Newcomer / Intro Need advice on combat ship

I came to tap your immense expertise on building a combat ship, shields, weapons and handling. I'll be going after NPC's (need bounty vouchers for Mel Brandon) and I have a PC and use a very expensive xbox controller. Money is no object, I can engineer shields, weapons and thrusters. If you need more information, just let me know. Oh, I'm in the Colonia area (home base at Jaques Station).
You can use any ship you want, like a basic Sidewinder. Just go to any High RES and shoot only the ships that the police are already shooting. Gunships and Anacondas might have fighters, in which case put 4 pips to shields to tank the fighter and wait until the mothership is nearly dead before opening fire. You can get about 5 mil/hr doing that.

If you want to learn combat and make some money, without engineering. there is only one logical choice, and that's the Vulture. If you're smart, you'll be doing pirate massacre missions at the same time to get loads of cash. This is the most common unengineered Vulture build, which works very well for beginners:

The one below is better, but not necessary. When you go looking for the modules. you can mix snd match betwen he two. depending on what's available:

how and where to do the massacre missions for beginners:
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Colonia? That narrows it down a bit. Unless you can find one of the rare offers or a ship selling carrier, Jaques has pretty much the widest range of ships available. TolaGarf in Kojeara is worth looking into for the bits he's missing.
That can get you
  • Vulture
  • Fer-de-Lance/Mamba
  • either of the Kraits
in sequence of decreasing handling and increasing hitting power

Loadout choices also can be limited, especially for larger items, in Colonia - and class 3 frags are currently bugged.

But you said you could engineer, and I'm just assuming that by now the Colonia engineers can provide (or surpass) all the services of the Bubble engineers. I also assume you have no access to Guardian goodies or Powerplay weapons. So I'd still suggest a Vulture with fixed guns and engineered thrusters. The Vulture has two main shortcomings:
  • power plant: since engineering, this has become a non-issue. Especially since "armoured" would also give you an increase in power rating. With a bit of care in the remaining modules, you can run any guns you want
  • canopy. When (not if) your shields fail, NPCs will invariably shoot missiles at your canopy, which will break. Therefore, I still recommend to run the Vulture with an A-rated life support and two point defenses on the shoulder position (top left and right, just below the guns) to attempt to take out those missiles coming in from the front.
The nonexistant jump range is typical for all pure combat ships - you can get the Kraits to do both jumping and fighting, but you'll lose out on agility then. Engineering the FSD will help a bit, but then again, Colona systems are more closely packed than Bubble systems.

I've put in plasmas just to see if it works, but (long range or whatever) beam lasers will also fit within the power budget (just, if you're using beams, use thermal vent as secondary):

You should be able to pick up everything somewhere in the Colonia region - just not everything in a single place. Apart from the above couple of stations, Colonia Hub (in Colonia) is a good address for outfitting.
The Vulture is usually my recommendation for a commander's first dedicated combat whip. Robust, highly agile, easy to fly right. The hardpoints are a constant source of anxiety haha, but for the money it's really hard to beat a Vulture. You can fly circles around your target. It's the Spitfire of Elite.

This is mine

Arclight Vulture -- Knife Fighter

It['s a surprisingly great ramming ship

But for a change I'm going to go Krait II. Very capable in PvE combat, good firepower, shields, speed, agility and visibility. The optional slots give it plenty of versatility to carry a fighter or rover, pack in integrity or shield reinforcement, interdictors or collector limpets. I think it's Elite's best ship, and I have at least three of them.

This is the one I use for combat. It's what I call a combat sweeper, designed to prowl RES and CNB type instances, engaging in combat and sweeping up the mats left behind.

Poison Whiskey Krait II -- Combat Sweeper

But honestly, there are a dozen or more ships that could be the answer for the OP. It comes down to what appeals to you and also what mission profiles you aim to use it for.
I'm an explorer, I read about people complaining about being out in the black but I love it. I did unlock 4 engineers in the bubble but didn't do any guardian weapon grinds, just the FSD booster. I thought I might unlock some engineers here and I need to hand in combat bonds and I'm still rated harmless in combat.

I thank you guys for the advice, I still have my original Vulture in storage here at Jaques Station, I'll tear in to it as soon as I'm done getting these darn mats. It's much appreciated.
The Vulture is a great ship. It has its limitations, can run hot or short of power without engineering. The dual large hardpoints are both a blessing and a curse. I have never been completely satisfied with any of the many combinations I've tried in it. I have dual beams now, because yeah, why not? At least it is ammo-less.

The shields in my build are virtually impervious in PvE. And as mentioned it makes a great ramming ship. You're already in so tight flying a whirly-bird Vulture that taking out the last few points of target hull with a 'taran' is as natural as rain.

But it is a bit of a one-trick pony, that's why I call it a knife-fighter. It does combat, in tight where you're hard to track and counter. Reverski is a good way to catch a Vulture out. Mine is fast for a Vulture, but even still it's 350 four-pip cruise. That's middling. Boost at 570 is good though.

But yes, when you want a combat ship designed to grab 'em by the belt and slug it out in tight quarters it's hard to beat a Vulture. Good hunting commander.
I'm an explorer, I read about people complaining about being out in the black but I love it. I did unlock 4 engineers in the bubble but didn't do any guardian weapon grinds, just the FSD booster. I thought I might unlock some engineers here and I need to hand in combat bonds and I'm still rated harmless in combat.

I thank you guys for the advice, I still have my original Vulture in storage here at Jaques Station, I'll tear in to it as soon as I'm done getting these darn mats. It's much appreciated.
There's a resource extraction site in the rings right outside the station, where you can get bounties from pirates.
There's a resource extraction site in the rings right outside the station, where you can get bounties from pirates.
That will show up in my nav panel, correct? Doesn't it have a skull and cross bones marking it with "Dangerous"? I have so many questions, I'm such a n00b, I realize you guys are busy, thanks for the tips....... (y)
explorer myself, when I get back to bubble, I like to do some pewpew action. For that I have built two ships:
  1. FDL
  2. Python
I like the Python slightly more, because of the additional capacity to carry stuff around and the hard points... But Ive been out in the void for the past 6 months, so I cant really give you detailed analysis, because I no longer remember all the differences...

But I would go with Python for higher versatility... :)

If you click on the links above, you will see the loadout. Do not judge, I build the ships the way I like them... :)


Above is silly advice.. You need 100k for Mel. So today that is ONE kill. Two if you are unlucky
I did this with my alt four weeks ago. Got a stock Cobra and a-rated it. Slapped on two pulse and 2 MCs. 'helped' out the police in a Res site.

Profit; took like 5 minutes of shooting


Above is silly advice.. You need 100k for Mel. So today that is ONE kill. Two if you are unlucky
I did this with my alt four weeks ago. Got a stock Cobra and a-rated it. Slapped on two pulse and 2 MCs. 'helped' out the police in a Res site.

Profit; took like 5 minutes of shooting
Like I said, I'm an explorer at heart, but ya never know, you all may have just created a monster. I'm going to stick with it for a little while, get my combat rating up from harmless anyway.
That will show up in my nav panel, correct? Doesn't it have a skull and cross bones marking it with "Dangerous"? I have so many questions, I'm such a n00b, I realize you guys are busy, thanks for the tips....... (y)
Yes. From memory. it's either a high RES or a normal one. In either case there will be police there shooting the bad guys. you only have to join in with them. As said above, one kill should be enough. The bounty that comes up at the top right of your screen is not the right amount. Look at your transactions panel to get the actual.
The early ranks of combat come and go pretty quickly which is always a nice feeling as you first get into combat. After a while you’ll wonder if you’re making any progress at all! Not that you’ll need to worry about that just yet.

I completely agree regarding the Vulture, if you already have one to hand and have been exploring it’ll be a great change of pace. Get the power plant engineered to solve any potential power issues and you’ll be good to go with pretty much any build you like ( an armoured power plant has a nice balance of added power, heat reduction and the obvious armour boost.)

I drop in whatever weapons I feel like using at the time but I do enjoy Frags/Pacifiers on a Vulture for Assassination missions - they work very well alongside a little ramming - but that’s just a personal preference.

Follow @d8veh advice re following security services and shooting targets they’ve already engaged. I followed the same advice when I started out and it’s the best way to learn. I’d also add that I found targeting their target, keeping an eye on its shield and hull health and if it’s not about to imminently blow up its worth trying to get in close and use your thrusters to practice your combat positioning for a bit before backing off and getting in the final shots to ensure you pick up the bounty - that may be unnecessary for you if you‘re confident with your control, I needed the practise at the time:)
I drop in whatever weapons I feel like using at the time but I do enjoy Frags/Pacifiers on a Vulture for Assassination missions - they work very well alongside a little ramming - but that’s just a personal preference.
That is way too funny, ramming, I would never thought of that. sinisalo mentioned ramming also, does it do damage to your ship too? I am also curious about the different colors of ships on my HUD red, yellow, white and green. I don't want someone catching me at ease or shooting the wrong ships, I know you scan them as soon as you lock on. Thanks again.
That is way too funny, ramming, I would never thought of that. sinisalo mentioned ramming also, does it do damage to your ship too? I am also curious about the different colors of ships on my HUD red, yellow, white and green. I don't want someone catching me at ease or shooting the wrong ships, I know you scan them as soon as you lock on. Thanks again.
Ramming does damage your ship so needs to be done before you take too much damage, it can be hard to do on purpose in my experience. The big advantage is that if done before shots are fired it won’t register you as hostile so wingmen or security won’t attack you.

As to the HUD
Yellow are generic targets every body starts out yellow.
Green are friendly security, ie those from a faction you are friends with.
Red are ships hostile to you that will attack however that doesn’t mean they are baddies as your stray shots can turn friends hostile.
White are usually non ship targets things like missiles, beacons or jump wakes.
That is way too funny, ramming, I would never thought of that. sinisalo mentioned ramming also, does it do damage to your ship too? I am also curious about the different colors of ships on my HUD red, yellow, white and green. I don't want someone catching me at ease or shooting the wrong ships, I know you scan them as soon as you lock on. Thanks again.
As aRJay said above, ramming can be a good way to start an engagement as it doesn’t register as a hostile act if you haven’t opened fire. Some ships lend themselves to ramming, some ships make great or poor ramming targets (an Anaconda is easy to ram into whilst a Viper is fast, nimble and much harder to ram.)

If I’m attacking a pirate Corvette/Anaconda in a USS and I’m in my Corvette I know a good fast ram to start things off may even take the first shield ring down before I’ve even turned hostile. In my all Frag Cannon Chieftain I use the same tactic but then try to stick to my target like a limpet, never actually leaving them whilst repeatedly ramming, nudging and blamm’ing with my Frags. An Elite Corvette can be destroyed within just a few seconds.

I‘d stick to d8veh’s suggested tactics to start off with though - you’ll want the right ship, right target and to be using a ‘hull tank’ with good fast charge bi-weaves or you’ll likely take far too much damage to survive.
I got my first kill, an Anaconda, I took the suggestions above and waited until the System Authorities opened up. 2 Anaconda's and a Type-7, once their shields were down to 1 ring, I jumped in. We had a nice little furball going, I actually rammed 1 of the Anaconda's accidently. I got 1,788,644 Cr for the kill. Thanks for all the advice, it was great fun, I'm still shaking.
I got my first kill, an Anaconda, I took the suggestions above and waited until the System Authorities opened up. 2 Anaconda's and a Type-7, once their shields were down to 1 ring, I jumped in. We had a nice little furball going, I actually rammed 1 of the Anaconda's accidently. I got 1,788,644 Cr for the kill. Thanks for all the advice, it was great fun, I'm still shaking.
It's great to get your first taste of combat on your own terms. If you're jumping around the inhabited space, combat will be forced upon you, sooner or later (not talking about PvP, just regular mobs trying to take a piece of you). It's preferable to get the shaking and adrenaline rush out of your system prior to that, as it can greatly inhibit your ability to defend. Or run. Or do anything vaguely appropriate to the situation. :LOL:
I suspect that is the most common source of newbies' first deaths. They just freeze when they get interdicted and wake up staring at a rebuy screen.
When you know what to expect, where to check your shields, how long is an FSD cooldown, where is a boost button, how to read the radar to see your attacker and know which way to run, etc. then even if you're in a ship totally unsuitable for combat, your chance for survival is very close to 100%.

Have fun out there!
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