Eop DM-C d0
Freckea FR-N d6-0
Stree Eop UQ-T d4-0
Swierao IA-A d0
Nuwhoe CW-C d0
Pyraei Euq FL-P d5-0
Nuwee UD-Z d1-0
Swieruae DW-E d11-0
Pyrue Dryiae TN-B d0
Iockarm TP-V d3-0
Chu Theia HR-N d6-0
Slawoae KC-D d12-0
Iockar VF-L d9-0
Choo Eohn DW-U d3-0
Pyruia Thua GG-Y d0
Pyriae Eohn WV-C d0
Pyrea Thua FI-B d13-0
Pyre Eohn JW-C d0
Chie Eurk OA-A d0
Cha Drye PD-Z d1-0
Syneayuae QI-B d13-0
Choo Drye WP-M d8-0
Bya Auwsy GA-A d0
Euqaisps CR-C d0
Byoo Auwsy LW-E d11-0
Graei Prau TC-C d0
Plae Chroa NA-A d0
Flyue Blao VJ-X d2-0
Preou Chroa JA-A d0
Throtoi VA-L d9-0
Plooe Broae IG-Y d0
Prewoe FX-A d1-0
Pryuff WU-M d8-0
Essap DI-Q d6-0
Prie Brou TI-B d13-0
Pra Byoea HS-H d11-0
Truetchio PG-Y d0
Eogarg JX-A d1-0
Eogal SC-C d0
Cyitchoae PA-A d0
Grie Blao XJ-X d2-0
Blaea Brou PO-Z d13-0
Bloo Byio MO-F d12-0
Qauthi FG-F d11-0
Hyphiemoe GA-A d0
Ployaa BR-C d0
Hyphielee OR-N d6-0
Greou Byio AQ-V d3-0
Hyphieleau GQ-G d10-0
Grie Byio QF-C d14-0
Myliengoae CA-A d0
Grairie CX-A d1-0
Hypeae Broo MG-Y d0
Hypeia Gruia GC-B d1-0
Phue Broo GA-A d0
Phroo Gruia BW-C d0
Byeethia OI-K d8-0
Bleerae PU-M d8-0
Prea Flaae IM-W d1-0
Hoorio QA-U d4-0
Ploo Fruia HI-B d13-0
Flye Pre GK-C d14-0
Prea Fruia TJ-I d9-0
Pre Pre LU-M d8-0
Blaei Flaae PS-U d2-0
Roefi GI-Z d1-0
Braitea BA-A d0
Pyrue Drye Gl-X d1-0
Nuwaae IM-U d3-0
Chae Drye WT-R d4-0
Chooe Drye UI-T d3-0
Rhoolue KR-V d2-0
Chooe Dryiae HC-T d4-0
Pyrue Eohn YO-R d4-0
Pyrai Eohn QD-S d4-0
Slaiyu DB-V d3-0
Bleou Bre XK-V d3-0
Bla Byoe AA-Q d5-0
Qauthuae ST-Q d5-0
Grea Bluae BV-P d5-0
Grie Bli FR-M d7-0
Greou Bli EW-U d3-0
Eogargh QT-Q d5-0
Proo Byoea NS-S d4-0
Prie Broae IN-R d5-0
Pra Byio UY-R d4-0
Tyroersts ID-Q d6-0
Flya Byoea KS-S d4-0
Flya Blao RI-T d3-0
Striechuia HR-V d2-0
Plooe Chruia TO-Q d5-0
Flyai Bli RJ-P d6-0
Byooe Auwsy VU-V d3-0
Euqaisks RN-T d3-0
Bleia Byoea QS-T d3-0
Bya Aoc MT-P d6-0
Roefiae US-U d2-0
Roefou QT-Q d5-0
Cyaumaei AA-Q d5-0
Flyai Prao MM-W d1-0
Joorau YA-U d4-0
Prai Flyao XY-S d3-0
Bleeraa GL-P d5-0
Tegnoae GL-P d5-0
Braisu GL-P d5-0
Braisi UI-T d3-0
Braisuae OX-L d7-0
Lyaisu IT-O d7-0
Braisou GL-P d5-0
Spasou GL-P d5-0
Loijiae YA-U d4-0
Hypoi Bli WD-T d3-0
Loijoae FC-S d5-0
Hypoea Blao GL-P d5-0
Phrua Blao GL-P d5-0
Phreia Bli AA-A h44
Kyloopeia YA-U d4-0
Assaipy YA-U d4-0
Assaibb YA-U d4-0
Hypua Byoe GL-P d5-0
Hypua Greou NJ-P d6-0
Hypoea Byio GL-P d5-0
Myiesou GL-P d5-0
Phrua Byoea GL-P d5-0
Wegnoe EH-S d5-0
Phoo Briae YM-M c10-0
Phrooe Byoe GL-P d5-0
Pha Briae YA-U d4-0
Plooe Aowsy YA-U d4-0
Prue Flyi GL-P d5-0
Goorea XD-T d3-0
Byeethao YA-U d4-0
Dryignaa CV-P d5-0
Prie Auscs XL-J d10-0
Pria Auscs ZF-V d3-0
Uctaisps GL-P d5-0
Blooe Flyao ZZ-P d5-0
Bleou Aowsy GL-P d5-0
Roefoo EB-O d6-0
Chraichio XO-R d4-0
Glaicho JD-Q d6-0
Glaichau GL-P d5-0
Grea Flyi TI-T d3-0
Byoo Aowsy CR-T d4-0
Blooe Prao GL-P d5-0
Grea Pri FB-O d6-0
Fachuia AA-Q d5-0
Bleou Aub TZ-N d7-0
Fachoa ZT-R d4-0
Oupaivvy UZ-N d7-0
Eupaild QY-R d4-0
Hyiechou IS-R d5-0
Striechaea MH-M d7-0
Braisa GL-P d5-0
Braisue GL-P d5-0
Myiesooe GL-P d5-0
Hyuquia GL-P d5-0
Phrua Byoe GL-P d5-0
Tegnoea GL-P d5-0
Flyoo Flyuae GL-P d5-0
Pleia Aoscs YA-U d4-0
Bleetheou GL-P d5-0
Byeethue YA-U d4-0
Joora YA-U d4-0
Gooro GL-P d5-0
Joorooe CH-S d5-0
Goorau GL-P d5-0
Dryiqoa GL-P d5-0
Cyoangoe GL-P d5-0
Proo Pruae GL-P d5-0
Eactaild YA-U d4-0
Roefoi GL-P d5-0
Bla Flyuae GL-P d5-0
Graei Pruae GL-P d5-0
Flyoo Bluae GL-P d5-0
Proo Bluae GL-P d5-0
Prie Bre CR-T d4-0
Essard VI-T d3-0
Bloo Blou AA-Q d5-0
Greou Blou UI-T d3-0
Euqaippy JH-U d3-0
Blooe Byoea DH-C d0
Plae Broae IW-E d11-0
Syroae Thua AA-A d0
Missing NE Quadrant 0/-1 Sector Progress
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Happy New Year - and it's time for the monthly map update. 5.5 million systems now have known coordinates (for 706 Mb of EDSM download...)
Hovering a sector name will now give a pop-up display showing the number of known systems, the boundary coordinates for the sector, and any known subsectors.

The impressive trilateration work by Redfox, Thadius and others has paid off and we now have sector names for most of the - largely unexplored - North Western quadrant. With the NE and SW quadrants also prepared for trilateration, we should have a full picture of the extent of the galaxy by February's update.

The Shepard expedition progress continues, with a line of gold now stretching up at around +10-15 X, forming an inner track to the Sag-Carina expedition. Their progress may be masked for a little while as they enter the regions near Beagle Point.
Sweet. Looking good on progress.

My heart dropped a little when I saw the lack of holes in the SE quad, but then I compared it to my spreadsheet and noticed that there weren't that many sectors with nothing in both 0/-1 to begin with so I haven't been wasting my time. Phew! Once those trilaterations finish, we should be set up for quite a few more fringe systems that are yet-unreachable by ships. Same deal for the NE quad.

I have quite a few systems ready to go for trilat in +1/-2 layers for both quads (e.g., if I was already looking for trilate systems in 0/-1, might as well fly a few ly up/down in y direction to snag them while I was at it), but I'm been holding back on posting them until the previous two and SW are done. I expect I'll probably have SW 0/-1 trilat lists posted and trilat'd before the Feb parse swings around.
If this does help ... An updated version of Jackie Silver's one, still have plane-1 unmapped and plane-2 in the works, I should have that done in a week or two:
Thanks for this! I've been playing around with it and the ELW list, and I noticed that the galaxy map search has some bugs: there are regions which do exist, but won't return a search result if searched with the region name only. For example, Ood Fleau (where Ood Fleau WE-R d4-0 has an ELW) or Droesky (where Droesky ZV-E d11-1 has one too). Searching for the region name with a letter added (for example, "Droesky A" instead of "Droesky") will return results though.

Also, a small error: plane+1!AT41 is missing its value.
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Thanks for this! I've been playing around with it and the ELW list, and I noticed that the galaxy map search has some bugs: there are regions which do exist, but won't return a search result if searched with the region name only. For example, Ood Fleau (where Ood Fleau WE-R d4-0 has an ELW) or Droesky (where Droesky ZV-E d11-1 has one too). Searching for the region name with a letter added (for example, "Droesky A" instead of "Droesky") will return results though.

Also, a small error: plane+1!AT41 is missing its value.

Hmmmm. Gonna make things a bit more complicated then. I believe it mostly concerns extreme-fringe sectors, so once the two missing layers are finished I will do a complete re-run on every greyed sectors, there must probably be more d-masscode sectors around, which would perfectly make sense in regards of the density.

Also, thanks for pointing out the missing one, just corrected it !
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I love the sector map, but I miss the y-axis. Jackie Silver's spread sheet with y-axis layers gave me an idea ..... make a 3 dimensional version. From the EDSM, I counted how many systems are in each 1280x1280x1280 light year major sector. Centered in each sector is a sphere. The diameter of the sphere is based on the number of system in the sector. The color is based on the most recent update of any of the systems in that sector. RED spheres mean one of the systems was updated around January 2016 (or 3302), GREEN spheres around June, and BLUE spheres December. Obviously, the big-blue spheres are from Sol to Colonia, and the small-red spheres some of the old expeditions to the edge. The model is made with Autodesk, which has an online viewer. The link to the model is:

You can move around the model similarly to the Galaxy Map in the game. The idea to help find the "holes" and other sparsely explored areas of the EDSM.
The below are screen shots from my computer as a quick tutorial on how to use the viewer. Let me know if you have an questions or comments. I hope it's useful, but I'll be happy with just "cool."




I love the sector map, but I miss the y-axis. Jackie Silver's spread sheet with y-axis layers gave me an idea ..... make a 3 dimensional version. From the EDSM, I counted how many systems are in each 1280x1280x1280 light year major sector. Centered in each sector is a sphere. The diameter of the sphere is based on the number of system in the sector. The color is based on the most recent update of any of the systems in that sector. RED spheres mean one of the systems was updated around January 2016 (or 3302), GREEN spheres around June, and BLUE spheres December. Obviously, the big-blue spheres are from Sol to Colonia, and the small-red spheres some of the old expeditions to the edge. The model is made with Autodesk, which has an online viewer. The link to the model is:
Macklin Fox, this is brilliant! I love it. Can we talk to Finwen about this or Anthornet.
Thanks Ian for letting me tag on to your work.

Olivia - please pass on. I feel like a solution looking for a problem. The process is pretty automated now, so changing the cube size or using other variables in EDSM to plot the spheres is easy.
Been doing plenty of trilateration. Unfortunately in the bubble until we know more about our new overlords, but a progress update seems in order.

NW quadrant 0/-1 qector - 100% (202/202)
SE quadrant 0/-1 sectors - 33% (44/132)
NE quadrant 0/-1 sectors - 14% (26/188)
SW quadrant 0/-1 sectors - Not started

Edit: 17 Jan 2017 23:11 UTC


NW quadrant 0/-1 qector - 100% (202/202)
SE quadrant 0/-1 sectors - 100% (132/132)
NE quadrant 0/-1 sectors - 17% (32/188)
SW quadrant 0/-1 sectors - Not started

Edit: 28 Jan 2017 20:22 UTC


NW quadrant 0/-1 qector - 100% (202/202)
SE quadrant 0/-1 sectors - 100% (132/132)
NE quadrant 0/-1 sectors - 60% (113/188)
SW quadrant 0/-1 sectors - Not started

Will be submitting more distances today and tomorrow to the NE quadrant to try to get it filled out before the map regens on the 1st. :)

Edit: 30 Jan 2017 05:23 UTC


NW quadrant 0/-1 qector - 100% (202/202)
SE quadrant 0/-1 sectors - 100% (132/132)
NE quadrant 0/-1 sectors - 87% (163/188)
SW quadrant 0/-1 sectors - Not started
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Edit: 30 Jan 2017 05:23 UTC


NW quadrant 0/-1 qector - 100% (202/202)
SE quadrant 0/-1 sectors - 100% (132/132)
NE quadrant 0/-1 sectors - 87% (163/188)
SW quadrant 0/-1 sectors - Not started

Only 10 systems left in NE quadrant - I expect to burn through these pretty fast because I am in that quadrant right now. Would it be possible to provide a list of systems from the SW quadrant so that I can start on these as well?
Thanks herzbube for adding valuable distances from your great position!

Just finished my last (small) round of distances, and it looks like we're done! Just in time for the next monthly extract.

Thanks Thadius for looking up all those systems and adding those loads of distances!
Just submitted another round myself. Guess EDD doesn't update "Position Unknown" until you submit a distance or remove/re-add to the left pane. Woops. :)

I'll get started on the SW quad list now. Hopefully I'm not too rusty. :)
Would it be possible to provide a list of systems from the SW quadrant so that I can start on these as well?

Pushed myself a little harder than I should to crank this out tonight.

Note these are only the systems that fill the core holes in SW quadrant 0/-1 sectors. I haven't traced out the galactic edge yet, so there will be a few more in part 2. I haven't added these systems yet to EDSM yet, as I'm already late for bed. If you know how to do that, feel free, but be very cautious of a small handful of typos and invalid systems that may be lurking within (I screen these out during that process). If that's more than you care to bite off, go ahead and wait a day... I'll re-update the list before this time tomorrow when I do that.

REDACTED. See a few posts down.
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Pushed myself a little harder than I should to crank this out tonight.

Note these are only the systems that fill the core holes in SW quadrant 0/-1 sectors. I haven't traced out the galactic edge yet, so there will be a few more in part 2. I haven't added these systems yet to EDSM yet, as I'm already late for bed. If you know how to do that, feel free, but be very cautious of a small handful of typos and invalid systems that may be lurking within (I screen these out during that process). If that's more than you care to bite off, go ahead and wait a day... I'll re-update the list before this time tomorrow when I do that.

Great job! Unfortunately I haven't been able to add the new systems to EDSM, according to Anthor this is restricted to admins. Sorry, you'll have to do the work yourself.
Pushed myself a little harder than I should to crank this out tonight.

This.... this is what space-madness looks like.

CMDR, that's a huge amount of work you've invested - again. I'd +1 you, but can't anymore. I'll add the systems to EDSM tonight (if they're not in by then) and add a first round of distances, as a small contribution.
Got home ready to add systems to EDSM. Looks like one of y'all had the EDSM Curators added 165 or so systems (sectors). Patience, patience. ;)

I scoped out the galactic border for the SW quadrant. Found another 87 systems. Quite a bit of a gap in the SSW corner. I've added them to EDSM and submitted the first distance to all 252 systems, as well as redacted the previous list. Here's your new list. (Typo fixes were applied and each system was searched in the galmap)

Missing SW Quadrant 0/-1 Sector List
Keecs UO-Z d13-0
Ishie VF-C d14-0
Keewyg IO-Z d13-0
Schee Drye GK-C d14-0
Keern ST-Z d13-0
Ishaei TF-C d14-0
Keect VT-Z d13-0
Ishea UF-C d14-0
Keet PI-A d14-0
Aicond UO-Z d13-0
Phrua Dryai TK-C d14-0
Eowyg Phlai LW-E d11-0
Vild XD-K d8-0
Vinns VT-Z d13-0
Hypheed YZ-G d10-0
Phooe Ail CC-J d10-0
Bludguia BQ-V d3-0
Hypheec JA-A d0
Hypoea Eaescs MI-B d13-0
Slegae RI-K d8-0
Prue Eom JW-N d6-0
Flyue Eom DH-S d5-0
Flyue Eorg GL-P d5-0
Flya Eom GL-P d5-0
Hypaa Phroo KH-M d7-0
Hypua Phroo JW-N d6-0
Phrooe Hypeia FG-O d6-0
Flyoo Drya GL-P d5-0
Synuedie JR-N d6-0
Pra Dryoo GL-P d5-0
Pidgua MC-M d7-0
Dryooduia NY-P d6-0
Dryoodea RJ-X d2-0
Prie Eun YA-U d4-0
Pidgai BQ-O d6-0
Pidgue PX-T d3-0
Pidga PS-T d3-0
Bla Eom YU-O d6-0
Fraufe GL-P d5-0
Ovoky GL-P d5-0
Flyoo Hypoo GL-P d5-0
Zejae GL-P d5-0
Dryooe Pre GL-P d5-0
Ridgaa NI-R d5-0
Ridgoi LX-S d4-0
Praei Eun HC-T d4-0
Chraufeia LD-R d5-0
Chraufaa YA-U d4-0
Blia Euhm AG-V d3-0
Pria Phlai YA-U d4-0
Plua Ail YA-U d4-0
Pueki YA-U d4-0
Ploadeae YA-U d4-0
Dryo Freau YA-U d4-0
Eock Ble GL-P d5-0
Eolls Ble GL-P d5-0
Eock Blai GL-P d5-0
Dryeia Blai GL-P d5-0
Eok Graae GL-P d5-0
Eorld Graae WT-R d4-0
Scaukuia GQ-P d5-0
Phroea Flyou EW-M d7-0
Spleedaea CA-Q d5-0
Phroi Flyoae GL-P d5-0
Wembu GL-P d5-0
Spleedea GL-P d5-0
Cumbuae YA-U d4-0
Dryaa Proae GL-P d5-0
Dryoi Prou GL-P d5-0
Eolls Pre GL-P d5-0
Loihaae GL-P d5-0
Loihaei UN-T d3-0
Dryoea Flyou WT-R d4-0
Dryoi Flyoae GL-P d5-0
Dryaa Flyoae GL-P d5-0
Lyamboi GL-P d5-0
Dryeia Flye GL-P d5-0
Dryau Fraae YA-U d4-0
Dryo Fruia YA-U d4-0
Eocs Fruia YA-U d4-0
Rhiefue YA-U d4-0
Eephonth GR-M d7-0
Eorld Flyoae GL-P d5-0
Eephaiscs GL-P d5-0
Gria Eaewsy GL-P d5-0
Boerds GL-P d5-0
Gru Eaewsy VY-R d4-0
Blua Eaewsy EL-O d6-0
Bleia Eaescs GL-P d5-0
Phoadou GL-P d5-0
Phoaduae GL-P d5-0
Blooe Phroo GL-P d5-0
Phoadao GL-P d5-0
Blooe Eaeb GL-P d5-0
Eiphain YA-U d4-0
Eisholt YA-U d4-0
Blu Airg YA-U d4-0
Graei Hypeia GL-P d5-0
Grie Hypae GL-P d5-0
Greou Hypeia GL-P d5-0
Grie Hypeia GL-P d5-0
Stuekeau GL-P d5-0
Graea Hypooe GL-P d5-0
Clookio IW-N d6-0
Clookoea GL-P d5-0
Blae Hypoo GL-P d5-0
Blooe Hypeia GL-P d5-0
Clookeia GL-P d5-0
Clookae GL-P d5-0
Clookoo GL-P d5-0
Lyrueld YA-U d4-0
Blu Phlai YA-U d4-0
Crooke YA-U d4-0
Zejoi GL-P d5-0
Pra Eaeb GL-P d5-0
Zejio GL-P d5-0
Pra Phroo MC-M d7-0
Proo Phroo YT-R d4-0
Prae Eaewsy GL-P d5-0
Prooe Eaescs GL-P d5-0
Prae Eaescs GL-P d5-0
Dehoea GL-P d5-0
Flyae Eaewsy GL-P d5-0
Deheia DV-P d5-0
Dehae GL-P d5-0
Flya Eaeb GL-P d5-0
Prie Aick MO-O d7-0
Eofaills LN-R d5-0
Eofaird YA-U d4-0
Plaa Ail YA-U d4-0
Pra Hypae GL-P d5-0
Proo Hypae GL-P d5-0
Pra Hypeia JM-M d7-0
Shruelch GL-P d5-0
Shruews GL-P d5-0
Ovopp IW-N d6-0
Ovoft GL-P d5-0
Ovoks GL-P d5-0
Flyoo Hypae FG-O d6-0
Gria Dryai GL-P d5-0
Whoifa KR-N d6-0
Gria Dryue AA-Q d5-0
Pria Phlue CH-S d5-0
Praea Phlai YA-U d4-0
Thraijee YA-U d4-0
Stralee EC-S d5-0
Blae Dryue WJ-Q d5-0
Oemolk IW-N d6-0
Oemoll BK-R d4-0
Blooe Dryoo GL-P d5-0
Iohownst GL-P d5-0
Gria Eohm GB-O d6-0
Iohoph GR-M d7-0
Blae Eohm EQ-P d5-0
Blooe Eorg GL-P d5-0
Fraufae GL-P d5-0
Blaea Eun YA-U d4-0
Blia Thoe YA-U d4-0
Blua Hypoo FW-M d7-0
Preia Eaewsy JC-L d8-0
Fraufa GL-P d5-0
Fraufaa PN-S d4-0
Dryooe Hypae NT-F d12-0
Dryae Hypae TF-C d14-0
Eol Phroo QT-O d7-0
Dryae Phroo GZ-D d13-0
Schafo TT-Z d13-0
Syroidie PD-Z d1-0
Syroidia RK-C d14-0
Hypoi Phroo QD-Z d1-0
Hypoea Phroo CM-J d10-0
Phraa Eaewsy RZ-D d13-0
Flyooe Eohm FC-S d5-0
Sledgie FH-J d10-0
Prae Eohm SJ-X d2-0
Graed TC-M d7-0
Spongai IN-B d13-0
Trafaei ME-E d13-0
Myoiduae QI-B d13-0
Hypi Aick XD-K d8-0
Bludgo DK-I d9-0
Plaa Thoi BF-R d4-0
Gegi HQ-G d10-0
Pru Thoi VD-T d3-0
Eochosty RT-O d7-0
Cyuefoo JF-R d4-0
Synuedo BB-L d9-0
Pidgio CH-S d5-0
Blo Thoi BQ-G d10-0
Iongobs HH-S d5-0
Oemogh OD-Z d1-0
Gru Dryai RU-V d3-0
Ovorth ZP-V d3-0
Shruey ZV-C d0
Dengee ZB-S d5-0
Bleia Eon FX-R d5-0
Blua Eohm DM-J d10-0
Dryoodao UX-L d7-0
Cyuefa DA-A d0
Rifaei KA-A d0
Rifeou LW-E d11-0
Plio Aeb BL-P d5-0
Bleae Thoea CV-P d5-0
Preia Eaescs GY-F d12-0
Zehie HS-H d11-0
Phoaphs XO-X d2-0
Stuekie NN-Q d6-0
Boests OO-O d7-0
Eephogy EN-Q d6-0
Lyanuia ZV-C d0
Loihia MC-B d1-0
Ainaihm CC-B d1-0
Schee Flyoae II-Z d1-0
Scheau Flyoae DM-J d10-0
Vepou XA-U d4-0
Scheau Proae IC-B d1-0
Juemai AC-B d1-0
Spuenue CM-J d10-0
Dryaa Ble RX-A d1-0
Plio Airg AA-A d0
Pro Aeb KO-Z d13-0
Pro Ail PC-D d12-0
Dryuae Flee GH-Y d0
Phaa Fraae AA-A d0
Phraifie EZ-S d3-0
Eoch Graae LY-P d6-0
Eambaisys CR-T d4-0
Dryio Bliae EC-S d5-0
Styux EM-T d4-0
Hypuehi AW-T d4-0
Hypuehao QE-O d7-0
Jueme IS-R d5-0
Groomia BG-V d3-0
Phroea Flyoae KN-R d5-0
Dryio Prou KX-S d4-0
Eord Proae KN-R d5-0
Boesys EM-T d4-0
Blua Eaescs II-Q d6-0
Nyueloae ZO-R d4-0
Eorl Chrie HW-N d6-0
Phraifaei HM-M d7-0
Phoi Freau HM-M d7-0
Choomeia DA-Q d5-0
Yepoea YE-Q d5-0
Neamoo UY-R d4-0
Ploanth HW-N d6-0
Stuekeou CR-T d4-0
Blo Phlai AK-R d4-0
Myreasp VP-V d3-0
Nyueliae SI-B d13-0
Pleia Aick RE-O d7-0
Fraufaa AV-O d6-0
Missing SW Quadrant 0/-1 Progress


February map seems to be up and parsed. Thanks again, OP! Boy, this data is getting a lot closer to completion. Still a long way to go, but wow, the last two months have drastically changed it! I have another 330 +1/-2 sectors already searched and ready (was more efficient to look them up while I was doing +0/-1 than to come back later), and I'll put up a list for anybody that isn't burned out with trilat when we get to that point. :)
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