Horizons My rant about people ranting about horizons/horizons pricing

I am of the opinion that Horizons was more than a little rushed, and that the value is not sufficient at the current price point as of right now. "Bare bones" and "placeholder" were replaced in the FDEV lexicon with "gameplay" and "complete", without adding more depth to the experience.

Horizons may look like the bargain of the century in 6 months, but we have no way of knowing that. We saw the FDEV chefs farting about in the kitchen with side dishes like Powerplay and CQC, and neglecting to add much more subtance to the main meal. It didn't fill one with confidence that they won't do the same thing again this year, and leave us with a thin soup and a cordon bleu pricetag.

I may be unfair, however. The basic ingredients may have just taken a bit longer to prepare than originally planned, and maybe we are all due to see the whole meal come together in a spectacular way. I hope so, because other establishments are preparing to open their doors. Some might serve up raw ingredients to the gullible, others might be happy to shovel colourful junk food into people's faces, but between them all they could ensure that few are left hungry enough to come back to La Frontière for dessert.
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I blame society, where rediculous and serial complaining has become acceptable.
welcome to teh internetz :(

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I am of the opinion that Horizons was more than a little rushed, and that the value is not sufficient at the current price point as of right now.
Judging the value of a Season Pass using only the first bit of content seems very unreasonable, although I do agree Horizons was rushed.
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Judging the value of a Season Pass using only the first bit of content seems very unreasonable, although I do agree Horizons was rushed.

I think I gave adequate reasoning behind that statement in the longer bit that you didn't quote.
exactly...too many folk don't understand beta expansion early access is dearer as you have to pay for all the extra bug fixing. If nobody pays for early access of beta updates, it'll just take longer to appear, and then folk will moan 'there's no content!' etc.

I blame individuals.

Well ED won't really be 'finished' I expect, for a long time, given yearly advances in space understanding.

Is it possible to have a sandbox where those taking part provide most of the 'sand'?

Well I guess I'm one of those people. I understand Beta. I understand expansion. I understand beta testing an expansion before release but for the life of me I don't understand beta expansion which somehow comes after beta and after 2.0 full release but somehow jumps back to Alpha early access!
I am of the opinion that Horizons was more than a little rushed, and that the value is not sufficient at the current price point as of right now. "Bare bones" and "placeholder" were replaced in the FDEV lexicon with "gameplay" and "complete", without adding more depth to the experience.

Horizons may look like the bargain of the century in 6 months, but we have no way of knowing that. We saw the FDEV chefs farting about in the kitchen with side dishes like Powerplay and CQC, and neglecting to add much more subtance to the main meal. It didn't fill one with confidence that they won't do the same thing again this year, and leave us with a thin soup and a cordon bleu pricetag.

I may be unfair, however. The basic ingredients may have just taken a bit longer to prepare than originally planned, and maybe we are all due to see the whole meal come together in a spectacular way. I hope so, because other establishments are preparing to open their doors. Some might serve up raw ingredients to the gullible, others might be happy to shovel colourful junk food into people's faces, but between them all they could ensure that few are left hungry enough to come back to La Frontière for dessert.

Damn my game has been turned into a pavlova, your comparisons are a little tasteless, more sugar please..........all in good fun. If only - making a sophisticated computer simulation was as easy as cooking, interesting fact for you, one high quality meal at a good restaurant will cost you more than elite ever will so sorry your pancakes just don't stack up.
It's amazing how opinions can differ...

Yes... i sort of already knew that, did you know that some people don't like pavlova, now that is interesting. and in the interests of lightheartedness did you know my supermarket sells pavlova without any contents, its just a base if they had a pavlova forum i would be giving them some stick.

I apologize to the OP for the OT but i just couldn't help myself.
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The reason why these rants are spreading out, is because of the content Horizons actually offers at the moment. I'll establish something first before anyone thinks I'm in one side, though I'm rather neutral about this.

Frontier officially released Horizons already, and yes, you have the ability to land on planets, and scourge out some bases, and collect bits of resources for some upgrades. The problem is that this mostly addresses only to explorers. Everyone else, and I mean bounty hunters, smugglers, pirates, and traders, are still doing the same thing. Now, what people need to understand in their rants is that more content will be released for the game as the year progresses. As for the pricing, people are angry because it treats new players for one single price, whereas people who backed up the beta, and already have the game, get a mini discount that isn't satisfying enough. Whether you agree or not, that hurts the consumers a bit.

That is what the rants are attempting to address, and I can agree with some of those points. However, I do understand Frontier also needs the money to develop this game. They plan to develop this game for 10 years, but most likely in 2-3 years, games will already be including all these features, while Frontier will (and this is a very biased thing to say, but again, the rants) continue charging for these features. Do you see yourself playing E : D in the next 10 years? 7? 5?

Welcome to the mind of a ranter.

In any case, I enjoy E : D and what it offers, and I stand neutral on all this. But I think Frontier can work something out more to make its community more... satisfied?
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If anyone wants actual facts - Horizons is CURRENTLY the 23rd most popular game on steam, despite all the negativity, now if you hate it or dislike it stop trying to insinuate your in the majority, the masses have and continue to speak through there wallets.

I congratulate frontier for punching well above there weight well done, keep doing exactly what your doing it IS working, those who would like to attack this FACT feel free but you are simply in the minority FACT.

So remember number 23 of 100,000 games.

Remember constructive suggestions and opinions are a good thing, its just we who love the game can not agree with the doom and gloom crowd, or those that are here to plug the other games.

On a lighter note i find it hard not to look on the bright side when every time i exit super-cruise i face to face with a star.

Love you all.......well most anyway.
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Hey, FDev, give those complainers 15£/month subscription. :)

I got the Lifetime Pass, I don't pay for expansions. I hope I'm still allowed an opinion on the pricing without being subject to your arbitrary monthly fine. To be honest, if I got to have a shadow server following me around the galaxy and raising the max player cap to 64+ players or so, I'd be okay with a sub. I've said so in the past.
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Well I guess I'm one of those people. I understand Beta. I understand expansion. I understand beta testing an expansion before release but for the life of me I don't understand beta expansion which somehow comes after beta and after 2.0 full release but somehow jumps back to Alpha early access!

You do understand that if you only paid £30 for ED that development would grind to a halt? Elite came out in 84 and Frontier came out In 93, with nothing in between. Fancy going back to those sorts of timescales? Or paying a monthly sub? If we don't put up the money no one else will.

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I got the Lifetime Pass, I don't pay for expansions. I hope I'm still allowed an opinion on the pricing without being subject to your arbitrary monthly fine. To be honest, if I got to have a shadow server following me around the galaxy and raising the max player cap to 64+ players or so, I'd be okay with a sub. I've said so in the past.

You paid all the money you're ever going to pay so you want your finished product NOW! Yeah, I get it.
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How to stop all the pricing complaints?

Make everybody buy ED, the base version at full price.
Stop selling these expansions as a full package, price them much lower as extensions of the original game build.

I'm not saying that in say... season 4, an FNG should pay for ED, then season 2, 3 and 4. He'll just pay for the base game and buy season 4 to be up to date.

That way FD still earns $$ from the newcomers.
They pay once for the base version, and additional for the current episode.
And the ones who were there at the beginning would pay less per expansion, and wouldn't feel so shortchanged.
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How to stop all the pricing complaints?

Make everybody buy ED, the base version at full price.
Stop selling these expansions as a full package, price them much lower as extensions of the original game build.

I'm not saying that in say... season 4, an FNG should pay for ED, then season 2, 3 and 4. He'll just pay for the base game and buy season 4 to be up to date.

That way FD still earns $$ from the newcomers.
They pay once for the base version, and additional for the current episode.
And the ones who were there at the beginning would pay less per expansion, and wouldn't feel so shortchanged.

That model just puts less money in the pot for future development.
I bought Elite Dangerous when it was still in Beta because it was such a great concept and game + wanted to support the developers.
Yesterday I bought Elite Dangerous Horizons Beta also because I wanted to support the devolpers and thank them for this great game.
Always loved spacegames and this one is fantastic and now with planetary landings even beter. Hope in the future we also can land on planets with atmosphere and see forrest and other things.
For the rest thanks for the great game and keep it coming.
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