More storage in trade center

Actually, the only load that happens on a system is your own. The market is supplied by Frontier, so therefore can very well be generated by your own system, and likely is since you can play in offline mode when server maintenance happens without hassle. However in Sandbox you do have unlimited cash and CC to play with so you can just create habitats for the extra animals.

From my experience you cannot play franchise while offline. For me it always stays at the esc. menu until it is back online, so the amount of animals on market would increase and would likely create more strain on the market. It already is far from optimized so I'd be against anything that even has the slightest effect on it to make it even worse than it is.
Each of my zoos (3 in franchise), have at least two exhibits for each species. A main habitat and a retirement area. I play like every species is endangered, and therefore I can't 'waste' any genetics, which means the only animals I purchase are for breeding. No 'filler' animals, unless they're born in my zoo. At least 10% of all animals born in my zoo have to be released to the wild and those released have to have the best genetics I have, save the breeding stock. Since I have to conserve all genetics, I keep one female (or male, if that's all I got from the mother or if he has really good genes). I also keep spreadsheets with family trees, so every offspring born in my zoo can be traced back to the original starting animals I purchased. Despite this way of playing, I don't normally have any tons of any one species in the trade center, because I sell or release them, or transfer them to another zoo, and only allow myself 1-2 of each species in the trade center.

However, my trade center is ALWAYS overflowing, because: 50 Species of animals in the game, even if you have 1 each in there, that's your trade center capacity. I keep 1-2 backups in case something catastrophic happens to my breeding stock. Or you need a fresh male or whatever. Now, I could open a storage zoo... I did try at one point. But, call me lazy, it seemed like SO much hassle to 1) put my animals in the trade center, 2) load the other zoo, 3) build an exhibit, 4) place the animals, 5) load back into my playable zoo, 6) 10 min later I need a different animal so I 7) load back into the storage zoo, 8) Repeat, repeat, repeat... And then you have to write down the genetics and figure it out on paper who's a good match for who... I just found it too tedious and immersion breaking. And then I tried quarantines for storage, but 1) the guests protest that, and 2) you can't see the animals genetics while they're in there.

I agree we shouldn't have unlimited storage, but I personally don't find 2 slots for each species excessive, instead of the 1 we currently have.
I'd also appreciate more space in the trade center since it's really not enough when you reach a certain amount of zoos and breeding programms, and at the moment it is the only way to manage those without endlessly jumping between parks...I mean if we had better tools to manage animals and their transport all over our zoos e.g. through animal lists for all our zoos that we can access no matter which zoo we're currently at or even just the option to jump quickly from park to park like we can do in the JWE campaign it'd be different, but yeah, as it is now it's just tedious and takes ages. And while you can set the aging to 5, the animals will still grow older everytime you enter the park and wait for the new animals to be placed, so if you have to do it a lot (which we do) they'll still reach old age or even die sooner or later.

Maybe an overhaul to the whole TC system wouldn't be bad either, like you could split it up into three categories:

Bought animals: Those we got on the market but can't place into their new habitat just yet, maybe 10-20 slots (you wouldn't be able to place any animals here again after they've been put in one of your zoos)

Animals up for sale: Pretty self explanatory, here go all the animals you wanna sell, maybe 30-50 slots (as soon as you put one here you'll have to enter a price and it'll go up for sale, when the time's up or you cancle it, it'll go back to your zoo so this one can't be used as storage either)

Animals ready for transport or something like that: This is where your breeding stock would go so they can await their transport to another habitat or zoo, maybe 50-70

I'm pretty sure that'd already go a long way in solving the storage problem a lot of have because that way the animals would be split up into the three categories that currently all run together in one and the same tab, meaning that's almost always full for many of us.

Another possibility I like is turning it into kind of a CC-sink where you can buy more space for more and more cc the more zoos you open. It'd give players another incentive to open more zoos and also add more use for all the CCs I'm sure lots of us have by now.

Because in Sandbox you have Infinite cash and CC to play with, so can build as many habitats as you want without having any issues.

Have to disagree with you there. Not all of us play sandbox like that and you can change a lot of things to create a setting you like to play in, including limited money and CC with a full economy and all that comes with it, as well as animals welfare and staff and visitor needs. So I wouldn't say it doesn't matter because I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who like to manage their zoos in sandbox exactly the same way they would in challenge or franchise mode, minus the challenges and online market.
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