Map of the entire roster by (approximate) animal distribution

Thinking about this, I got to thinking about the most notable land animal omission of each of the 6 species rich continents. It may not always be the most popularly requested, but what's probably the highest profile animal missing.

North America - American Black Bear - with the Raccoon in the game, I don't think there's even debate anymore. It's not the most popularly requested, which would be the Wolverine, but it's certainly more higher profile and well known.

South America - A Sloth of some species. Again, not the most highly requested animal from the continent, but probably the most recognizable.

Africa - Several to choose from here, particularly the Red River Hog and and Old World Porcupine. They're both common in zoos but one's a staple and the other is probably more generally recognized. There's also the Dromedary. However, I'm choosing neither in place of the African Leopard. Do we need it - IMO no. But as the remaining animal from Africa's "Big 5" it seems to probably be the logical choice, if not actually very highly requested.

Europe - This is a tough one. I want to put the Wolverine, but I'm excluding it from all of this since it's found on 3 continents. I'd probably go with the Red Deer, but there's other possibilities - Wild Boar, Eurasian Brown Bear, Eurasian Otter, etc.

Asia - A species of Cobra, either Indian or King. It's weird including what would be an exhibit animal, but they're still a land animal that would be able to be included with game mechanics we have now. It's also one of the most well known snakes, and is still surprising to me in its omission.

Australia/Oceania - Emu. As with most of the continents, not the most popularly requested but I'd say it's probably the most well known of the missing Oceanian animals.

These are all just in my opinion of course, but I do think they're the case. It's interesting to me how with all of the continents except maybe Europe and Asia the most requested is not the highest profile missing animals. And Asia is debatable since the exhibit and habitat animals aren't on the same request list, but I bet the Cobra would win out if they were.

Adding each of these 6 and a runner up from each continent would likely give us what's really highly notably missing. Of course, that doesn't do anything to fill in that gap of North Africa/Middle East Asia, so the distribution representation doesn't really change all that much. Africa of course, still needing more than that, but Africa's unique in terms of zoo animal representation - it could both have the most animals, and still "need" the most animals, at the same time.
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Thinking about this, I got to thinking about the most notable land animal omission of each of the 6 species rich continents. It may not always be the most popularly requested, but what's probably the highest profile animal missing.

North America - American Black Bear - with the Raccoon in the game, I don't think there's even debate anymore. It's not the most popularly requested, which would be the Wolverine, but it's certainly more higher profile and well known.

South America - A Sloth of some species. Again, not the most highly requested animal from the continent, but probably the most recognizable.

Africa - Several to choose from here, particularly the Red River Hog and and Old World Porcupine. They're both common in zoos but one's a staple and the other is probably more generally recognized. There's also the Dromedary. However, I'm choosing neither in place of the African Leopard. Do we need it - IMO no. But as the remaining animal from Africa's "Big 5" it seems to probably be the logical choice, if not actually very highly requested.

Europe - This is a tough one. I want to put the Wolverine, but I'm excluding it from all of this since it's found on 3 continents. I'd probably go with the Red Deer, but there's other possibilities - Wild Boar, Eurasian Brown Bear, Eurasian Otter, etc.

Asia - A species of Cobra, either Indian or King. It's weird including what would be an exhibit animal, but they're still a land animal that would be able to be included with game mechanics we have now. It's also one of the most well known snakes, and is still surprising to me in its omission.

Australia/Oceania - Emu. As with most of the continents, not the most popularly requested but I'd say it's probably the most well known of the missing Oceanian animals.

These are all just in my opinion of course, but I do think they're the case. It's interesting to me how with all of the continents except maybe Europe and Asia the most requested is not the highest profile missing animals. And Asia is debatable since the exhibit and habitat animals aren't on the same request list, but I bet the Cobra would win out if they were.

Adding each of these 6 and a runner up from each continent would likely give us what's really highly notably missing. Of course, that doesn't do anything to fill in that gap of North Africa/Middle East Asia, so the distribution representation doesn't really change all that much.
Tbh the only two actual high profile animals here are the emu and sloth.
Like comeone, african leopard?
The highest profile animal without a doubt from africa is the dromedary, but the fossa, honey badger, aye aye and a baboon are leagues above the leopard.
For asia the cobra isnt a bad pick, but animals like the yak, rhesus macaque and even the zebu are atleast as well known, even if its just known as indias most common road block.
NA and europe both arnt bad, but both get easily trumphed by one if not multiple birds.
Turkeys are easily among north americas most well known animal if not the most, while the duck, mute swan and stork all are not just common but also iconic species.
Especally the stork is a common part of folklore, be it as the wise (or sometimes also very unwise if talking with the fox) adebar or the bringer of babys.

Ofcourse theres a lot of subjectivity and culture behind such stuff, for example the big 5 isnt a big term in europe, as hunting exotic and endangerd animals has thankfully been seen as very negative (exept the uk it seems like), meanwhile fables and fairytales often feature many animals that became very recogniseable that way for many people.
Afterall things like the cunning fox, the evil/mean wolf, the lazy bear or the majestic stag are all associations from old folkstales and fairy tails.
Thinking about this, I got to thinking about the most notable land animal omission of each of the 6 species rich continents. It may not always be the most popularly requested, but what's probably the highest profile animal missing.

North America - American Black Bear - with the Raccoon in the game, I don't think there's even debate anymore. It's not the most popularly requested, which would be the Wolverine, but it's certainly more higher profile and well known.

South America - A Sloth of some species. Again, not the most highly requested animal from the continent, but probably the most recognizable.

Africa - Several to choose from here, particularly the Red River Hog and and Old World Porcupine. They're both common in zoos but one's a staple and the other is probably more generally recognized. There's also the Dromedary. However, I'm choosing neither in place of the African Leopard. Do we need it - IMO no. But as the remaining animal from Africa's "Big 5" it seems to probably be the logical choice, if not actually very highly requested.

Europe - This is a tough one. I want to put the Wolverine, but I'm excluding it from all of this since it's found on 3 continents. I'd probably go with the Red Deer, but there's other possibilities - Wild Boar, Eurasian Brown Bear, Eurasian Otter, etc.

Asia - A species of Cobra, either Indian or King. It's weird including what would be an exhibit animal, but they're still a land animal that would be able to be included with game mechanics we have now. It's also one of the most well known snakes, and is still surprising to me in its omission.

Australia/Oceania - Emu. As with most of the continents, not the most popularly requested but I'd say it's probably the most well known of the missing Oceanian animals.

These are all just in my opinion of course, but I do think they're the case. It's interesting to me how with all of the continents except maybe Europe and Asia the most requested is not the highest profile missing animals. And Asia is debatable since the exhibit and habitat animals aren't on the same request list, but I bet the Cobra would win out if they were.

Adding each of these 6 and a runner up from each continent would likely give us what's really highly notably missing. Of course, that doesn't do anything to fill in that gap of North Africa/Middle East Asia, so the distribution representation doesn't really change all that much. Africa of course, still needing more than that, but Africa's unique in terms of zoo animal representation - it could both have the most animals, and still "need" the most animals, at the same time.
The emu and sloth are high profile, but I don't think picking a "lead" for every continent is sufficient in most cases.

In australia it works with the emu, but for the rest not so much.

Europe has the bases covered, and what's left isn't really as high priority as other regions.

Asia and Africa are both pretty much complete when it comes to major animals, with the most obvious lack being the dromedary, and a lot more lower profile animals would be welcome above the leopard, like baboon, crowned crane, red river hog, and so on.

North America is way overrepresented compared to it's biodiversity, and which animal is the most lacking is subjective. For the US it may be the ABB, but for Canada there are high profile gaps in the wolverine, muskox and walrus. Plus of course the bald eagle if birds are on the table.

And for South America we could go on listing missing animals for days due to missing nearly all small to medium size animals.
North America isnt overrepresented, it just reached peak performance and the ideal state of tranquility before south america and oceania managed to reach passable.
I agree that the priority was a weird choice, but in the end its really not that america has to much, people are just salty that it got much more then other regions that needed it more.
Which is fair, but that doesnt make the good north american selection undeserved or bad, just weird
North America isnt overrepresented, it just reached peak performance and the ideal state of tranquility before south america and oceania managed to reach passable.
I agree that the priority was a weird choice, but in the end its really not that america has to much, people are just salty that it got much more then other regions that needed it more.
Which is fair, but that doesnt make the good north american selection undeserved or bad, just weird
You must admit it's funny we got a bunch of common roadkill animals in NA before even covering the bases of Oceania and SA.
It is, but it isnt bad, just weird.
Its good that these animals are in the game and really add something new for na + mr worldwide across half the globe as smaller animals, which are lacking, but at the same time a blue war Veteran would improve the game more with his presence then these three together.
Doesnt make them bad though, still good if not great additions, but when you compare an 8/10 to something like monke/10 or emu/10, they can feel a bit lacking.
You all raise some really good points, and I totally acknowledge that when we consider the "big wants" or "most important/high profile/etc" animals that there's some subjectivity, and everyone's opinion.. That said...I just don't agree that the Zebu is as well known as a cobra. But as I say, everyone has their opinions on that sort of thing, and as long as it's not completely ludicrous -like saying an elephant is not a necessary zoo animal or something along that line - everyone's opinion is equal in value and right for that person.
It is, but it isnt bad, just weird.
Its good that these animals are in the game and really add something new for na + mr worldwide across half the globe as smaller animals, which are lacking, but at the same time a blue war Veteran would improve the game more with his presence then these three together.
Doesnt make them bad though, still good if not great additions, but when you compare an 8/10 to something like monke/10 or emu/10, they can feel a bit lacking.
Blue war veteran?
It is, but it isnt bad, just weird.
Its good that these animals are in the game and really add something new for na + mr worldwide across half the globe as smaller animals, which are lacking, but at the same time a blue war Veteran would improve the game more with his presence then these three together.
Doesnt make them bad though, still good if not great additions, but when you compare an 8/10 to something like monke/10 or emu/10, they can feel a bit lacking.
Also, while not bad animals by themselves, I feel like the fox, raccoon, and skunk wasted precious spots in what was practically the nocturnal pack, and now many more exotic animals which only fit a nocturnal theme (like Aye-ayes, Galagos, Lorises...) had their chance of ever being in the game majorly reduced.
You must admit it's funny we got a bunch of common roadkill animals in NA before even covering the bases of Oceania and SA.
Let’s add to the roadkill jamboree! NA’s only marsupial! The Virginia Opossum will be added in NA pack 4: electric boogaloo! (Unironically I’d find the opposum cool, just definitely not a priority)
I'd be totally fine if the American black bear is the only NA species we get from here on out. I'd welcome more, but at this point we certainly don't need more beyond the bear.
TBH I don't want any more bears except maybe the spectacled bear due to its unique continent.
I understand that but the ABB is a necessity due to it’s almost universal presence in NA zoos. At that point we should just complete the last three bears like people were so obsessed for the big cats
That's 3 dlc slots nearly wasted imo, unlike the one slot for the leopard.
TBH I don't want any more bears except maybe the spectacled bear due to its unique continent.
While i understand, the ABB deserves to be in the game not because we need all the bears or something, but because all the american players agree that its the last missing core animal for their lower budget zoos, which is a really good reason to want it.
Afterall, thats also the main reason for people wanting the red deer, wild boar or kiwi, as all three of them are borderline if not completly needed for their local zoos.
Im honestly at a point where i dont care about the bears, either they will be completed or they wont be, but when both the spectacled and ABB have really good reasons to be in the game, i dont see why not.
The only one that would feel wasted is the sloth bear as its just not smooth sunbear and with the by far lowest captive presence of all bears, but even then id much rather have them for completion sake then the jaguar, as they atleast look unique
Or maybe add some birds or monkeys instead. They are also universal in zoos around the world.
I agree and I know slots are limited but why must we act like it’s one or the other? People all across the world ask for animals from their corner of the world and I just would like to also ask for the American black bear. My desire for them doesn’t change what frontier will or won’t do. I really like bears….. and monkeys and birds and I really want them all. I even said SA should be a priority earlier.
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